Serious Friend Problem..


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Well-known member
Jul 4, 2007
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I have a friend named Brianna, and we've been friends sinse first grade..

I am in 5th grade now, and ever sinse october there's been this new girl at school her name is Shannon, she is very mean to me but she acts all innocent. Once she said to me, quote "I am going to take your friend away!". :) :angry: :angry: She makes me so mad, but lets get to the point here... At recess (when I hang out with Brianna) She always comes in, and says she needs to talk to Brianna in private.. then I sit down and I keep seeing them play the whole recess together. :angry: :angry: :angry: ...

I have no other friends to hang out with, and this is just messing up my life. I don't know what to do! Please Help!! :p :p

I think you should talk to your friend, tell her what Shannon has said and tell her that you are concerned that you are going to lose her as a friend. Im sure that Brianna wont want you feeling this way and work something out. Just don't keep it to yourself.

I think you should talk to your friend, tell her what Shannon has said and tell her that you are concerned that you are going to lose her as a friend. Im sure that Brianna wont want you feeling this way and work something out. Just don't keep it to yourself.
Iv'e tried that,.. but every time I try and say something.. Shannon's there to say something else that grabs her attention. :lol: She is really my only friend.

try and talk to that shannon girl and tell her shes ruining ur life and makin u sad and then telll ur parents! that happened to me!

what a big baawholaloola. She's like one of those mean girls on TV!!!! Just go up to that dumb shannon and tell her eggzactly how u feel...even if it does end up in cussing and least ull get it all out!

Chattering with hapines

*You know the rules- and what I do when those rules are broken. Prepare for text to be stupified*

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I have a friend named Brianna, and we've been friends sinse first grade..I am in 5th grade now, and ever sinse october there's been this new girl at school her name is Shannon, she is very mean to me but she acts all innocent. Once she said to me, quote "I am going to take your friend away!". :p   :angry:   B)   She makes me so mad, but lets get to the point here... At recess (when I hang out with Brianna) She always comes in, and says she needs to talk to Brianna in private.. then I sit down and I keep seeing them play the whole recess together.  B)   B)   B) ...

I have no other friends to hang out with, and this is just messing up my life. I don't know what to do! Please Help!! B)   B)
Well first off i am VERY socil (Tamaw/pants can tell you that : D lol)and(dont take this to any affence)its sounds like your not, if that girl is your only friend then, yea

Anthor thing is that, have you talk to Brianna?have you told her how you feel?If you havent you need to : D I no its hard but you no, i have the same problem, theres this girl and she's mean to me, i though she was my friend, but i guess she's not cuase she always leaves me out and wispers right at me but dosent wisper to me : ( it makes me mad

But yea : ) hope i helped

Edit ( BDW like Chaterbox said that new girl is a big but head lol)

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what a big fat *removed*. She's like one of those mean girls on TV!!!! Just go up to that dumb shannon and tell her eggzactly how u feel...even if it does end up in cussing and least ull get it all out!
Chattering with hapines
And calling her names is good how? All is does is go down to her level and do you really want to be associated being as bad as she is? Honestly now. Cussing and the like will only lead to more drama and I think the last thing this person needs is MORE drama.

If you are unable to talk to your friend at school without shannon getting in the way, I suggest calling Brianna about this outside of school hours or dropping by her place for an hour alone to talk it with her.

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I think you should tell your friend what happend when shannon is not around.But dont go up to shannon and start cussing and stuff or ellse that makes you the bully.

But its up to you :D

wel sory 4 cussing, but really...shannon shouldn't be doing mean things like that. I kno how I'd feel if I were u, girl...just listen 2 ur heart...AND plus if Brianna would choose Shannon ovr u, maybe she's not worth it, you know?

Sorry again!!!!!!

Chattering with sorriness

During Brake-Time (LunchTime or Such)

Tell her She is braking Your Heart.

Maybe she Will Sit down and Talk to Shannon about all This.

If She dosent I suggest You to Ask both Brianna, And Shannon to sit down with You at Lunch or whatever and Have

a Little Chat together.

