School Systems


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If your late, you get a slip and your marked as late....If you get caught skipping school (is that what you meant? or no?), then you get a call home and maybe a detention.

And for bad language, some teachers hardly care, but others will yell at you. It really depends on who hears. ;D
Yea thats what I ment. If you move from class to class like not go to that class thats what I ment I have done but I would never leave the school or not go to school.

If you're late in my school, nothing happens.


For most things, it depends on the degree of what you did and how bad it was.


Like these girls I knew cussed each other out and yelled in the middle of the hallway and were suspended for a week.

I got into someone's locker as a joke and I got Friday night school. D:


Our school is lame. :p

omg my school does allow any kind of cloths gum phone and if your tardy nothing happens i think uniforms are wrong and unfair i would change schools or my mum would protest it because she thinks it wrong like once this kid said a**hole out loud teacher never said anything like for ex. a kid would walk in with red Mohawk not get in trouble

i think schools go too far with rule like uniforms my moms like that too

Like as in what would your school do to you if you where late or bunked off or heard you say bad language and they hear.
For lateness my school has a lockdown thingy where you have 5 mins to move from lesson to lesson if you dont make it your locked out it happend to me today cause I was at medical room. If you make it in the correct building then you might just get 10 mins detention but if you dont make it in the correct building you get sent home x3.

For uniform you get 10mins detention for every peace of uniform you dont have unless you have a note from parents.

For bunking off I have done it before and been caught your parents caan get a bill if you do it alot and if you get caught for the first time you get saturday detention.

Bad language like 20 mins detenstion and letter home.

So whats yours like?
OMG :rolleyes: Your school is very strict.....In my school, when the teachers hear us say bad words, they don't do anything! My school doesn't have detention....If for uniforms, no. If we wear something wrong, the teachers just say next time you have to wear that. :)

My school just has regurlar rules. Such as: No skirts/shorts shorter than your fingertips. No spaghetti stripe shirts or any shirt that shows cleavage(makes males uncomfortable) and more than 6 absences will cause you to lose credit, same with tardies. We can chew gum though, we can listen to our mp3 players/iPod's. BUT, we can't have our cell phone on during class.

We have these greenladies wandering around the halls during classes, catching those rule-breakers :( They're scary. xD

No Gum. Nuff said >|It makes me mad. They are like so strict with that -.-
I HATE that rule. (ish gum addict)

I chew gum anyway. This year I was lucky since my current teachers don't say anything about it. ^^

We're not allowed to go anywhere in the hallways without a pass. I went to the library and then headed back to the cafeteria and got in trouble because I had no pass. I mean, wtf? >.>

My school isn't so strict. We're an average school. We have our rules and they aren't really so much enforced. Like the dress code, I'm pretty sure people wear whatever they want.

xD If we swear in class the teachers would give you a warning. Most teachers don't care. They actually ignore it most of the time. Some teachers, if you disrespect them they tell you to gtfo of their class room. x3

No cell phones/iPods. Everyone breaks that rule. In every class you see about 1-5 people texting, and you always see ear buds sticking out of their hoodies/shirts.

We're not allowed to wear backpacks though. Which sucks because mine ish totally smexy<3

Lateness. We get detention for latenesses. If you're over 5 minutes late you get an hour detention on friday. Friday! >.< And 70% of the kids walk to school.

I wouldn't say my school is too strict. Our new principal is though, and things have changed a lot this year. o_O

Oh yea and we are not allowed money to pay for our food we have some chashless system we have to bring money put it on our card and pay like that. We arnt allowed gum either Lol but I chew anyway x3

Edit: Oh yeah I got sent of out of my class today 'cause I took my tie off (My friend pulled it and I untied it) I was like o_O I went out got locked out and got 10 mins detention Lol. I didnt go bu its friday so they cant do nothing xDD

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I had neon colored nails on Friday [ Like, blindingly bright pink, lime green, construction site orange, bright yellow, electric blue, black, flashy silver, white, forest green, stunning bright violet, it was very... Eye catching. ] And this is what happened, word-by-word:

Teacher: Phoebe, nice fingernails. But are those really appropriate for school?

Me: Yes.

Teacher: No, they aren't. They could distract other students from the main purpose of school, which is to get an education.

Me: And your point is...?

Teacher: They are a dress code violation. Lose it.

Me: You already lost it a long time ago, lady.

