Shawn's V5 Log


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Well-known member
Mar 1, 2008
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I just got the V5 yesterday, so this log entry will be about yesterday.


I started the tama at 10:27pm, but I set the time to 5pm (so they would stay awake). I named my family Maki, which was just a name I made up quick. The 1st egg hatched into a male Omututchi. The 2nd one hatched into a female Futabatchi. And finally the 3rd egg hatched into a male Mimifawatchi.

I usually know all of the tama's secrets and how to do everything. But with this new V5, I'm completly confused on alot of stuff......

I played games with them for a while. I was only good at the Tea Time game. I was earning 50 or 70pts per game. It took me a long time to figure that game out tho! LOL! I thought u just had to fill both cups, eventually I realized that the 1 cup u weren't suppose to fill.....I thought it was a coffee cup or something!

The TV Surfing game is hard for me. I can get about 10pts per play! lol, thats sad....It goes to fast and I get nervous....I'm getting better at it tho! I'm earning 50pts per game now!

About 1 hour later, at 11:30pm, they envolved into children. The 1st hatched envolved into a Ahirukutchi [male], the 2nd hatched envolved into a Tororotchi [female], and the 3rd hatched envolved into a Mousetchi [male].

A little while later I set the time back to normal, so they would go to sleep. I was going to bed also.

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Ok, now for today's update.

I got there bonding up to 10%, and I currently have 2,160gp.. I bought some kind of Snack food item at the shop yesterday.......I have no clue what it is yet...I wish they included the name with the item!

I'm gonna go play some more games to earn more gotchi pts, I'll post again later.

Its a few hours later and I now have 2,440gp.....thats only a 280gp increase.......I was too busy on Neopets, so I only played a few times. I'll have to work on getting alot more soon.

I decided that I should probably name each tama, instead of calling them 1st hatched, ect! .......Now I just need to think of some, I should of gave them names before I started this post, oh well.....

I'll name Ahirukutchi [male] "Tamko"

Tororotchi [female] can be "May"

Mousetchi [male] will be "Mikku"

I'm horrible with making up names....and I'm tired of using the same human names over and over (like Chris, Zack, Jacob, ect). I kept on using the same few names on my previous tama gets boring (and confuseing :huh: ) after a while!

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My tama family's bonding is now at 20%.

I got my gotchi points up to a little over 5,000. Then I went shopping for cheap items. I bought 9 items today (10 total so far). Most of them are Meals or Snacks, I've only bought 1 item/toy so far. I got lucky and the shop was having a sale a couple of times. Right now I have 1,890gp left.

I can't wait till the my tama family envolves into teenagers! I hope they envolve today! ....If they do, it won't be till around 11:30pm. I don't know if I'm even going to stay up that late.....I'm going to watch Naruto on cartoon network (toonami) at 9 to 10pm. Then I don't know what I'm doing after that....I might fall asleep or I could play some games with my tamas.....but I dont wanna play games for that long! I guess I'll just wait and see......

Btw, I usually keep my tamas awake when I am.....I'm too impaitent to wait for them to wake up on there own....I get up to early....

Anyway...thats enough rambling for now, lol. If I do stay up, I'll most likely post another update. I just can't wait!!! I want to see who they will envolve into!

I woke up last night around 12am and woke my tama family up to see if they would envolve....but they didn't ^_^

Anyway right now they're awake. Here's this morning's update:

Family: Maki

Blended Family

Happy: 5/5

Hungry: 5/5

Bonding: 30%

Generation 1


I bought some kind of cat souviner from the V5 Tamatown, so now I have less than 1,000pts......I need to play more games.

I'm hopeing that they will envolve into teens tonight........but if they don't, they should envolve tomorrow.........I hope...........

Not much has happened since my last update. There bonding is now at 40%. So now when I push the C button they follow each other off of the screen. Then they come back on and fall face first into the floor, one by one. It's pretty funny.

Also I now have 2,780 gotchi points. Its not much but I'm slowly starting to rack them up.

Oh! Thanks to someone who posted on my question topic, I know know when my tamas should envolve! Here's there growth pattern:

Eggs - hatches in about 1 min

Baby to Child - 1 hour

Child to Teen - 48 hours

Teen to Adult - 48 hours

Adult to Parent - After they mate

So, if this is correct, my tama family should involve into teens tonight. I wonder who I'm going to get? I guess we'll find out tonight! 11:30pm.........darn, could it be any later? :( I don't wanna stay up that late....but I'm going to anyway! LOL, I'll be soooooo mad if they don't envolve!

