School's almost out!


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I guess it does depend when you go back to school. I go back the 14th of August. <.<

Matchy ;)

I am so excited 'cause school is almost out for the year. My last day is May 29th. When is your's?
Matchy :D
OMG you are so lucky you get out a MONTH earlier than me! I get out JUNE 29th! Grr... your so lucky! :lol:

I am so excited 'cause school is almost out for the year. My last day is May 29th. When is your's?
Matchy :D
june 29 but im in yr 6 and im going to 2ndary school yayayayayay

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OMG you are so lucky you get out a MONTH earlier than me! I get out JUNE 29th! Grr... your so lucky! :furawatchi:
That's the day I get back from France with my school trip! (We leave about one week after school gets out, and then we come back nine days later.)

i was the 2nd to post. i am so exited because then i go to middle scholl. yey. i go back aug.29. (lol thats my bro b day)

and if u did not kno i get out june 5th its supposed to be

june 1st but stupid 2 snow days

also june 1st is a friday.

Yay! May 24th! ^^ And the catch is: We get out two hours early, too. :angry: I can't wait! About a week after school lets out, my family is going on vacation. My best friend might even be going with us. :furawatchi: My life is good.

Every year, at pretty much the last weeks of school, we get to all the fun stuff. Toothpick bridges, rockets, book groups, and the easier review stuff. We also have an end-of-the-year field trip to Abilene this coming Tuesday, and on the last day we have an assembly with pictures taken throughout the year in a slide show, award ceremony, and one song from the D.A.R.E. program. :wacko: I ♥ the end of the year.

my was supposed to be june 1st, but since we had 2 snow days its 5th.

oh yea june 1st is a friday.
Abd its my b-day, wich I'll be out of school on for summer break. :mimitchi:

May 30th I do beleive..

Sorry triple Post.

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*sigh* Sorry, Also Triple Post, My computer Seems Funny Today.

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The Eighth graders (my grade) Graduate on June 26 (its a Big Farewell Party) but the Last Day of School is the 27 (june)

I am getting out of school on June 1st! Yay! I am excited for 7th grade 'cuz it will be fun but I love summer; it's the most carefree season of ALL!

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