Severe Financial Troubles.


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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2006
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In a cardboard Box
Oh man, I am so depressed. Today was fine, until I got bad news.

My mom has to sell her car.

We have to shut the internet and house phone off.

We were supposed to have the rent in 9 days ago.

The apartment.. We might get evicted.

This is awful.

Is anybody else going through financial issues like me?

I feel.. So alone.

Everyone at my school brags about the money they have..

The new things they've gotten, and stuff like that.

I feel awful.

The troubles, they aren't even related to the economic crisis thing.

We've had these before this.

But no where near as bad.

I.. feel so awful.

I just do. We may lose our home.

My question- is anyone else going through this sort of trouble?

I feel alone.

I may not be going through this sort of trouble but I do know people who don't have as much money as their family would need.

Are you old enough to get job? Part time or holiday work? Maybe at a mall or a paper route?

Maybe you should have a garage sale and sell any old stuff that you don't want/need anymore.

It may be hard but try to think positively. Talk to your mum about how you feel. It's OK to be worried in this situation, heck, any normal person would be. You may feel alone but there will always be people around you to support you however hard it becomes. Your true friends shouldn't care how much money you may or may not have, they should still be there for you.

I don't know whether my advice helped at all but I hope it did.

Just remember, you aren't alone.

People out there do care, especially your mum!

I'll be thinking of you.

I'm sorry to hear that...I've never been through that before...

Are you old enough to get a job? Part-time? Maybe it would be good to work and just get a little extra money.

Maybe ask someone for help. I don't know. Maybe just talk to your mum about it and discuss the problem more.

Too many Maybes. I hope my advice worked, but I don't think it's good. I don't really know what to say when placed in your position.

no, i'm not allowed to get a job.

i want one though.

i'm going to be 14- maybe shop rite could employ me.

the thing for how old you have to be is different from place to place.

i wish i could get a job..

at this rate, i might not even go to college.

i badly want to be a writer ;_;

and i can't talk to my mom about it, either.

i can never talk to her.

she's.. too stubborn.

i don't understand why she can't just search for a job herself.

there are many people that would watch my little brother,

but she won't listen to me.

Ohh.... That sucks. There's not much advise I can give you.... My family has always been richer than I'll probably ever be even when I grow up. Keep trying to reason with your mother, I hope you get through this ok.

I'm sorry to hear that...I've never been through that before...
Are you old enough to get a job? Part-time? Maybe it would be good to work and just get a little extra money.

Maybe ask someone for help. I don't know. Maybe just talk to your mum about it and discuss the problem more.

Too many Maybes. I hope my advice worked, but I don't think it's good. I don't really know what to say when placed in your position.
Sorry you're going through the tough time. You are NOT alone, though. Maybe you could go to the library and search for online support forums for this kind of thing. They could give you some tips and reaffirm that you aren't alone in this.

About the part time job, unless it's COMPLETLY necessary, I wouldn't suggest this. My friend got a part time job and honestly I don't think it's worth it. She goes to work from 4 ish till past 10, can't finish her homework and she has to do this at least three days a week. She really has to put aside her school for this job and I wonder if it's worth it in the end.

What you gotta do is work extra hard in school so you can get a good job and support yourself and your family. You may not be able to see the results instantly like getting a job right here right now but in the long term, your education should be your number one priority. ;]

My mom and I are having similar problems. My mom got laid off from her job in July, and a day after that I went on L&I for a work injury. So besides her unemployment, we don't have any income.

We actually moved about a month ago because we couldn't afford the rent.

She's considered selling her car, but it hasn't gotten to that point yet.

We moved to a house with lower rent, but because neither of us are employed, we can afford the rent, but not the bills.

I'm with you, today I asked for $4 to get batteries, and my moms reply was, "Do we have that much, I have to check. Maybe later."

It worries me, but we'll get through. You'll get through.

We're always here.

Don't forget that.

My mom might get laid off soon. So every time we buy stuff, she always checks to see if we have the money. My mom came home and cried one day. And now every single day I come home from school, or I'm in my room on the weekends, I cry. I'm pretty depressed by all this, but hopefully we can get through this.

Trust me, you're not alone. And all the kids at my school act rich too, but I ignore that. They are just being self-centered.

Trust me, you're not alone. We're getting screwed by the morgage company and my mom hardly has time to sleep. It's awful, especially since I can't get a job yet which leaves me feeling totally useless.

I am. We can barely afford living in the house we live in (which isn't big enough) along with food and clothes.

Things aren't going to well, but just hold in there, things'll get better. :unsure:

Don't worry!

I had no house for around 6 months and had to live at my family friend's house.

Most of the time it get's better. I hate this idiots who flaunt their money. X__________X'

Basically our family is poor but we all got through it.

I have a problem like this, but not as bad. Almost, but not as bad. I know how it feels to listen to everyone brag and things like that. It does feel bad. And I know how it feels to have your parent not talk to you because they are stressed or whatever. I feel bad for you and I hope you figure something out ;_;.

I'm so sorry to hear that. -hugs-

My situation isn't so extreme, but my family always has to be conscious about what we spend. It's horrible. o:

Dont worry! i used to have the same problem but things got better and the same will for you! and your not alone! everything is going up in prices these days so everyone is paying more out to banks ect....

dont worry!


My family is doing fine financially (as far as I know).


[*]Call up financial helpers if possible

[*]Use the least amount of energy and water possible

[*]Try and get an employment, something that pays well but is not overwhelming

[*]Sell things your family doesn't need

Cecib :p

PS: I just realized the first letter of the advice I typed spells out 'cuts'. ;)

When you turn 14, I know for sure that McDonald's hires you. They give free lunches with your job during the hours you work there (I'm pretty sure) Also grocery stores hire 14 year olds. Also babysitting, babysitting clinics, that could help get some money to help your family out!

This economic crisis really sucks!!!!

When you turn 14, I know for sure that McDonald's hires you. They give free lunches with your job during the hours you work there (I'm pretty sure) Also grocery stores hire 14 year olds. Also babysitting, babysitting clinics, that could help get some money to help your family out!This economic crisis really sucks!!!!
Here in Canada, you need to be at least 16 I think AND have a social insurance number before you can work in MacDonalds or any other work that isn't babysitting (like the grocery stores you suggested as well).

14 seems rather young for them to be accepting workers then. Can you provide any further info from a site or otherwise that mentions this leaner age restriction? It does not sound accurate to me at all, just want the information verified.

When you turn 14, I know for sure that McDonald's hires you. They give free lunches with your job during the hours you work there (I'm pretty sure) Also grocery stores hire 14 year olds. Also babysitting, babysitting clinics, that could help get some money to help your family out!This economic crisis really sucks!!!!
That completely depends on the state/country you're in.

In Washington you have to be at least 16 to legally work anywhere, except maybe a paper route.

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