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babii bee

Jan 12, 2005
Reaction score
I think I know how to win races when you connect with people! It is simple all you have to do is prss "b" twice before the other person. This will also increase in your chances of getting a present.

All my friends know that lol sorry even I knew that lol ^_^

well its not her fault for puttin it up..i means sum people noe it..buih still thanxsss for the code now i can finally win!

:blink: I know I said that because she goes to school with me and I wasz joking with her she even knowz that!



Ohh...i thorght it depeneed on weight for winning the games... i must be wrong ^_^

I think that its a good idea, I didnt knwo that. I thought that for the balloon-popping game (Connection, I dunno about the others) it depended on wieght.

U neva told me that HOW RUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

c ya Emma nd Babii bee at school Monday

I should not go out wit him

Wat do u think Emma?

Lol preppygirl! This is not a dating line! lol sorry yall of what she said and what I am about to say

I would say no But you might say yes but remember he is rude and an UGLY showoff



Anyways BACK on TOPIC.... I've told a few others about the 'cheat' and they really love it.

I agree with Emma, Babii B

He is ugly, rude, and a freak

I will not go out wit pinnochio

I connected my tama and my friend's tama and they were going to play a game. I noticed the tama that goes up first wins the race.

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