Secret Screen?


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Well-known member
May 9, 2006
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I've heard about a "secret sreen" on the Japanese Oceangotchi, but can someone give me a little information about it? Help would be much appereciated, as my Ocean will be arriving any day now. :D

Hmm, I haven't heard anything about this either. I have an ocean but I don't recall seeing a secret screen. Do you know anything else about it? Where did you read this? :wacko:

the only secret screens I've ever heard of are on the Devil. I've heard that that one has a few of them that come up during the night. Maybe that's what you were thinking of?


the only secret screens I've ever heard of are on the Devil. I've heard that that one has a few of them that come up during the night. Maybe that's what you were thinking of?
I haven't heard of that before, though I don't know much about the Devilgotchi. I guess you learn something new every day. :(

Maybe also it could be on the Angelgotchi when it goes for a stroll and a door comes up? I guess it's not that secret though.. :)

My question was answered by OsuMesu21 on Tama-Zone.

Ah yes, the secret appears ONLY on the Japanese version around 5:00-5:30 in the morning. It's supposed to be some sea guardian that protects your Oceangotchi as it sleeps. It does NOT show up on the U.S. version (I know that from experience x_x)
I haven't heard of that before, though I don't know much about the Devilgotchi. I guess you learn something new every day. :(
yea, I've heard something about a devil secret screen shot thing... at like 5am and maybe others. If you are running your devil, what you could do is when it goes to bed, pause it. then, the next morning when you get up, unpause it and let it sleep all day while you are up to keep an eye out for any secret screens. see if it's true or not! I would if I had a devil.... :D (Some of us aren't lucky enough to find one in thier attic CS!) :D Let us know if you do it and if you see any, k? Thanks!


yea, I've heard something about a devil secret screen shot thing... at like 5am and maybe others. If you are running your devil, what you could do is when it goes to bed, pause it. then, the next morning when you get up, unpause it and let it sleep all day while you are up to keep an eye out for any secret screens. see if it's true or not! I would if I had a devil.... :D (Some of us aren't lucky enough to find one in thier attic CS!) :( Let us know if you do it and if you see any, k? Thanks!
Okay, I'll set my alarm clock to wake me up at 25 minutes to 5:00 AM and be prepared to see the screen! :D

Hehehe. :blink:

How interesting about the secret screen. I'm going to have to try when I have the time (Oceans are so difficult to look after so I need a lot of spare time). Thanks for posting about it! :D

That's interesting! I don't own any Oceans, but a Tamagotchi fan should build up some knowledge about all versions and variations of these great virtual creatures.


I wonder how the animation is gonna look like...

must be really cool to see an ocean guardian floating on the tama

a pixelized guardian... hmmmm... Interesting...

My Oceangotchi Arrived, so I'll see if the secret screen is real when I wake up tomorrow!

(Yes, I know I bumped this topic.)

Here is a picture of Koi Nobori - the secret screen on the Umi No Tamagotch (Japanese Tamagotchi Ocean):

I figured out the time. It's 5:05 AM. It corresponds to the month & day of Japanese Boys' Festival (May 5th) - which is when they fly the Koi flag / windsocks. It stays on the screen for only 1 minute.

Here are what the real ones look like:

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