Should 5th Graders.....


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I don't think they are old enough to have boyfriends. But kindergarten kids are dating right now O.O' Last year, something crazy happened. This really girly girl which was bratty, was pretending to marry this bratty boy O.O' And she likes this person in the 5th Grade >.<'
My sister just got asked out a few days ago.. She's just in seventh grade!
7th is normal. under 3rd is not.

i dont think 5th graders should have a girlfriend/boyfriend but hey thats me! mi bff has a boyfriend she got him in 5th grade! wait a sec TONS of ppl when i was in 5th grade had b/fs and g/f!!!!!!!!

7th is normal. under 3rd is not.
What is the definition of normal?

We don't do things because it's 'normal'. We do things because we want to, such as dating in primary school - is it really so bad? Everyone knows it isn't serious but at the time it seems fun that you have a 'boyfriend'.

Young love... i think you should, because, I started liking my boyfreind in primary five-fourth grade, and we started going out with me in primary six-fith grade, now we're in primary seven-sixth grade and are going into highschool next year, I love him with all my heart and I'd die for him...

//_-\ Nix /-_\\


I am in 6th grade and I don't think anyone till 7th should even really care about that stuff. It just makes life really complicated.

But if you really like someone and they like you go for it.


Sorry to sound rude, but I'm a BOY, not a girl. I don't know why everyone is talking about boyfirends; but some helped.

Sorry to sound rude, but I'm a BOY, not a girl. I don't know why everyone is talking about boyfirends; but some helped.
what did you want help with?

When people say '5th Grade is/isn't too young for a boyfriend!' they mean it as in girlfriend/boyfriend although they say boyfriend :D .

I think it's honestly up to them,if they think they're mature enough to have GF/BF,then it's there choice. I personally didn't have a girlfriend until 6th grade.

There's no rule saying that 5th graders can't have boyfriends.It all depends on the maturity level of the person.

It's the maturity of the people that matters. And the pervyness of them... jeez, we have A LOT of pervy little kids at our school! XD If they arent just in it for the "booty" if you know what I mean, or if they are not just in it for a dare, then it's fine. XD

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Oh geez, I'm in the 8th grade, and I don't date, and blankly it doesn't bother me.. I go to school to learn, laugh it off up my friends, and pass classes.

But what's this obsession with wanting boyfriends and girlfriends, is it some fad? You want to look cool? You want to do it because everyone else is doing it?

I usually get ticked off when my "popular" cousins keeps on asking me do i like someone. No I do not. <_<


I think most people want bf'/gfs', because:

It makes them popular, and then they will get well known etc.

BUT- i beleive that if you truly love someone, she NEED to show your emotions, but i tottally disagree with someone who goes out with somebody for a joke. <_<

I think most people want bf'/gfs', because:

It makes them popular, and then they will get well known etc.

BUT- i beleive that if you truly love someone, she NEED to show your emotions, but i tottally disagree with someone who goes out with somebody for a joke. ;)
If you mean some people go out with others to make them popular it's not everyone. If you go out with someone popular your obviously going to get talked about and 'known'. But if you go out with someone who isn't popular then your obviously not going to get 'know' or 'known' as much.

Just because you go out with someone doesn't mean your social status will go up, it's probably still mainly theirs. All this popularity stuff is stupid :angry: .

When you're in 5th grade, it's really nothing serious. You just like the person, and he/she likes you, so you say that you're "together". You don't actually go on "dates", you just hang out and have fun. It really feels good to be appreciated in that kind of way. If you are mature and stable, having a boyfriend/girlfriend in 5th grade really isn't bad. I'M in 5th grade, and I have a boyfriend. We're good friends and when I am around him, I feel so comfortable, happy, and secure.

Memetchi Dreamer

When I was in 5th grade, all the popular kids had 'boy/girlfriends.' They never actually dated though, they just hung out together at recess and would say, "We're going out." Myself, I think you should wait until middle school to start looking, and even then handle it very carefully. I have never had a boyfriend and don't plan to unless one falls out of the sky, because it would cause too much trouble with my friends and grades. But if you think you can balance it and know it might not last forever, and both of you are mature enough, then there's nothing horribly wrong with having someone you like hang out with you. ;)


I had a bf when I was 5- that's like pre-k in America. ^_^ I dun see how Grade 5 is too young...
I know I have a dance on the 29th of this month and I am wanting a boy to go with me soo bad! And yeah how is grade 5 too young? My parents wont let me date or have a bf untill I am 13 or 14 years old.

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