Sending Gifts


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New member
Apr 18, 2007
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is it possible to send gifts from you items list??

i see the option to wrap it, but then it just sits there!?

[[warning - n00b]]

i'd like to send a clone if possible.


Go to the item list in the book icon and choose the one you want to wrap, push button B and it will ask you if you want to wrap it, push button B again and it will ask you if you realy want to, push yes and it will wrap.

Yes, you can send warpped gifts to other tamagotchis.

Once it is wrapped, connect with the tamagotchi you want to send the gift to - but it must be the same version. Select 'Present' and your tamagotchis should be on the 'Stand by' screen. Don't press any other buttons on the tamagotchi with the wrapped gift but keep pressing button 'B' a few times on the other tamagotchi. Your tamagotchi should go over to the other tamagotchi and give it the warpped gift. If your tamagotchi has less training points than it should have, it will sometimes send the other tamagotchi a random bad gift like poop or a snake. If it does this and is smirking, give it a 'time out' (and you will gain a training point). Your tama usually won't repeat giving bad gifts more than four times in a row, so the gift will eventually get sent to the other tama in the end. :rolleyes:

-sk8er girl-

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