Sh-short Temper...


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Temari Nara

Well-known member
May 19, 2008
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Please don't close this's not like the ways to vent your anger topic... But, anyways, do any of you guys have short temper? I have this temper like a ticking time bomb and whenever someone tries to get me mad I explode! Does anyone know how to stop this? It'd help me a lot!

-Temari Nara

Uhm, I have a short temper. It depends.. like whenever my sister comes into my room I flip out. >_>

Ohh, don't even get me started. :mimitchi:

Yeah, I have a really short temper. I know exactly how you feel, it's like there's a bomb inside me. I *cough* try *cough* to do the same thing that Sweet Kandi does and just bottle my anger.

But you know what always takes the anger away? Music. Plug in your iPod or Mp3 or 4, or even if you're on the computer, get an internet radio station and just let the music take over. That always calms me down.

That, or you can just write about it. Get a piece of paper, write down your problem, and (this actually works) it seems you're less angry!

But seriously, I reccomend music. :mimitchi:

Nyuu~, I also hate it when my sisters go into my room.... But, I tried music but, it doesn't work... how do you bottle your anger other than writing it down or music? It's hard for me to control it... it kind of helps when I write it down... but someone would try to get me mad again... my siblings aren't the only ones who get me mad...

-Temari Nara

Well, I only have a short temper when my sisters around. It takes ALOT to get me to breakdown, but I get annoyed by people a lot. I strongly believe in being fair, so I end up usually just calmly throwing one smart comment in their face then keep the rest bottled up. I'm pretty good at keeping things bottled up.

Right now...someone got me mad...and I'm sooo me!!!!!

-Temari Nara

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Well, I only have a short temper when my sisters around. It takes ALOT to get me to breakdown, but I get annoyed by people a lot. I strongly believe in being fair, so I end up usually just calmly throwing one smart comment in their face then keep the rest bottled up. I'm pretty good at keeping things bottled up.
How do you bottle it up?

-Temari Nara

Yes, I have an very short temper, especially with my little brother. Whenever he's in the room and I'm on the computer and he refuses to leave, I practally blow a fuse.

Other than that, I pretty much keep my anger inside. I don't blame other people for anything, I just get very upset during the time that the situation is happening.

I have a short temper. My brothers always annoy me when I'm on the computer, and when I just get too angry I lash out.

Yeah... I can't keep it bottled inside.


I have a fairly good least in controlling it or hiding it.

Cuz see, when you anger me, I just go away and eat paper while complaining to my cat and twisting a screwdriver left.

Abnoxious, stubborn, and rude at times, yes.

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My temper fuse is the size of an elephant. I don't have a short temper, I'm actually pretty patient.

I have a fairly good least in controlling it or hiding it.
Cuz see, when you anger me, I just go away and eat paper while complaining to my cat and twisting a screwdriver left.

Abnoxious, stubborn, and rude at times, yes.
LOLZ You eat paper?

-Temari Nara

I have the shortest temper of every single person I know. I'll blow a fuse,I might cry is it's something that's happened alot before,and,well,I wouldn't suggest how I get rid of my anger,I regret it afterwards because it's basically a bad impule thing... I'm not good t keeping my anger bottled up. Right now,I'm fuming becuase of a nearly impossible thing on a video game,and I just showed my mom the thing I can't do on the video game and said it was impossible,and she walks away and says to my dad, "She's complaining again." DDDDDDDDDDDx I DO NOT handle my temper well! I don't wanna take it ou on you guys,so I'll go beat up my pillow.

I have a short temper. Reading Fruits Basket helped for a while, when I liked Kyo, the mad one, I was calm, but now that I like Shigure, the calm one, I'm mad. I've started attacking people **coughmysistercough** for going in my room. And biting. I get hungry on occasion..

My temper fuse is the size of an elephant. I don't have a short temper, I'm actually pretty patient.
[SIZE=8pt]That's the same with me.[/SIZE]

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