School Starts Tommorow...


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Howl Into The Night

Well-known member
Aug 25, 2008
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Aaand I'm going to grade 6. -sobs-

So when did school start for you? How's it going? Were you assigned to read anything?

It's pretty easy, because the teachers baby you. Since this is probably your first year in Middle School, the teachers pretend that you don't know anything and help you around a lot. It starts getting harder during the middle of the year. That's when they give you more homework. But, the first part of the year they just let you get familiar to the school and make new friends, at least that is what they did for me. ;)

I'm scared now, because I'm going into 7th, and that's when they handle you seriously...

Starting tomorrow. x)

I'm scared because my teacher is the hardest grade 7 teacher, and is constantly assigning projects. Last year, I had him for science and social studies, and while the other classes who didnt' have him only got 3 projects in a whole year, my class got 25 in one term! x.X

I'm going into 7th.

It starts the 4th. >w<

We can read anything really(This year). Last year, we had to either read "hatchet" or "Island of the blue dolphins"... ._. i read Dolphins...It was so boring I couldn't even keep up. xD

My sister said hatchet was boring

I read..

The Zebra Wall(Boring.. ;_; )

Model (Excellent)

Skipping Christmas (Excellent.)

When Zachary Beaver Came to Town (Excellent)

I started last Monday. Freshman year, ninth grade.

It's horrible. The school's so big, and some of our teachers expect us to be perfect on our first week of school. Whatever. Maybe it'll get better later.

I haven't read anything yet, but I'm excited for the ninth grade reading cirriculum. We read Romeo and Juliet. That sounds fun. :D

School starts tomorrow for me. Seventh Grade... fearfulness. D:

I'm starting School Tomorrow aswell. I'm kind of nervous though.

Going into grade 8.. ;) Soo scared though. At school people don't treat me so well..

I don't want to be in this on class where it's a split from 7 and 8. The grade seven's are really annoying in our school. They think they own everythig.. o_O I put up with it though.. :]

I'm in 8th grade. School starts sept 3rd for me. 1 more day. D;

But I'm actually excited. I'll get to see Simmeh again. And this time we actually have lunch the same period.

I wasn't assigned to read anything over the summer but I still did anyway.

I start tommorow~

I'm so nervous.

Edit: Grade 9.

Yeppers, highschool.


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It'll be OK for you.

At the beginning of the year, the teachers are easy on you. Then they just give you a little more work as the year progresses. Teachers just scare you because they want you to work hard. If you've passed all the other grade, then you'll be OK. Just keep up the good work, and yeah.

We didn't have to read over the summer.=D

School starts on Wednesday for me, but I'm going in tomorrow to decorate my locker. =]

I'm scared. I don't really know what to expect. I'm going into 7th grade...But at least I didn't have to read any books. :D

I started last Monday. Freshman year, ninth grade.It's horrible. The school's so big, and some of our teachers expect us to be perfect on our first week of school. Whatever. Maybe it'll get better later.

I haven't read anything yet, but I'm excited for the ninth grade reading cirriculum. We read Romeo and Juliet. That sounds fun. :D
:D Good luck.

Off topic, I love your avatar. =D

I think were reading Romeo and Juliet in Highschool or 8th grade. <3

Started last Monday the 25th, I'm a sixie, I hate middle school. x.x Not assigned anything yet.

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