Seroius cofersation about Vegetarian


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exuse me... Im' a vegitarian! ^_^ Do you think i take things so seriously huh?I am not anorexic!lol! But i think you should be more careful about what you post because that could hurt someone's feelings! :(
Whoa... I never got that high-tempered on internet before! :eek: Sorry peoples if you're in shock of me being high-tempered... heh-heh ^_^ But still, I think you should go easier in the name calling, ok? I mean really, anorexic? That's pretty offensive to us vegetarians. A vegetarian is just as healthy as a non-vegetarian, unless of course if they are or becoming of what you call "anorexic".

See ya peoples


No, the animal is begging to die, but it's part of life. When a lion kills an zebra, the zebra doesn't want to die, but the lion needs to eat and that's part of its diet.
People are meant to eat meat, although there are now ways to get around it with vitamins and supplements to add to other food to make you more balanced.

And yes, as stated by tamaw/pants, an injection would taint the meat and harm us, so it'd be like killing the animal for nothing.

When they kill it, it's not torture... They don't draw out the death so that it feels pain. They do it quickly so it's just an instant of pain, then peace.
Actually, That is quite the opposite. The animal is not killed quickly and painfreely.

The way some are killed a QUITE disturbing, so for the sake of whom ever may be reading it, I will not post it here. BUT if you would like to know, PM me.

And another thing, people say that we've need meat to live, and that is completely wrong, if a vegetarian gets enough substitutes, we may even out live a omnivore.

Thanks =^) Katie.

Whoa... I never got that high-tempered on internet before! :D Sorry peoples if you're in shock of me being high-tempered... heh-heh :furawatchi: But still, I think you should go easier in the name calling, ok? I mean really, anorexic? That's pretty offensive to us vegetarians. A vegetarian is just as healthy as a non-vegetarian, unless of course if they are or becoming of what you call "anorexic".

See ya peoples

I must have missed something because I haven't seen one single name calling? Where have you found that? o_O

Omg! Tamaw/pants The last time I was here you werent a guide! Congrats!!

Anyway. Many for the protection of animals, but, are you aware that others are vegetarians for religous reasons? So don't go shooting vegetarianism down, or else you could be being disresptful to other religions. Thanks, Katie. :furawatchi:

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ok pepps : )

um i dont agree with it, but everyone has a difrent way of eating so, ya no, PEAROSNALY i couldent stand it : ) lol i LOVE meat! and really theres a specil protian in it that if you dont get EOUGH ( now i have a friend thats a veggy and she eats fish subsatotin meat) But i mean you COULD be anorexit if you dont no wat your doing now if you do thin you wont : )

EDIT: And also yall wether you want to amit it or not, its a part of life killing animals,...... if we dident the animal population would over flow ! so you need to kill some of them sometimes : ) and why let it go to waste ; )

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ok pepps : ) um i dont agree with it, but everyone has a difrent way of eating so, ya no, PEAROSNALY i couldent stand it : ) lol i LOVE meat! and really theres a specil protian in it that if you dont get EOUGH ( now i have a friend thats a veggy and she eats fish subsatotin meat) But i mean you COULD be anorexit if you dont no wat your doing now if you do thin you wont : )

EDIT: And also yall wether you want to amit it or not, its a part of life killing animals,...... if we dident the animal population would over flow ! so you need to kill some of them sometimes : ) and why let it go to waste ; )
Sorry, but I gotta correct ya there! <_<

Anorexia is an eating disorder, when the person becomes so obsessed with being thin, they stop eating. It isn't not eating meat, but yes, Vegetarians could be anorexic, just like meat eaters could. What you eat has nothing to do with it. <_<

Thank, Katie.

Sorry, but I gotta correct ya there! <_<
Anorexia is an eating disorder, when the person becomes so obsessed with being thin, they stop eating. It isn't not eating meat, but yes, Vegetarians could be anorexic, just like meat eaters could. What you eat has nothing to do with it. <_<

Thank, Katie.
OoOoOoO Thanks for correctin me there

I mean that if the aniaml get the injection, which flows in it's blood, and we eat it, that could be harmful- even fatal- to the humans that eat it.
Yeah I suppose so.

I have absolutely NOTHING against meat people by the way unless they say all horrid stuff about vegetarians and stuff.

Alright, so vegetarian, yay or nay, hmm? Becoming a vegetarian is a good thing for a temporary diet, but the human tooth pattern is not well-suited for a full vegetarian diet. Now, is there some danger to eating meat? Yeah. Thats why the theoretical fitting diet is that food tree we had back in elementary school classrooms, but it's not always the best solution.

