Sexual Harrasment


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May 9, 2007
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My Friend is: Surfer_girl

My Friend and I were In Drama, Everything Started out fine. We Watched

A Funny Vidoe, but it was An old movie. It Finished b4 the Bell went.

The Sub teacher Said "Okay if You Like you Can finish doing Your act"

So my group went into A Room to Practice in. Me and My Friend got

out The Costumes, one boy Enterd the room. He really annoyed her.

She hit him Lightly. Then he was Said " Why did You Hit me? Huh?" Or

Something Like that. Then She Said "GoAway!" He Didnt Listen and then he

put his Body Against hers. She Pushed him away, he done it again, Then she

pushed him Again. He done it agian. Then I Pushed him Away, then he done the

whole body thing to me, I Pushed him off me. My Friend Then Said "Im Telling Teacher"

Well, Something like that. He Blocked the door and Said 'NoNo Please dont tell im Sorry"

She Pushed him out of the way and Told. They Rang up his Mum, and They Said

if he does it again his going to get Suspended for 5 Days..

Comment on This if You Like xxx

Yes, it really did happen. I felt disgusted and sexually assualted and I bet Sparks. did too. The year 7 co-ordinator said this is more serious then we think.

(BTW it is only one boy.)

I have never been in this situation before and now I have no clue what in god's name to do. I told my mum and she said she will tell dad (he's on a buisness trip)

I can hardly EVER imagine what his reaction will be. He told me once that:

"If any boy did something to you, I WILL do something I will never regret."




{Exact words}

Boy, I can't wait to see his reaction....


I don't really like sexual harrasment.........

It is usually scary when it happens to you.......

The kids around here would do that, but just for fun. If I did had that happening to me I would knock his lights out and never regret it :p Just rember it's your life and he can't do that to you. Live life at it's fullest and enjoy every minute :)

It was a smart thing to tell the teacher. Most people won't report it, and then serious things could happen.

Hopefully this boy won't bother you again.

you should punch him then say NO!!!! I AM TELLING
Punching him can get you in a heck of a lot of trouble. Only do that if the boy/man is holding you down and actually doing the act, not if he is standing in the door way pleading for mercy.


It was good that you told. I would have told my mom and probably my friends, and then see what happens.


I read an article in a magazine recently about this stuff, and it is not uncommon. Especially when teens get their first jobs at places like fast food resteraunts.


One of my friends was raped. :eek: She was afraid to tell anyone. She told her mom and boyfriend 2 months after it happened, so nothing could be done. :)



wow, thats would seriously scare the livin snot outta me. i would probably do wat u did, but as far as giving advice i really have no idea cause i have never been in a situation like this, i wish u the best of luck and i pray that this duderegrets it and that 1s ur dfd finds out that he gets in sooooooooooo much trouble.


i meant when he was rubbing up against you, you punch him. I seriously would, u aren't going to get into trouble when you are defending yourself

I don't really like sexual harrasment.........It is usually scary when it happens to you.......
Well I don't think anyone of right mind would like sexual harassment to happen to them either.

As for not being able to do anything...not true. It's just a lot more said than done. I got a friend of the family who's daughter was sexually abused by her father years ago back when she was 10,11 years old. She didn't talk about it or even bring it up until 18,19. There's a trial set for this horrible man coming up this December I might be attending to testify.

So yeah things can get done...if you want them to be. Even if this guy who hurt his daughter doesn't go to jail, it'll be all over the news and media about this guy and his rep with EVERYONE will be ruined. It pretty much is at this point, but it'll be even more well known through our city and neighbouring cities in Ontario.

Punching him can get you in a heck of a lot of trouble. Only do that if the boy/man is holding you down and actually doing the act, not if he is standing in the door way pleading for mercy.  

It was good that you told. I would have told my mom and probably my friends, and then see what happens.


I read an article in a magazine recently about this stuff, and it is not uncommon. Especially when teens get their first jobs at places like fast food resteraunts.


One of my friends was raped.  :blink: She was afraid to tell anyone. She told her mom and boyfriend 2 months after it happened, so nothing could be done.  :wacko:


I read an article in a magazine recently about this stuff, and it is not uncommon. Especially when teens get their first jobs at places like fast food restaurants.

Or Walmart x.x

She told her mom and boyfriend 2 months after it happened, so nothing could be done. :wacko:

Not completely true.

When it comes to rape you can report it whenever you want.

Only problem is you'd need to have evidence.

I was raped in 2001 and didn't tell anyone until 3 years later. I was looking into reporting it about a year ago, but decided not to because I knew I'd lose the case with no solid evidence other than post traumatic stress disorder.

2 months later is a lot better than 5 years later. She might have still been able to have something done then, as it wasn't too long after.


But yeah. Sexual harassment does indeed suck. I've been at the butt end of it a few too many times.

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That's just disgusting. There shouldn't be a next time, and he should be suspended right away. This sort of behavior should not even be tolerated to the smallest amount (why yes, that's why it's called zero tolerance.)

Don't associate with those types of people. Stay well away from them. Nothing good can come out of knowing someone like that. And don't get me wrong; hanging out with silly people and perverts and guys that joke around and can take a joke, that's fine. Just stay away from the ones that would do anything like what you mentioned to ANYONE.

There's this guy who is really good at sexual harassment. It's scary to think that someone's good at it. I only have one class with him, PE, and he likes to run right next to some of the girls (and the guys) and talk to them which obviously makes them uncomfortable. But if you tell him to stop, he'll just say "I'm running here, I'm not in the way" or something like that, which is really scary. It scares me because the people who do things like that are the people who grow up to be the bad little men that make you double check all your doors and windows before you go to sleep.

I went to school yesterday (17th, I'm not in school today) and I found out he was suspended for 5 days. Now, his friends think I'm lying about it, his family friend said it wasn't sexual harrassment (YEAH RIGHT) and now my social life and my entire life in my secondary college (FIRST YEAR) is over. I just want the thing to blow over or return to what it was! *bangs head on table*

My Mum said I could always move schools, but I liked (points to the d on LIKED) it except for now!!!!

Personally, I think the moving school is the weak way out and my friends said if I moved schools, they will come to the same one and be with me no matter what. (I love my friends (- :rolleyes: -) )


I went to school yesterday (17th, I'm not in school today) and I found out he was suspended for 5 days. Now, his friends think I'm lying about it, his family friend said it wasn't sexual harrassment (YEAH RIGHT) and now my social life and my entire life in my secondary college (FIRST YEAR) is over. I just want the thing to blow over or return to what it was! *bangs head on table* My Mum said I could always move schools, but I liked (points to the d on LIKED) it except for now!!!!

Personally, I think the moving school is the weak way out and my friends said if I moved schools, they will come to the same one and be with me no matter what. (I love my friends (- :rolleyes: -) )

They will forget about it in about a week.

But good thing you decided not to move schools just because there are stupid people like that, hold your head high and don't let people try to break you down.

It was good to have told someone about it though, kudos to you.

So I take it your friend was raped then?

Well I hope you solve your other problem, ignore those idiots and just get on with your life

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*sigh*..Boys these days..

Well, I really hope that the boy will knock it off. Sexual Harassment is not good at all. When I was in 8th grade, this boy performed sexual harassment on my friend.

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