You Should say "Shannon, it is Great that Brianna is Finding new friends witch I think is a good Idea, but.. Why dont we all

Hang out together. Then we Could be three best friends who do Stuff together"

Although, 3 Friends is WAY much Better anyways, Cause if Brianna is Away, You'll have Shannon..

So There is my Advice.


Well that never happens to me becuase Im sort in this big group of friends. Maybe you should tell Shannon that you and Brianna have to talk in private and interrupt them whenever they talk. Or you could try meeting new friends. Im in year 8 so we don't have these kind of fights its interesting to see how mean year5s can be. :p

I am just like you. A girl that acts so innocent trys to make me jealous and when i tell my friend, she denys it.

Well talk to your friend and tell her how shannon is treating you, and be serious, dont be like a baby and say "SHANNON IS MEAN!" *crying*. say you dont like the way shannon is treating you and your really sad and it feels like youve lost your friend. Tell your friend to talk to her and maybe offer to be all be friends.

Iv'e tried that,.. but every time I try and say something.. Shannon's there to say something else that grabs her attention. :p She is really my only friend.
Try calling Brianna. Shannon can't interupt then :p

Tell Shannon u dun like it nd also talk 2 Brianna nd tell her wuts hapenning.

Happened 2 my friends....(not me)

P.S.: One of my bff's since pre-k is named shannon XD

If she says "i need to talk to brianna" you say "Okay" and walk away.

Then talk to some randome people - (even if they're younger [younger is easyer to talk to])

Then like 5 min later or so - come back, and if their playing walk up and say "Hey!" and if Shannon says "I said I need to talk to Brianna in private" say "Oh Ok You have fun alright!" and leave!

Make more friends

when recess is over come up to shannon and say "Hey Shannon!" and if she says something mean like "I'm going to take all your friends" say "Ok! Have fun!" and talk to brianna

It all may sound so strange -but TRUST me! It works!!

Be yourself, and no matter if Brianna ignores you for Shannon, just leave for a while and talk to brianna when shannon's not comming anytime soon.

If she says "i need to talk to brianna" you say "Okay" and walk away.
Then talk to some randome people - (even if they're younger [younger is easyer to talk to])

Then like 5 min later or so - come back, and if their playing walk up and say "Hey!" and if Shannon says "I said I need to talk to Brianna in private" say "Oh Ok You have fun alright!" and leave!

Make more friends

when recess is over come up to shannon and say "Hey Shannon!" and if she says something mean like "I'm going to take all your friends" say "Ok! Have fun!" and talk to brianna

It all may sound so strange -but TRUST me! It works!!

Be yourself, and no matter if Brianna ignores you for Shannon, just leave for a while and talk to brianna when shannon's not comming anytime soon.
I know you think I might be like "Okay have fun all recess leave me alone then!" I am not...

When shannon says "I need to talk to you in private" I say to brianna " No, brianna I need to say something to you"

then she says stuff like " How about you let me and shannon talk first, then you" ;)

Shes been my best friend for a long time, she never tells my secrets never does anything to hurt me, and cheers me up. I tell shannon how I feel, but she doesn't listen, then she tells me stuff kinda like "O, sorry your time with brianna is up!" in a real bratty voice. I don't have anger issues.. but her she is the worst person I have ever met in my life!

I know this seems inpossible to have the right addvice in this, but thank you all for helping, I am just half way done with this problem to be over.. brianna's starting to spend more time with me, but Shannon is getting harder to dodge each and everyday.

What you need to do is talk to your friend "Brianna" About this.

And maybe even Shannon more about it. I think you REALLY need to be very serious with Shannon about this. All you need to do is take a big stand, and tell her to "Cut it out!", Besides! It's not like you and Shannon can't be both Brianna's friend.

And if she still doesn't listen...! When Shannon wants to talk to "Brianna" Again, why not ask if you can come along too.

Haw haw haw! My names Brianna and there is a girl at my school named Shannon!

Anways... I think you should talk to Brianna *hehe* and tell her how you feel, and that Shannon has been telling you that she is trying to steal her.

Hope it works out.

KC7 --

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I agree make her mad reverse psychology pretend you don't care and then she'll get mad she's not effecting you and stop.

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