Sexual Harrasment


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Thats horrible!

I would have done exactly what you did-- you did the right thing, and you should tell your parents also.

Sexual Harassement and Rape sounds very freaky, it's never happened to me, and I'm glad of that. I'm sure it will sometime in my life; it does to 3 out of every four girls at some point in their life though...

So I take it your friend was raped then?
Well I hope you solve your other problem, ignore those idiots and just get on with your life
NOOOooooo.... No, sexual harrassment is when they do something inappropriate and you get uncomfortable.

No rape was involved.

Oh yeah, In response to Zoriia, I did tell my parents and I told them the school delt with it.

Though when Mum told my Dad, he looked like he could turn the house upside-down. O.O

He is now gonna be good because he is taking a Sexual Harrassment kit.

I think he'll be a good boy from now on.

And my friends are helping me through. I LOVE THEM... *cuddles friends*


My Friend is: Surfer_girlMy Friend and I were In Drama, Everything Started out fine. We Watched

A Funny Vidoe, but it was An old movie. It Finished b4 the Bell went.

The Sub teacher Said "Okay if You Like you Can finish doing Your act"

So my group went into A Room to Practice in. Me and My Friend got

out The Costumes, one boy Enterd the room. He really annoyed her.

She hit him Lightly. Then he was Said " Why did You Hit me? Huh?" Or

Something Like that. Then She Said "GoAway!" He Didnt Listen and then he

put his Body Against hers. She Pushed him away, he done it again, Then she

pushed him Again. He done it agian. Then I Pushed him Away, then he done the

whole body thing to me, I Pushed him off me. My Friend Then Said "Im Telling Teacher"

Well, Something like that. He Blocked the door and Said 'NoNo Please dont tell im Sorry"

She Pushed him out of the way and Told. They Rang up his Mum, and They Said

if he does it again his going to get Suspended for 5 Days..

Comment on This if You Like xxx
That is good that you told the teacher and all, but I just saw the "Comment on this if you like xxx", :) That might be a little offensive to other people... I keep thinking, "so you don't want us to comment if we don't like xxx?" ...

That is good that you told the teacher and all, but I just saw the "Comment on this if you like xxx", :eek: That might be a little offensive to other people... I keep thinking, "so you don't want us to comment if we don't like xxx?" ...
Umm... you bumped the topic. AND she didnt mean THAT xxx... ew. xD

She meant xxx as in hugs and kisses.

Not....that. ew.


Ok, this topic is a little old now, but it's great that you told people about it. Many people don't do anything about it because they are ashamed. Hopefully that boy has learned his lesson.

Best wishes :lol:

Wow I'm so scared 4 u! If sum1 did that to me I'd kick them hard in the balls! Well, I'm glad that u told sum1, cuz I've heard stories where people don't and it keeps on haunting them 4 a long time. U made the right choice and remember: if u ever get harrased like that, it's NEVER ur fault!


My Friend is: Surfer_girlMy Friend and I were In Drama, Everything Started out fine. We Watched

A Funny Vidoe, but it was An old movie. It Finished b4 the Bell went.

The Sub teacher Said "Okay if You Like you Can finish doing Your act"

So my group went into A Room to Practice in. Me and My Friend got

out The Costumes, one boy Enterd the room. He really annoyed her.

She hit him Lightly. Then he was Said " Why did You Hit me? Huh?" Or

Something Like that. Then She Said "GoAway!" He Didnt Listen and then he

put his Body Against hers. She Pushed him away, he done it again, Then she

pushed him Again. He done it agian. Then I Pushed him Away, then he done the

whole body thing to me, I Pushed him off me. My Friend Then Said "Im Telling Teacher"

Well, Something like that. He Blocked the door and Said 'NoNo Please dont tell im Sorry"

She Pushed him out of the way and Told. They Rang up his Mum, and They Said

if he does it again his going to get Suspended for 5 Days..

Comment on This if You Like xxx
Something somewhat similar happened to me a few days ago..

I was waiting in the lunch line, when this popular charismatic new guy playfully (and purposely) slapped my behind. I turned around and half-yelled "What was that?!" Yes I did tell teh principal, everything's kinda all set now IDK.

Its really sad isnt it! But, as they do, doys get a bit... confuzzled.

But remember dont bottle it up guys!

Kind Regards :D

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Yeah, Everything Settled Down. He has annoyed us at Times but now things and Slowing down.

nothing has been Mentiond from that day on. So, yeah thats what Happened, and things like that could

ruien your Social life, so Stay safe, remember, dont Be afraid to be a Dibby Dobber! lol.

It Accutly feels good after they Get in Trouble.

So Every boy/girl out there, be Safe and Remember, think before You do =]


You know what, you did exactly the right thing! You reported him and prevented what could of been much worse. My advice for you now is to move along with your normal life and forget these things.


wow, in my school boys would kid around,but not like that.
kids in my school will and if u do that in my school cuz you will get ex-pelled

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