Seroius cofersation about Vegetarian


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Dec 3, 2006
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Should I become one?

Any life lessons from being one?

Helpful tips/ Websites?


Should others become one?

Please Reply!

Well, there is nothing wrong with becoming a vegetarian as long as you really know what you are doing.

Humans are omnivores so we are supposed to eat meat but being a vegetarian is possible if you read up on how to get your proteins and what a good diet is, vegetarian style.

Another thing with being a vegetarian, be prepared to be more GASSY. It just goes with the terretory.

I don't think there are lessons to be learned as a vegetarian except you have to remember how to eat well.

Being a vegetarian typically costs more. You will more than likely make more trips to the store.

I shop once a week (maybe). Being a vegetarian would not work for me. It's stuff like that you have to think of.

Then there are a few forms of being a vegetairan. You could go all out and go no milk, cheese, eggs, ice cream.

Or there are vegetairans who just don't eat actual animals.

Personally, I don't see the point.

Vegetarians have reasons to be vegetarians. What would be your reason?

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Well, there is nothing wrong with becoming a vegetarian as long as you really know what you are doing. Humans are omnivores so we are supposed to eat meat but being a vegetarian is possible if you read up on how to get your proteins and what a good diet is, vegetarian style.

Another thing with being a vegetarian, be prepared to be more GASSY. It just goes with the terretory.

I don't think there are lessons to be learned as a vegetarian except you have to remember how to eat well.

Being a vegetarian typically costs more. You will more than likely make more trips to the store.

I shop once a week (maybe). Being a vegetarian would not work for me. It's stuff like that you have to think of.

Then there are a few forms of being a vegetairan. You could go all out and go no milk, cheese, eggs, ice cream.

Or there are vegetairans who just don't eat actual animals.

Personally, I don't see the point.

Vegetarians have reasons to be vegetarians. What would be your reason?
ur right but it's still not right to kill animals so we can have stupid protian

i feel that perhaps vegetarians take things a little too far sometimes

i know that killing animals isnt nice but they are killed in a humane way

they possibly do not understand the food chain

sun->grass->cow->human (for example)

i also ask, "why do they not mind seeing animals being killed by other animals?"

it is also bad for you to be vegetarian, you can become very anorexic and you dont get enough protein to grow, it also affects your bloodstream

if they find that the problem about eating meat is killing an animal (which is a living thing) then why does it not bother them that for every lettuce they eat, is just one being ripped out of the ground, ending its life (plants are lving things too, you know!)

i find that the most annoying thing is when they say "ewww!" if you have, say, ham in your sandwich, they have to respect that people do eat meat

my friend has tried to be one three times, shes always failed after about a week

id say its your descision, but if you care about your health, then it is perhaps not a good idea

I'm not personally a fan of vegetarianism. Although I understand people have their reasons for becoming a vegetarian, I also can't emphasize enough that eating meat is very natural for humans and most other animals, as long as the animals are killed in a humane way. Not that I'm trying to push you :)

I am wondering what is the big deal with Not eating even Ice Cream? Vegan's don't eat anything that come from Animal's just because of the Food Chain? We need the protein to live...

I see the deal with Vegetarians, they respect Animal rights. I tried to become one, but I can't resist eating Meat. Meat is like Crack, addicitng.

ur right but it's still not right to kill animals so we can have stupid protian
Primates hunt and kill. It is perfectly natural.

You are at an age now where you are finding your morals. It is normal to be an extreme thinker on issues like this. Just understand that.

There is nothing wrong with eating meat. You can't expect to extinguish what is normal.

If you really want to make a difference, get in to the industry and make better ways to kill the animals we eat. That is the best way to make a difference if you are this concerned.

I just started 4 days ago on being a vegetarian. I have made a choice to still eat eggs, seafood, and dairy. I personally couldn't go vegan. I don't like how farm factories treat their animals, thats my reasoning why I switched. I've tried a couple times in the past but have failed, I don't think I'll fail this time. :D

I am wondering what is the big deal with Not eating even Ice Cream? Vegan's don't eat anything that come from Animal's just because of the Food Chain? We need the protein to live...
I see the deal with Vegetarians, they respect Animal rights. I tried to become one, but I can't resist eating Meat. Meat is like Crack, addicitng.
So apparently you're on crack?

PETA propaganda. :/

Don't listen to them. They all do it for shock vaule.

Also, I do respect vegatarians. I don't care what they do. It's their bodies. However, I am not one, but if you do become one. You may want to read upon some soruces. Do NOT use PETA as one. Google some facts and maybe talk to your doctor about a diet plan. He or she can help you.

PETA propaganda. :/
Don't listen to them. They all do it for shock vaule.

Also, I do respect vegatarians. I don't care what they do. It's their bodies. However, I am not one, but if you do become one. You may want to read upon some soruces. Do NOT use PETA as one. Google some facts and maybe talk to your doctor about a diet plan. He or she can help you.

I think it'd be better if you waited a little while before you became a vegitarian. Your body is still growing and needs protien from meat to be healthy. If you mom is unwilling to make you dishes like tofu or other things high in protien then you are just going to go downhill health wise. It will be really hard if your mom doesn't agree with you becoming a vegitarian.

I would say think over why you want to become vegitarian and talk about that with your mom.

Those chickens are diseased...That isn't KFC.

I also know from experience that that is not how they put their chicken to sleep.

The chickens have a disease where their body doesn't allow nutrition or anything in their system (example: Food, Medicine, Drugs to put them to sleep). In reality this is the only way to kill them or else if we let them live the whole species will be extinct.

I don't mind vegetarians. You just have to find sources of iron and protein :>

I myself will never become a vegetarian. I need my meat xD

Anyway, just don't become PETA crazy. They go way too far with their 'save the animals' thing.

1. Should I become one?
2. Any life lessons from being one?

3. Helpful tips/ Websites?


5. Should others become one?

Please Reply!
1. Becoming a vegetarian is a really good idea. But first you should find out which foods to eat to get protein, iron, and vitamin B12.

2. I'm not sure yet I've only been a vegetarian for two months.

3., PETA's vegetarianism/veganism website

Vegan Essentials. If you're thinking of going totally Vegan then you can get cruelty-free clothes, food, etc.

4. I care about the animals so I decided to not eat them anymore.

5. Yes, it is a good idea for anyone at anytime to go vegetarian.

Ok, tama t said

i also ask, "why do they not mind seeing animals being killed by other animals?"

Because the animals must do that, humans have alternatives, a better way.

and tama t also said

id say its your descision, but if you care about your health, then it is perhaps not a good idea

And i say if you care about over 1 million helpless, defenceless animals then it is a good idea.

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