Short Term Memory


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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2007
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Atlanta, Georgia.
Does anyone here besides me have short term memory? Short term memory is when you are usually doing something, and then your mind goes blank. That's really the best way for me to tell it.


I couple of minutes ago I was making tea and had to put the tea box away. I grabbed it and opened the pantry... and forgot what I was doing. I took me awhile to realize what I was doing, but the microwave reminded me.

Usually my mom's talking to me and she says," When you get home you have to ______." So I say okay and my mind turns to the music. When we get home, I forget what I was supposed to do.

Do you do that?

I have the shortest term memory ever ._.

I'm told something in class, like an equation, and two minutes later I forget.

^ Same here.

The other day I said something and my brother said, "What?" And I said, "Huh? I don't remember what I said."

xDD It's sad, really. x3

I'm practically always doing that.

Edit// I just realised how short my post was. xD Must add to it:

I am forever forgetting things. Sometimes my mum will tell me to do something and I'll go do it then in the middle of doing it, I will stand there wondering what I'm doing. Takes me a while to realise. Something else I do EVERY MINUTE OF THE DAY is start talking, get distracted and mumble a little. When they ask what I'm talking about I just stare at the person and say 'I honestly don't know. If you don't know we're screwed!'

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I wouldnt class it as short term. I mean, when I'm watching tv and the breaks come on and I forget what I was just watching. Or I think "I need to get _____ from the ______ " I get there then I forget what it was. I always remember in the end. But yeah thats it.

I'm actually the opposite of that. When people tell me things, I hardly ever forget. But then again, sometimes when I'm about to do something, then someone talks to me, then I totally space out.

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Yes, but I didn't know it was Short Term Memory Loss. :3

Like, if I go upstairs looking for a brush, by the time I get up the stairs, I can't remember what I'm doing whatsoever.

Usually, if I'm talking to someone, I can't remember what I said. With texting, too, although that's probably because when I'm texting a few people at the same time, I lose track of the conversation, and am just like, "Saywut?"

But yeah. P:

I just remembered something I was supposed to say in the examples that was kind of weird. I thought about this topic like, a week ago, and I was going to post it, but I forgot to seconds later. Same thing happened for a couple of days until now...

Sometimes, today I went to the basement to get my school bag, ended up forgeting why I was there, and went back to my room and onto my laptop.

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I come upstairs from my room to come and get something (still don't remeber what) and then i use the bathroom frist and after that i completely forget why i'm even upstairs. Lol!

Kind of. Mum asks me to do things and I forget to do them.

But I have a feeling thats more of me being lazy and purposely not remembering.

i was looking for something in my desk and i forgot what i was looking for while i was looking.

Not usually. I honestly have a great memory. It's just when I'm occupied with something and mom is like "Diva do this." when I forget.

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