Immediate lunch detention. My third time this week. I can't help mouthing off xD And apparently wearing neon colors is a dress code violation. I already broke that rule with my layered neon converse. And I continue to break it everyday with bows, shirts, and skinny jeans. So now my nails are glittery black and electric blue. My school really cracks down on the dress code. And how come I get detention for making smart comments and that dude doesn't for cussing out his girlfriend in the halls at school and tearing her bag in half?

Immediate lunch detention. My third time this week. I can't help mouthing off xD And apparently wearing neon colors is a dress code violation. I already broke that rule with my layered neon converse. And I continue to break it everyday with bows, shirts, and skinny jeans. So now my nails are glittery black and electric blue. My school really cracks down on the dress code. And how come I get detention for making smart comments and that dude doesn't for cussing out his girlfriend in the halls at school and tearing her bag in half?
They're trying to teach you to respect authority and to be obedient. Even though those aren't exactly easy lessons to learn, and most people don't care for them (Myself included), you still need to learn to respect those higher up than you if you're going to survive in the world.

No neon? Ah, that sucks. I love neon. <3 I have construction-site orange nail polish that I wear a lot too, lol. A kid at my school has his hair died neon blue - and a mohawk that sticks straight up over a foot in the air. It's epic - and not a violation of our dress code. :D

They guy's girlfriend should tell someone about this - or break up with him. I guess the authority doesn't get involved because it's not their business to be involved with.

Im in Secondry school just (UK) and they brought in a new consequence system.

C1: Warning. For things like late to lesson, late to school, chewing gum in class(We're allowed it at break), eating in class

C2: Warning: For things like continued C1 things, 2nd late to schoolnot obeying a teacher

C3: 45 minute after school DT. For things like Endangering self/others (tied to railtracks?), missing a lesson

C4: 1 hour after school DT with senior teacher. For things like out of bounds, serious abuse of IT, smoking o or near school, theft.

C5+C6: Exlusion room or a fixed term or permanent exlusion. For things like dealing drugs, alcohol in school, racism, carrying an offensive weapon, even without the intent to use it

It's not strict, but not really loose.

Incorrect uniform with out a green slip [You get one by taking a parents note to your dean] is a detention [1 hour after school]

Bunking is the same.

Lateness is a detention at lunch time and for every minutes you were late you have to write 'I will not be late again' 10 times. I was 5 minutes late once.

If you are caught using your cellular device [Word skills] its confiscated until friday unless its on a friday then you have to wait til next friday.

Bad language is nothing at our school. Alot of our teachers slip those words into class work and worst thing is having to apologize to the whole calss like when Lauren yelled 'Oi b!tch' to our english teacher.

Incorrect uniform with out a green slip [You get one by taking a parents note to your dean] is a detention [1 hour after school]Bunking is the same.

Lateness is a detention at lunch time and for every minutes you were late you have to write 'I will not be late again' 10 times. I was 5 minutes late once.

If you are caught using your cellular device [Word skills] its confiscated until friday unless its on a friday then you have to wait til next friday.

Bad language is nothing at our school. Alot of our teachers slip those words into class work and worst thing is having to apologize to the whole calss like when uren yelled 'Oi b!tch our english teacher.
x3 My cousin did that (Shes called Lauren too o_O)

I am in Secondary school Uk to.

In our science class we have some emergancy eye sprayer thingy and Joe dared me to spray it and I put my hand on it and sprayed it. It feels to strong for someone to spray in there eye like my hand flew in the air. Anyway I got detension next monday.

Oh yea something else one of my english teachers mande a new seating plan and put me next to the 2 most b****iest boys in my class and one of them said something to me and I told him to f off and I got a letter home today I got it but I woke up first and disposed of it x3.

OMG!! My school doesn't allow chewing gum,no make up, we have to wear uniforms,no phones or ipods etc... and we must tie our hair up =[

The worst are:

If you forget any HW, you will get a report. If you get 5 reports, you will get a 2 hour after school DT, copying the school's rule book.

The worst of the worst-

We have to get out of class at the end of the day in order and in silence ]x. 7 and 8 th graders stay in class through the whole day, the teachers come in class, not the students. I'm in 8th, and in the end of the day this strict lab technician person comes out shouting " IN TWOS!!!!!!", "IN ORDER!!", "NO TALKING!!!!!!!!" .


every five weeks on friday the senior kids at my primary school have some "fun day", like, with games and stuff. but if you get on detention you dont get to go. i was on detention once in year1 cause i talked at assembly. o_O

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