She copies me and annoys me


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Oct 3, 2006
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Ok so there is this girl named Maddie, she's super hyper and honstely annoying. She always copying me and my friend paige! she's NOTHING like us. We love anime and rock music, She hates anime and is obessed with Disney. She's always following us around and its annoyiing! like this one time me and paige had a crush on the same guy, so I told maddie and she was like "Oh I like him too!" >_> and she's just plainly annoying. But I dont wanna hurt her, I try telling her to let me and Paige have some alone time but she just doesnt listen, any advice?

Hm... Hard. Why don't you ask for some private time with her, like in the girls bathroom or whatever. Tell her that it's is really annoying, and if she doesn't stop, u might tell her parents or watever.

I know exactly what you are talking about!


I have to suffer the same. =.= But my case is online. You'd think it's easy to just block her. But noo, she always find a way to get under my skin, to bother me and annoy me, ect.


Hmmm.... I'd go mad and yell at her. Sometimes people don't listen until you scold them or yell at them. Or try to find her some new friends who share her interests.

Oh, that happens to me aaalll the time. Hang out with more friends so she's blocked out away from you, or just afraid. Well, it works for boys, anyway. Personally, I'd hurt her, but....

:huh: PG

Hmm. Thats a tough one. Are you ignoring her? If you are, great. She will see you dont care and possibly stop. If it doesnt seem to work, approach her alone and talk about it.

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I had the same problem. But it was a guy. He moved though. He once called my brother and I 47 times in one day. He always had the same opinion of everything as my brother and I. Whenever we got something new he would always claim to have the same stuff as us. He also hacked my brother on games. He lied all the time. He was almost like a stalker.


Tell her to stop following you. If she doesn't, have your parents talk to her parents.


If none of that works, tell her to leave you alone and for her to start being her own person.

I have the same problem. x.x

She'll follow me around all the time, copy what I say, do, and think.

Feel complimented. If she's copying you, then obviously they look up to you and think of you as a role model. If it gets too annoying, though, just tell. It's no good if you lie about your feelings and let her carry on bugging your nerves! The best answer is the truth.

Peace and love,


You know what I've found? Many people are annoying just to get attention because they don't feel they can get it any other way. She just wants to be accepted by you two and she looks up to you. If you like something, it must be cool because you like it.

These situations can be hard but maybe you should try to give your attentions to her. I know a kid who was extremely annoying but when I started being nice to him and actually talking with him, he actually turned out alright. Sure he was wierd, but I liked sitting with him and he mad me laugh.

In other words, give her the attention she wants and maybe you'll find that she'll drop the whole 'crazy girl parade' and be more reserved and express her own opinions. If that's just the way she is you can always be nice and friendly without being "best friends".

Good luck- I know it's hard but keep your cool and don't do anything rash. ;)

she probaly isn't cmfortable with herself....your problem happens 2 alot of people...including me >_<

I think she's doing this because she just wants to be accepted by others and make friends, not because she wants to be annoying. Maybe you should see it from her point of view. :D But she doesn't realize that this isn't the way to earn friends. Talk to her gently about it, and try to find her some friends that share the same interest as her. Tell her that you know that she really wants to be friends, but her copying your every move is kinda getting on your nerves. And, tell her that being yourself is the best thing to do. :D Hope I helped!


She's obviously trying to be friends with you. I think you should either:

1) Give her some attention, but tell her that you and your friend need your space. Be firm, not mean. OR

2) I guess if it gets any worse you'll have to be brutally honest, and maybe a little mean. Don't scream at her though, that'll probably make her cry... :blink:

Just be honest with her, in a kind but stern way. If she is really following you around all the time, just explain to her that you and Paige need some alone time sometimes. And explain that she doesn't have to pretend to like someone just to be your friend.

And..well..don't be too harsh. This girl sounds lonely, maybe she just needs some companions. If you think you REALLY can't be her friend, then at least try to find her some friends that she WOULD like ;) It would just be the courteous thing to do. :p


You should ignore her, until you just can't take it, then tell her that you need your space! Or maybe act even more annoying back...

-Paisley 520

Just be honest with her, in a kind but stern way. If she is really following you around all the time, just explain to her that you and Paige need some alone time sometimes. And explain that she doesn't have to pretend to like someone just to be your friend.
And..well..don't be too harsh. This girl sounds lonely, maybe she just needs some companions. If you think you REALLY can't be her friend, then at least try to find her some friends that she WOULD like :) It would just be the courteous thing to do. ;)

I agree. Getting all harsh with her really isn't the way to go. >.<

IF she annoys you like that tell her to STOP! it may or maynot hurt her feeling, but it will get her to stop annoying u! it might be kinda harsh and yes cruel nd she might be a loner or no-friender, but just tell her something like u can be my friend, but be yourself, and paige and i are bffs and need some time alone, just wait a while and maybe u will be my bffs too, but ill then, we're cool, something like that, but the main choice is urs, ur mouth, ur decision! peace!

-AllieOne aka Ally =)

in the beginning of 7th grade, my bestfriend was this girl named mel. but then she got transerred to ALL my classes, and omfg. it was reallly annoying. i didnt say anything though because she still thought of me as her best friend. eventually, it all got bundled up inside and the littlest things like her telling me she wanted to sit by me ticked me off, and i finally exploded on her. i felt reallly bad though.

getting to the point: tell her before its too late, or it reallly gets to you, because my ex-best friend hates me now... :[

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