I digress, we have teeth also suited for meats. The thing is, even if we were built for a sole vegetarian diet when we first evolved, we eventually evolved out of it. - Providing that the theory of evolution holds. (Which, is a different argument in and of itself.) There's a problem with both extremes. Just stick to the food pyramid and take your vitamins daily. =D

As a kin to the whole "injection" argument. I hear ya. that's why I get search for stuff that says that there wasn't injections inside my meatses. Farm-raised eggs, etc.

Both vegitarians and vegans are PERFECTLY healthy if they get the vitamons they need.

I also need to say something to people who think vegitarians are anerexic.

No, because anerexic means that you will not eat alot of things to lose weight. Vegitarians choose to eat perfectly healthy, just without meat. That IS possible.


Now, I am seeing that there has been a fight or two in this thread..

Well when people refer to vegetarians as "anorexic" I'm guessing they just think vegetarian people don't get a lot of fat since real animal meat is cut out of their diet. Just a guess.

I'm not vegetarian, but I am against animal cruelty.

I'm not vegetarian, but I am against animal cruelty.
Same here.

I dunno...its just, hunting is part of the eating cycle...

Like, bunnies eat rats, wolves eat bunnies and it just keeps on continuing...

that's pretty much why I'm not a vegetarian...

It's nature in my opinion...


Tama T has called vegetarians anorexic and unhealthy. I personally think that it's very offensive to the vegetarians such as I. Unless if we actually were anorexic and unhealthy, then I'd think you'd understand. I mean I'm not trying to start a fight, It's just that I can lose my true self easily and let my ugly side really go.



Same here.
I dunno...its just, hunting is part of the eating cycle...

Like, bunnies eat rats, wolves eat bunnies and it just keeps on continuing...

that's pretty much why I'm not a vegetarian...

It's nature in my opinion...


But one thing- the animals are already killed, packaged and shipped, so what's up with being a vegetarian? Just wondering, like what are your beliefs? I'm interested, haha.

Should I become one?
Any life lessons from being one?

Helpful tips/ Websites?


Should others become one?

Please Reply!
I have a funny story.

Once, when I tried to become one, I decided at school not to eat a hamburgar. So I ordered a salad.

(note: I Absolutely HATE SALAD! I'D RATHER EAR SOCKS!!! well, maybe not...but still!)

*at lunch*

I glare at salad. I eat some

"Bleh!" I say

My friends stare at me.

They giggle. (it's ok)

Then, I STOP! Because I HATE it!

Ok, I also love chocolate milk. To become even healthier (no, I am not overweight thank you very much) I got WHITE milk. ok, the salad and the white milk were both horrible. But, you can't be dimissed from lunch unless you eat most of your lunch. SO, I stuff some SALAD in my milk bottle!

THen, I hid my salad, and raise my hand to go. THen, they think I ate all my food, and say I can go.

But then, secretly, behind the trash can, I threw it away! Lol It was really funny.

But I was hungry.

Next time, I'm getting a baked potato.

mametchi :(

I have a funny story.
Once, when I tried to become one, I decided at school not to eat a hamburgar. So I ordered a salad.

(note: I Absolutely HATE SALAD! I'D RATHER EAR SOCKS!!! well, maybe not...but still!)

*at lunch*

I glare at salad. I eat some

"Bleh!" I say

My friends stare at me.

They giggle. (it's ok)

Then, I STOP! Because I HATE it!

Ok, I also love chocolate milk. To become even healthier (no, I am not overweight thank you very much) I got WHITE milk. ok, the salad and the white milk were both horrible. But, you can't be dimissed from lunch unless you eat most of your lunch. SO, I stuff some SALAD in my milk bottle!

THen, I hid my salad, and raise my hand to go. THen, they think I ate all my food, and say I can go.

But then, secretly, behind the trash can, I threw it away! Lol It was really funny.

But I was hungry.

Next time, I'm getting a baked potato.

mametchi :D
Haha Mametchi_411 xD

I hate salad too, I just eat the croutons. ;)

That's one reason I couldn't be a vegetarian, I'm very picky and would not be able to find a protein substitute that I like.

I'm vegan.

Salad and nuts.

No food products that some from an animal. Milk, butter, etc.

I do have to take vitamin supplements to keep my iron and protein up, since I am a growing girl, my blood needs iron.


It's good, a bit annoying, but good <3

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