Scoob's log.


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im am up dating. sorrieee i havent been on ;) :furawatchi:

Scoob and Ciris left. Unfortunatly there babys died..... they grew old and i left them. but when i did.... i dont no if it was because i pressed a+c but all me family stayed there! Yay... now i have two teenagers. i called the v2 cloud again and the v3 Kikit. K used to be a baby :furawatchi: C was summin else. K is now a black star thin with a star on the end of its top spike... a teen. C is a sort of onion thingy but is a teen 2. I am staying at my grandparents for a week so i might not be on..... i have about 127 posts already Yay.

If you want more info today the PM me... My dear luvin fans. not... more FAN MAIL.... [hint hint].....


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I am sooo looking forward to christmas! I think i am getting a V5.

Any way talk about my two at the moment..... my V3 is down to v. good weight. how ever my V2 is on bad weight i must do exercise. Lets get into a conversation....

P.S. V2 cloud was talking to the christmas tree just now.


Cloud: i am so happy to be ME i would have loved to have met my parents though...

Kikit: Well my mother is Scoob, yes i met her in tamatown the other day. she said i was her daughter and she was my mother. and she will take you in as her daughter too.

Cloud: Me? her daughter. .:: laughs ::. she may have been a mametchi but that doesnt beat my beuty.

Kikit: Come of it friend, you know you think you are ugly. to be honest i will just be proud that you are... alive!

Cloud: really?

Kikit: yes. because i definatly think you are ugly.

Cloud: oh your mean streak is coming on now. go away a brush your hair or what ever you do.


Me: shut up you guys. Please.

K&C: No.

Me: Fine. time out and sleep with out supper. i am sick of you arguing.

K&C: ohhhh! thats not fair .:: looks upset and walks away ::.


so there it is. i may be mean but i got fed up of listening to them bickering.


Fan Mail. Please.

Lol. Who wants to go on tamachat and talk. pm me if you do.... i am bored.


cloud and kikit both had the matchmakers! they had baby boys! Clouds is now a teen called CJ [cloud junior] and kikits is called Angus [kikit just left because i forwarded the time]. here are there stats:


Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥


Years: 0

Wieght 17 LB

Name: Angus

Gender: Boy

Gen.: G2

Point: 2130


Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Training: ||||

Years: 2

Wieght: 33 LB

Name: CJ

Gender: Boy

Gen.: G2

Point: 788


there you go.... will hopefully update tomorrow!


CJ turned into an adult......hes a flying girly one.


NOOOO! i look like a GIRL! and im a BOY! I hate NR! .::wimpers::.



CJ gets so stropy. He will get married soon any way. Only three days to go until he gets married. and maybe he will leave his kid on christmas day!then its birthday will be christmas day!... i get so excited. NR bought me a turkey today and said i wasnt aloud to eat it until x-mas day :[ i like turkey. but i had an interesting talk with the x-mas tree!

thats all Angus.


CJ: .::stompes down stairs::.

Me: whats the matter with you?

CJ: well i look like a girl because of you!

Angus: dont get into a strop. you will get married soon and have a kid!

CJ: Me? no way. im growing old!

Me: you will do what i make you do!

Angus: So he has to get married? .:: smiles evily::.


Angus: fine .:: sticks tounge out .::


oh the happy life :rolleyes:



i have an idea. :wacko: who ever likes my log.... has to PM me and i am going to put there name on a post. .... if no one PMs me then i know no one likes my log... hehehe


it was a joke about the fan mail.


CJ has had a baby boy, [insert name here],


CJ: NOO! I wanted to grow old take the baby away. .:: whimpers ::.

Me: thats your kid! when you met lucy did you think nothing would happen?

CJ: i didnt think i would get a kid!

Angus: i have a new friend called Chris.

CJ: i dont care about your new friend. take this baby from me! please?

Me: .:: whispers ::. i didnt know you were so selfish. learn to be nice and not just think your self as 'cool'. your not.

.:: Angus and NR walk away ::.

CJ: .:: cries ::.

ooooh aaaah. I'm waiting...... i am going to go on tama town.... maybe..... nah. who wants to PM me? who wants to go on tama chat? PM me if you want to.




CJ has finally softened up and has starting feeding his kid and making him well, giving him medicine....


CJ: .:: Quitly comes in room with kid ::. I relised how selfish i have been.. will you ever forgive me?

Me and Angus: of course!

Me: are you going to look after your kid now?

CJ: Yes! I am going to call him Drake!

Me: Great! Lets have a party!

CJ: NO! Drake needs to get his sleep!... .:: goes to sleep with kid ::.

Angus: Its strange how a kid can change you!


like Angus said.... isnt it great how a kid can change your life.


I think i am getting a V5 for crimbo.... so i will be soon adding them to Scoob's Log! [if i get one]


Scoob's Log is called that name in memory of my favorite tama from my V3, Scoob!

Hmmm... i havnt had any fan mail... soon to write my self some.... lol


okay calm down NR!! :(

It's from Shiba!

I like your log. It's good!

Thanks Shiba!We like yours to!


NR: Hey guys.... come sit down i have some news...

CJ and Drake: .:: sit down quitly ::.

Angus: w-what is it?

NR: firstly.... every one knows that CJ will be leaving in about five minutes due to his decision to forward the time.

Angus: Why?

CJ: Well.. i think it will be better. i got him a present for tomorrow, and anyway christmas eve will be a good thing for him.

Angus: you thi-

NR: its his decision Angus! Also we have FAN MAIL!:


From Octo-Tama:


Hi! I like your log! It's very interesting and fun to read! I have a v.5, my log is up, too! Hope you like it! Have a great day! :D





CJ: my day is certainly great now

Angus: Thanks!

NR: yh thanks!


bye for now


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