Schools have no right to take tamagotchis!?


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Mar 17, 2008
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should they be allowed to take your stuff and keep it ? My shcool throws away whatever they take ,so I bet there is a trash can full of tamas!!! :D :p :p :p Once while I was at camp:we were outside. my friends let me baby sit there tamas. so we have to come in 3 min. later and I rushed over aqnd told them with my tamas on the table 2 yards away from me and I turn my head for 3 sec. and when i gp\o back my tamas are gone :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: !!!!!! so 5 hours later, I found all 4 in the trash can outside!!!!!!!!2 never worked again :p I found out that a consoler threw them away!!!!!!!!!!SO I NEVER GO THERE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!

I think tamagotchis are allowed at my school. I've seen 2 girls walking around with them, and so far no confiscations.

If there's a rule against electronic devices (including tamagotchis), then they have every right to take them off you. School is for learning, not playing with tamagotchis, though I think it's a bit harsh to not give them back.

Maybe you could take the issue to your Student Council Representitive/Captain or whatever and see if you can negotiate a rule with the Principal. Perhaps have a certain allocated time and place where you are allowed to play with them. We did that at our school, and now we are allowed our mobile phones between A and B block at lunch times.

It worked for us, so I hope it works for you :furawatchi:

I remember back when I was in elementry school in the mid 90's and the principal had a "tamagotchi zoo" because so many kids had them. They have the right to take them away AS LONG AS THEY GIVE IT BACK!

But kids should keep the sounds off and be sneaky about it. haha

Some schools allow tamagotchis and others don't. Most schools don't like them because it disturbs their pupil's education. While the teacher is taking a lesson the last thing they want is to hear a tamagotchi beeping.

So I believe that tamagotchis should not be allowed at school

They have a right to take them but not if ur not disturbing the class I bring my tama to school to cheak on it but not during class during free period

Once my tamas sound was on by accident and it beeped and it got taken away :(

I drag all three of my v4s to school every day with the sound off and play with them during recess and our lunch period. Sometimes I play with them in class, but my teacher hasn't noticed. Once I forgot to turn off one of my v4's sound, and it got mail in the middle of Math. xD Everyone was looking around going "What the heck?" and my teacher didn't even hear it.

But schools do have the right to confiscate your Tama, because it may distract you during an important lesson which you may get a question from on a benchmark test. Basically, it "Interferes with your learning", which is what my home room teacher said about cellphones.

Lucky for me my teachers never cared if I brought my Tama to school or not. So long as I copied my notes, did my assiments and got them in on time, and learned the material so I could do the homework relating to it they didn't care if I brough my Tama to school. That was from Grade school up to High School.

Now in College my professors don't care either, so long as I understand and do the work they don't care if I bring my v5 into the classroom with me.

I would say people who use Tama's as an exsuse to goof off in class should have there tamas taken for the day. It'd save those of us who do our work and take care of our tamas from getting ours taken away. If they can't care for the tama and do a good job at school...they should put it on pause until they get out of school.

Isn't sueing a school just for taking away a Tamagotchi a little harsh? You could just have your parents come in and ask for the Tama back. Schools are afried of starting trouble with parents, at least thats how most of my grade school teachers and the princibles were like.

I only have one thing to say, they do have the right, that is if you dont do your work and just play play play, then that gives them the right to take it, but does not give them the right to throw it away, so all you have to do is tell your parents to go down to where they keep them and they can get it, because that tamagotchi doesnt belong to them so they cant throw it away, also because you paid for it,.... if you dont like what they are doing then tell your parents to talk to the principal and im sure that he'll stop them from being thrown away!...hope i helped-"Off off and away!"

they should be allowed at school as long as they're NOT be used during class

time and as long as they're not being disruptive. ;)

My friend actually got hers taken away for no reason. and i found that

really stupid.

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Well I understand the rules. If you bring a Tama where its not allowed its taken away. But you should get it back because its YOUR property. That's kinda like stealing.

I play with my tama 24/7! I love it so much. It is all I care about. But I pay attention in class. I have never gotten it taken away. but my friend got hers taken taken away from my Japanese teacher, and she started playing it!!! ahahah:]

School is for education. Not for playing. It will distract the class, and then when the teacher is done talking, you'll probably get a paper with stuff you do not understand, and you will be DOOMED.

I agree with luckyrocket for the throwing away tamas part..

I drag all three of my v4s to school every day with the sound off and play with them during recess and our lunch period. Sometimes I play with them in class, but my teacher hasn't noticed. Once I forgot to turn off one of my v4's sound, and it got mail in the middle of Math. xD Everyone was looking around going "What the heck?" and my teacher didn't even hear it.
That reminds me of something that happened to me back in elementary school. I forgot to turn the sound off, and checked the clock during class ^_^ . Everyone was laughing (because they knew I had my tamagotchi with me). However, we had a subsitute that day who didn't know I had it, so I was never proven guilty ^_^

They actually throw them away? That shouldn't be allowed because you spent like, alot on those tamas so the school has no right. We're allowed tamas in school but just not in class. If we have them in class they get confiscated then after school you go and collect them before you go home, just the same as mobiles.

I say they have the right to take them for the class period/day if they are a dissruption, and return them at the end of the class period/day, but they shouldn't have the right to throw them away, I mean, they don't throw the cell phones away.

if your playing with it in class it should be aloud to be taken away, but if you r only doing something quick with it, such as cleaning its poop, there should be no prob. my school is ok with tamas because we have to wear these ids on a lanyard or chain around our neck and thats where i put mine.

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