Well,.....I'll update again a little later. I'm thinking bout getting some more gotchi points right now.

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Its time for another update! And I'm growing more and more impatient by the second! I can't wait to see which new tamas I'll get!

Here's my tama family's current status:

Family: Maki

Blended Family

Happy: 5/5

Hungry: 5/5

Bonding: 50% (Half way there! :wub: )

Generation 1


I fell asleep around 9pm last night. Then I woke up at 1am, so I woke up my tama family and they envolved! :D .....then I put them back to sleep and I fell back asleep to.

Right now they're awake. Here's who they envolved into:

Tamko envolved into a Mamekatchi

May envolved into a Chamametchi

Mikku envolved into a Bakutchi

I'm glad I got Mamekatchi! I wanted to get him!

Anyway, there bonding is still at 50%. I'll post again later.

My tama family's bonding is now at 70%. I got +10% from training them (when they asked for it) and another +10% from watching the Gotchi King DVD (an item). I had to watch it over 10 times to get the bonding to go up tho.

I also put in alot of passwords to get free items. I now have most of items, but I'm still missing alot of the food items.

They will evolve again (into adults) on Wed, when I get up. I wonder who I'll get....... :)

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This is sooooo cool! I just got my tama family's bonding up to 80% (I used the Gotchi King DVD again :( )

Anyway, when they're bonding was at 20%, only the tama in the middle (Tamko) came up close to the screen. Now at a bonding of 80% all 3 of them come up close!!! Then the screen slides from the left tama to the tama on the right. Every time 1 of them is around the middle of the screen, they beep and wave to you! Thats neat! I was wondering if you could get the other 2 tamas to come up close to, back when they're bonding was at 20%!

I'll post again in a little while.

I finally got my tama family's bonding to 100%! Yaaayy!!! Oh, and yes I used the Gotchi King DVD item again. :p

That item takes awhile to get your bonding up, but its worth it!

My tama family is currently awake. They will be evolving into adults tomorrow right after I wake them up!!! They're suppose to evolve at 1am, but since they're asleep at that time the tama waits till they are awake.

I hope I don't get the large family! The V5 doesn't tell you your tama's weight, so I'm not sure.....I have been feeding them treats to fill up they're happy hearts often......Even if I do get the large family, I won't care that much. I always try to raise atleast 1 of every tama anyway.

Here's my family's current status:

Family: Maki

Blended Family

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 100%

Generation 1


Also if anyone wants to send me a PM about my logs or my tama V5, and I might post it here.

Btw, if you press the C button when your tama family's bonding is at 100% they do the same animation as the 80% bonding. I'm not sure if the animation depends on your tama's stage might have a different animation once they turn into adults. I'm pretty sure that the tama has a few more animations for the C button..........I was thinking that maybe once your tamas are parents they would do something different, but I'm not sure.......

I hate to say this.....but the Maki family might not make it to the 2nd Generation.....Thats only because I might start my V5 over. If I do restart, I will be using this same log for my new family. I will be thinking of a new family name to.

If your wondering why I want to restart its because I cheated too much.....heh....I used most of the free item passwords. I want to play the tama and collect the items on my own. Which will take awhile, but it keeps me busy so I'm not bored!

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I am going to restart my V5. After this time, I'm not going to restart ever again.

I just restarted it at 8:14am. The 1st egg hatched into a Futabatchi [male], the 2nd hatched was a Mimifuwatchi [female] and the 3rd hatched was a Omututchi [male]. I named my new tama family Kirba (after my comic series that contains over 1,000 different characters that I created).

Here's there current status:

Family: Kirba

Blended Family

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 0/5

Bonding: 0%

Generation: 1

Gotchi Points: 0

I'm going to play games with them right now to get they're happy hearts up. I'll post again soon.

At 9:14am they evolved into children. This time I got 2 new childern! Here's who I got:

Takk [Futabatchi/male] -> Mattaritchi *new*

Lilly [Mimifuwatchi/female] -> Sakuramotchi *new*

Zuri [Omututchi/male] -> Ahirukutchi

From 8:14am - 9:14am, all I did was play the Tea Time game over and over. I fed them meals to fill up they're hungry hearts. I didn't have to give them snacks cuz I was playing so many games, there happy hearts never went down.

