School Schedule?


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Jul 15, 2007
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New York
Well, I just found out I can see my schedule online tomorrow!

At my school we have "Teams" and each grade has 4 or 3 teams. If you have the same team as a friend, you share teacher therefore most likely have at least one class together. If not, you're out of luck >.< I am seriously hoping to be on the same team as one of my friends.

So, anyway, whats your school schedule?

We haven't got ours yet, but I know some of the classes. We change classes every semester for some periods. That's why there is more than one on some parts. Here is my 8th grade Schedule

Gym, Health, and Art

Early American History

9th Grade Advanced Geometry

8th grade English

French, Spanish, Developmental Reading, and Computer Class (I think.)

PSSA Math Practice and PSSA Reading Practice. (I got moved up into Sr High Band, so I might not take those.)

8th Grade Science

Middle School Band and Study Hall

I haven't got my official one yet. I'll fill you in when I get it.

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I didn't get my official schedule yet, like, with the class order and periods on it, but here's what I'm registered for:

* Honors English 10

* Honors Algebra II

* Honors Chemistry

* Honors World Cultures

* Japanese II

* Mixed Ensemble (highest level honors chorus)

* Photography & Graphic Art

I took summer Phys. Ed AND am taking an Early Bird to fit in all of my classes this year. xD

EDIT: Guess I should mention, I'm going to be a sophomore next year. (aka tenth grade) :p

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I got my schedule in the mail last week... I'm too lazy to take it out and post it though. xD I got 6/9 classes with my BFF and 9/9 (!!!) classes with my other BFF. So I'm happy.

I have my delightful form class.

We all have the following classes together-





Then we have 3 classes we choose.

I chose-


Environmental science.


Mine changes everyday but for today I haveee.

Form class D:



HPE theory

-Break; 45 minutes-



-Break; 30 minutes-


-Last bell @ 2:55-

The end.

Let's see.. For my Sophomore (10th grade year)

Algebra 1, Part 2 (Yes, I passed)

English 2


Introduction to Animation & Gaming

American Studies

Desktop & Publishing.

Not sure yet, but here's what I'm taking sophomore year.

Honors Algebra 2

Honors English 2

Honors Chemistry

WHAP (World History Advanced Placement)

French 2

Theatre 2

Theatre Tech 1

And then I'm probably taking health some time over e-school and PE and ComApps over summer.

We have different schedules each day. Actually, we don't really run by a schedule. We just run by what our teacher has planned for us to do :)

Today we had a substitute *shivers*. We had:


Poetry. xD

-Recess; 20 minute break-



-Lunch; 30 minute break-

Story time!

More mathsss.

Oh gawd, it was seriously terrible. This teacher fails.

I don't think I've had any worse teacher than her.

I don't know about next year, but last year:

8:20AM-8:30AM: Get ready for the day.

8:30AM-9AM: Reading

9AM-9:45AM: Language Arts

9:45-10AM: Snack

10AM-10:30AM: French (or Phys Ed.)

10:30AM-10:40AM: (little) Recess

10:40AM-10:45AM: get ready

10:45AM-11:45AM: Math

11:45AM-12PM: Lunch

12PM-12:25PM: (Big) Recess

12:25-1:30: Social studies (or Art)

1:30-2:30: Science or Health (or band.)

2:30: Hometime.

I don't remember the exact chronological order, but this year I'm taking;



College prep English


Spanish 1

Physical education




Hurr. Going into highschool is going to be fun.

I haven't gotten mine yet, I get mine August 11th. [The day before my birthday! (;]


But I know I will probably have band, and art...


I post my schedule when I get it. ;]

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I hardly even know.

I have to wake up early to go to a different school to take Geometry.

Then I go to my own school, and it's "Morning work" time.

Then while everyone else has math, I work on my math homework with the other people who are in Geometry.

Then History.

Then Lunch.

Then language arts?

Then Gym, I think.

My school's schedule goes funny all the time xD I don't get my schedule, cause my middleschool is a branch off of an elementary school and we're too cool for Periods.

Don't know yet, but I know I have to leave early and school starts at 8:30. Freshman year~

I get out at 3, most likely going to get home around 3:30/3:45

I'll get my bus schedule on August 11th. [set date from the county]

I won't know until 2nd school week, but last year:

Monday: Band, math, recess [15 mins], socials, PE, lunch [45 mins], English x2

Tuesday: Math x2, library, Recess, French x2, Lunch, English, Computers

Wednesday: Computers, French, Recess, Socials, PE, Lunch, Math x2

Thursday: Socials x2, Recess, English x2, Lunch, Band, Math

Friday: Science x2, Recess, French x2, Lunch, Art x2.

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