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Well-known member
Aug 29, 2007
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Kennebunkport, ME
I hate my school down in Maine because when all the other districts are losed due to blizzards, heavy snow, ice, and power outages...MY SCHOOL IS UP AND RUNNING!!!! not even a delay! nothing! my superintedent is from colorado so he must think that the suns gunna pop out at any minute.... i just want to get rid of him... but one thing i like about my school is they give us apple laptops to work with! im at home typing this message on it right now. (7th and 8th grade only get laptops)

  • Seeing my friends.
  • Getting An Education
  • Teachers
  • New Classrooms.

I also like the environment.

What do I like..umm...the fact that we're all a bunch of loonies and nobody looks twice at me. And sometimes I like my that time we re-invented the entire bible one lunchtime because of an argument about trees...

I don't like um...I don't P.E teacher lol. xD

We have portable classrooms. They're getting rid of them though...In maths Elena was looking out of the window and she said "Look, builders" as they were taking one of the classrooms away and I thought she said "Look, bishies" and I was like, "where!? oh right, builders..."

Which was completely random but I just remembered and felt like putting it here. >:[

I ended up in the worst possible village this year and three of best friends (and they guy I like lol) aren't in any of my classes >__> So they can't suffer with me. And they're having fun WITHOUT me.. ;___; I feel actively pushed away from the subjects I'm natually good at.

(I just realized how whiny and stupid that was. My life is considerably nice.)

I like the band class. :'D I sit next to a people who are easy to talk to. I love my lunch group >w< nd.. lots of other stuff I'm sure, because for the most part I like school :3

Likes - Friends, Lunch Break/Break, Some teachers

Dislikes - Learning (The teachers make the learning boring, unlike my fourth and second grade teacher), Lunch (There are bugs on it...), How much time we have at Lunch Break (Barely any time), Bathrooms (I just hate public bathrooms), and pretty much everything else in the school. Especially my PE teacher. <---He doesn't let us have fun. D=


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- Friends.

- Education.

- Nice Teachers.

- Art Class.

- School Dances.

And then there's...

- Dirty Bathrooms

- Mean Girls.

- Gym Class.

- Long Math Periods.



My teacher

-Getting an education

-My actual friends

-Time away from my mother, she complains to much

-Silent time for reading at recess.... yay!


-The lunch monitor, punishes you for apparently talking in a normal voice.

-The fact that the kids in my class are backstabbing perverts. I prefer to play with the fourth graders.

-The bathrooms are dirty and no-one ever flushes, and people look over the stalls. >_>

-My creepy teacher from last year.

-The fact that I can never read during class, or draw, the teacher makes us do boring-to-earth puzzles that are impossible to figure out.


-Friends (This is such a big thing that it is making me unable to contain my excitment for going back to school and ending this boring break!)


-Assistant principals that think they are the rulers of the world

-Bi***s for teachers


-Having to pay attention

That sums it up for me.


Likes: The Partys We Have (Dances , Etc)

Dislikes: Principal/Teachers, Some Students, Stinky Bathrooms Everyting Else

I like...

Friends,gym class, ICT, Maori and Music classes.

Don't like...>:-(

Shelly ruining my day, tiny bathrooms 10 people get changed in at a time,No tamagotchi's

Things I like

  • Friends
  • Parties
  • Lunch Time

Things I hate

  • Annoying people
  • Lockers
  • Gym and Science Teachers
  • Lunches to eat
I'll post more soon.

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