Mattaritchi [Takk] looks like a cactus (he's not tho!). He has a big grin, kinda like Nikatchi, except Mattaritchi is missing some teeth!

Sakuramotchi [Lilly] has a leaf-like design or something on her head, with a flower also. Heh, I was going to name her Daisy, but I already have a tama witj that name right now (its in my other log, check my signature).

Ahirukutchi [Zuri] He has big lips/mouth, with 2 big hairs on his head. He kinda looks like a mini duck. I had him already, but I'm glad he's back! He's 1 of my favorite V5 child tamas.

Here's there status:

Family: Kirba

Blended Family

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 0%

Generation: 1

Gotchi Points: 1,600

I'm going to save my gotchi points intil my tamas turn into teens (on Thursday), then I will go shopping. By then, I'm hoping to have collected enough points to buy a good bit of items. I should probably start by buying all of the cheapest items first........

I'm not too happy that my main tama (the oldest of the 3) is Mattaritchi....I don't mind having him, its just he's not the best looking tama, ya know what I mean? He looks kinda slow to, if you look at the drawn versions of them.

Well, I'm gonna go. I'm off to play more of theTea Time game! ......Nice game for a guy like me to play, huh? I bet once the other 2 games are unlocked, I'll be better at the Shoes Pairs game than the Golf Putt game! We'll find out, once I get that far.....(so remember this bet, lol) Also if anyone wants to know, I'm a 19 year old male......and yes I play with tamagotchi's (would I be on this site if I didn't?). I'm addicted to them....I get bored every now and then, so I stop playing with them.....but I get back into them again.

I'll post again a little later.

Here's another update:

Family: Kirba

Blended Family

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 10%

Generation 1

Gotchi Points: 3,770

I just got they're training up to 10% at 4pm.

The next time they need training, they're bonding should go up to 20%. I've been selecting the left icon every time I train them.....I forget, does it matter which one you pick? If anyone knows send me a PM, I'll have to do some more reading......

I can't wait till they evolve! I want any teen, except for Ichigotchi. I already her too many times on previous tamagotchi's.

Wow, I have over 120 views for this log! Thanks everyone! I didn't even know if anyone would read these logs!

Anyway, looks like I was wrong. They asked for training 1 more time yesterday, but there bonding didn't go up. It should go up the next time tho!

Here's this morning's update:

Family: Kirba

Blended Family

Hungry: 4/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 10%

Generation: 1

Gotchi Points: 4,000

Mattaritchi [Takk][Male/Child]

Sakuramotchi [Lilly][Female/Child]

Ahirukutchi [Zuri][Male/Child]

They just lost 1 hungry heart and pooped while I was typing the update, but now everything is back to normal.

Tomorrow morning they evolve into teens! I can't wait! I hope I get atleast 1 new teen, I would also like to get Mamekatchi again! I likeBakutchi and Chamametchi too, but I would like some new teens.

Today I collected alot of gotchi points. I currently have 11,040gp (without cheating in any way and from games). Most of those points came from the Tea Time game, which I played over and over today.

I'm gonna go shopping right now! I'll post again later with what I bought! I finally have the names of the items now!

Ok, I'm back. I bought a good bit of stuff, here's what I got:

Meals - 9

Snacks - 19

Item/Toys - 4

Souviner - 0

Rare - 1

I only have 540gp left. I bought all of the cheap items. Also the V5 password on the instructions can be used over and over untill you get the item prize. The same thing with those other V5 passwords (found in the tama codes section). Just reuse them till you get the item, which may take 20+ times, but keep at it! Eventually you'll get the item. The prizes from these passwords are a Karaoke Machine, Mirror, Jukebox, Roll Cake, Cookie, and Pizza. I don't remember which code goes with which prize, just try them all. Ihe Karaoke Machine is from the instructions (I remember that one! ;) ), if you need the code its: 04932 64130

*yawn* I'm tired, plus I want to go to sleep so tomorrow will come quicker! I have to get my daily 16k - 20k on neopets, but the main thing is my tama family will be evolving into teens! I'll post sometime tomorrow morning (hopefully before they evolve).


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