School Tips


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Well-known member
Apr 17, 2006
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United States of America
:D This topic is how to keep your Tamagotchis away from T.H.T.(Tama Hating Teachers), no matter what grade you're in! :D

If there are teachers in your cafeteria, don't bring them in there!

Take them out at recess, if you have any recess.

If you are in middle school or highschool and have lockers, keep them in there! That way, every time you go to your locker, you can take care of your tamagotchis, get your books or whatever you need, and go to class.

Turn off your sound, and sit in back or where ever there aren't as many people.

If your teacher catches you with it, quickly go to the time screen and say it's your watch.

Leave them on pause until you have some free time, and keep them in your bookbag.

I once read there is a teacher who babysits your tamagotchi for you. If you can find a teacher like that, give them to him/her.

If you have any other tips, post them here! :ph34r: :ph34r: :D :ph34r: :D

:ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: ^_^

lol i keep my sound oof and when like 7mins before recess i keep in my desk and play with it and i hate theT.H.T people because sometimes u get takin away for 2 months!! ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

My teachers don't care if I have my little Camo V3 tama with me at school. Weather its in my pocket or sitting right there in plain sight on the table.

None of my teachers or fellow classmates really mind the egg shaped new addition to the long as it doesn't beep and disturb everyone (I have the sound off all the time). And so long as I have all my notes and homework written down they really cound't care less that I take it along with me.

They don't mind if my tama wants a meal right in the middle of a test, or wants to play during a video we might be watching in class.

I'm a senior in High School by the way.

My teachers don't care if I have my little Camo V3 tama with me at school. Weather its in my pocket or sitting right there in plain sight on the table.
None of my teachers or fellow classmates really mind the egg shaped new addition to the long as it doesn't beep and disturb everyone (I have the sound off all the time). And so long as I have all my notes and homework written down they really cound't care less that I take it along with me.

They don't mind if my tama wants a meal right in the middle of a test, or wants to play during a video we might be watching in class.

I'm a senior in High School by the way.
That's pretty awesome! I wish things were that accepted at <i>MY highschool. Lots of jocks and stuff there, y know? Some things aren't accepted, like Nintendo.

But yeah, I don't let classmates bother me. I do what I feel like. I'm also a senior in high school. Feel free to PM or IM me!

I love my Tama and will do almost anything to care for it at all times.

[SIZE=21pt]What I do is when w have silent reading time, put the book in my lap, and put my head down and play with my Tama. But the watch thing worls. I did that once.[/SIZE]

Here are some more tips for you people.

* Don't pause, just put it to sleep. Pausing is rumored to take up more batteries, but it DOES slow growth. When it's sleeping though, it ages just the same.

* If you don't want to put it to sleep, that's fine...Sound off, though, all the time. Check on it at least once every class period, only when you're sure you have a minute where the teacher isn't looking.

* Girls= Hide it behind your purse when you're playing with it, and store it in your purse. Teachers never look in your purse. pocket or pencil bag. I'm sorry, I don't really have advice on where to store yours..

* If you're not sure whether your teacher will look after your tamagotchi for you...Don't even ask. Revealing that you even have one with you might land you in trouble, it depends, but don't risk it, because having it taken up would be just really frustrating, especially if you could have prevented it.

* Don't take it out in the prescence of an untrustworthy person. They could tell the teacher, decide to steal it when you're not looking, etc. You never know, and you want to keep your tamagotchi as safe as possible.

Neat topic!

Just had to post in here, question is, what if I am the teacher?

Seriously, I'm gonna start teaching in a years time, so this will *cough* come in more than handy!

But no way am i gonna be one of those T.H.Ts!

I say, play with it all you want, just don't let me catch you with the sound switched ON.


Anyhow, was a student once, so I know what its like.

And yupp, I do have a V3. Best way to play with it while i was much younger(in class) is to ask to go to the toilet every time a new teacher steps into the room for subject switching.

And then play with it @ the toilet! heh. >.<

Don't pause, just put it to sleep. Pausing is rumored to take up more batteries, but it DOES slow growth. When it's sleeping though, it ages just the same
I used to pause mine all the time, but it didn't slow growth at all. They just don't age when they're paused, but that doesn't mean they evolve later. Mine evolved at it's normal times, becoming an adult when 3 or 4 years old. Please doublecheck your information before posting.

Well, I put my Tama on a Lanyard, shoelace, bit of string etc. and put it under my shirt while around my neck. The only time a teacher asked what was on my shoelace was when it was a white one with silver sparkles and quite attention attracting. I guess if you're going to do that wear it on like a regular necklace chain, or something that won't attract attention. Before I thought of that though, I put it in the pocket of my sweatshirt or when it was too warm in the room for a sweatshirt, in my jeans pocket(s).

my teachers don't really care if we have tamas as long as it doesn't disturb the class. i usually keep mine in my backpack and like almost every hour or so there is a recess and that's when i check on it :gozarutchi:

If your don't want to take the risk of losing your tamagotchi, while your at school, leave your tamagotchi at home. Put it to sleep, rather than on pause. This way your tamagotchi will grow, and still not need your attention at the same time. Just be sure you get home fast enough!

`Jade :gozarutchi:

I always put my tama in my pocket and put the sound off.But one time i forget to put the sound off and it Beep and everyone was looking at me including the teacher but i said it was not me it was Leslie(a classmate of mine)and the teacher belive me and so she take Leslie's tama for one week. :gozarutchi:

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My teachers don't care if I have my little Camo V3 tama with me at school. Weather its in my pocket or sitting right there in plain sight on the table.
None of my teachers or fellow classmates really mind the egg shaped new addition to the long as it doesn't beep and disturb everyone (I have the sound off all the time). And so long as I have all my notes and homework written down they really cound't care less that I take it along with me.

They don't mind if my tama wants a meal right in the middle of a test, or wants to play during a video we might be watching in class.

I'm a senior in High School by the way.
my teacher doesnt care if i have my 2 V3s in my pockets.. i just keep the sound off and check up on it every 3 minutes. im happy im not the only one in my class with tamagotchis. my friend that is a girl keeps hers in her pocket too, and my other friend that is a girl keeps hers in her pocketbook. just if you were wondering, im a boy! :p ( FYI, you can get twins! )

I always put my tama in my pocket and put the sound off.But one time i forget to put the sound off and it Beep and everyone was looking at me including the teacher but i said it was not me it was Leslie(a classmate of mine)and the teacher belive me and so she take Leslie's tama for one week. :p
LOL!!!! =D but that is kind of mean to do to your FRIEND.... :rolleyes:

my teacher doesnt care if i have my 2 V3s in my pockets.. i just keep the sound off and check up on it every 3 minutes. im happy im not the only one in my class with tamagotchis. my friend that is a girl keeps hers in her pocket too, and my other friend that is a girl keeps hers in her pocketbook. just if you were wondering, im a boy! :p ( FYI, you can get twins! )
No fair! I'm in elementary school and we're not aloud to go to our bookbags unless it's luchtime and we have a bookbag. We're not aloud to have tamagotchis in school, either. *sighs* I must be nice to be in highschool. How do you get twins, anyways? Or is it just the item that's named !! ?

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