Shooting for a young mimitchi


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Active member
Nov 16, 2006
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So i reset both of my V3's at the same time. They are boy and girl. Since i reset them Will that effect my chance of getting a Young Mimitchi/Mametchi???

I really want one and im gonna try to take care of it them the best i possibly can.

Does any one have any tips for getting a young mimitchi/mametchi?


- ashlee nicole B)


i dont believe that if you reset you have a better chance.

unless you are getting rid of a neglected tam

however, they are different gens

so you arent going to get a pair if you start them both on gen1

you can get 2 young mamets or two mimits but not the same if they are the same gen

i think this should clear up your questions.

No, your process will be rewind
sorry B)
personally, i dont think that tams have 'karma' :unsure:

the generations dont build on each other

so, if you start over, with only the intention of getting one and being determind, then your chances should be greater?

unless you mean the waiting time. i wouldnt think that was very relevant.

heh i did that to but with my v2 and v1. i had a young mimetchi but i reset it before i knew they were good B) :( :unsure:

That's confusing. i was just asking if you can get young mimits/mamets on G1!

thats all and how to take care of it to get one

Well, all of the Mametchi characters are meant for odd generations. All the Mimitchi characters are meant for even generations.

There is no style of care that will definately get you a Young Mametchi/Mimitchi. But there are things you can do to increase your chances of getting one.

-Never let the hearts go down below 2 and fill them up immediately.

-Get the training up real high before the Tamagotchi is a teenager.

-Play lots of games so that the Tamagotchi is at the base weight of his/her character.

If you do those things it will increase your chances of getting one of the Mimitchi/Mametchi characters. Don't be discouraged if things don't work out the first time. Keep trying and soon you will get the characters you want.


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