Shots x.x


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I've never had a shot in my life that I can remember, but the thought doesn't really scare me.

for so long I've hated shots. last year me and my sis were getting flu shots but they did some other thing instead but we thought they were shots so when the doctor walked in the backed up against the wall and shouted "NO!!!"

but this year was wierd. when I was getting the shot I could care less and when they were giving me it I said "just do it so I can go home."


I hate shots, personally. I burst into tears before the needle touches me.

But my sister--she's four year younger than me and she doesn't care about getting one or not at all. Like--she barely feels it or something.

I'm jealous of her.

I had a shot (or a jab, as we call it) a couple of weeks ago for protection against the HPV virus (biggest causer of cervical cancer).

Didn't hurt at the time; absolutely insanely painful afterwards.

One down, only two more to go xDD Yaayyyyy...

I'm honestly not really scared of them, it only gets to me when you've got a petrified person in front of you who's freaking out.

The other bad part was that the lady told me not to look at her (wasn't planning on it anyway) and, "Look at the people in the corner there."

Extremely unhelpful, since they were the ones laying on the floor feeling sick to their stomachs after a bad reaction. Verrryy comforting, lets face it x3

I had a shot (or a jab, as we call it) a couple of weeks ago for protection against the HPV virus (biggest causer of cervical cancer).Didn't hurt at the time; absolutely insanely painful afterwards.

One down, only two more to go xDD Yaayyyyy...
I got that last yeaar xDD

First round - I almost fainted, cause I didnt eat breakfast that day.

Second round - Fine.

Thrid round - My friend started crying for some reason, and got a fever D: I was fine xD

I hate shots, personally. I burst into tears before the needle touches me. But my sister--she's four year younger than me and she doesn't care about getting one or not at all. Like--she barely feels it or something.

I'm jealous of her.
That is just like my sister. When I say I've had to get some kind of injection, she laughs at me then I tell her she'll have to get them one day and she just goes "Yay! I love injections!"

For me, If i don't look at whats happing, it dosn't hurt. I got my flu shot about 2 weeks ago.

I. Can't. Move. My. Arm.

2nd injection today.

I'm dizzy, sick and every muscle in my body is aching.

And after I had the jab, I was shivering. :/

At the begigning of the month I got the last round of Hepatitas B and HPV. one of the people asked one of the boys if he was pregenat which was a bit weird and one of my besties tensed her arm so it was sowollen for about a week . On the bright side we missed out on 20 minutes of work. i could of got chicken pox vacsontation but i have already had them say i didn't have to get that one

Well, today was fun x.x

I had my jab at 9:30. It was fine, I was a little bit worried, but not as much as the first time. When the needle went in, it hurt, kinda, but it was mostly numb. It was weird, it felt like it had gone in really deep, but I didn't really know if it was deeper than last time, cause my first one had been literally half a second long. This one was more 3-5 seconds. Well, I felt fine, if a little hot, and went back to my lesson. My next lesson, though, I had to go to the nurses office cause I felt too hot and dizzy. Well, I was there most of the lesson, but I still had about 20 minutes of lesson left when I went back. My friend then said "Beth, you've gone green" but I didn't feel ill. It was weird. Then, last period I had PE, and we had to swing from ropes x.x

So, all in all, not a good day. I can barely move my arm cause it hurts ):

Not in the past couple of months, but I really should be getting a flu shot.

My laat shot was in 2007, for the chicken pox. My sister had them. The next day, I had the chicken pox. D:

I am such a baby when it comes to shots. I still sit on my mom's lap with my head buried into her shoulder. And I make the doctor want to shoot himself. Here's how it went last time when I had to get three shots:

First Shot: NO! I DON'T WANT A RUBBER BAND AROUND MY ARM! WAIT! WAIT! (He then decided to skip this one for later cause I was being such a pain in the as.s)

Second one:

Doctor: -Gives shot- There! All done!


Doctor: You need to let it breathe

Me: But I don't want to see it!

Third one:

-Needle is about an inch away from arm-

Me: -Pulls aways- WAIT! YOU DIDN'T THINK IT WAS GOING TO BE THAT EASY, DID YOU?! (I really did say this, believe it or not)

-Doctor groans and mom starts laughing-

Once when I was 5 and I had to get a shot, 2 nurses had to hold me down while the 3rd nurse gave the shot and I was hysterically screaming

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