..Should I pick this up again?


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Well-known member
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
I'm impressed my account on this forum still exists; I haven't logged in for about four years, so... wow.

I guess I'll start by (re?)introducing myself. I'm Maneda, 22 years old, currently in my last semester of college studying for a BA in art/graphic design. Fun stuff.

So I'm sitting in my dorm wanting to gouge out my eyes trying to get a ton of work done, and for no particular reason at all, I get this sudden urge to run down to the nearest Wal-mart and buy a tamagotchi.

Now I adored these things in jr. high/high school, and played with them long after my friends thought them childish. I ended up with a sort of collection of them, including the morino/mothra/ocean/osuchi&mesuchi etc.. but right now they're all in storage back at my parents' house.

When the tamagotchi connections were released, I was quick to buy several V1s, a pair for myself and a few to distribute to my younger cousins who were as excited as I was about them. But then I went off to college and was too busy to take care of my little egg'd companions, not to mention I didn't have the cash to spare for the newer versions.

Anyway, I could ramble on forever about my tamagotchi backstory, but I really need to decide if this is going to the worth the impulse purchase so...I don't know much about the new versions... other than that they have a lot of new/different stuff.

So if you guys might help me make this choice, I have a few questions:

- I'm pretty sure my walmart either has the v4.5s or v5s in stock. I think I might prefer a v4.5, but I really don't understand how the v5's work. Do either of you guys have a preference? From what I can tell you are raising a family in the v5; does that mean there are less features and stuff to make room for the family functionality?

- I remember the v1 had an extremely fragile screen that would scratch very easily. Is this still a problem with the newer versions or have they changed the screens?

- Considering how busy my day can get, I might not have time to do a lot for my little egg-pet. I know if you were in a hurry with the old tamas, you could just feed them a few breads and cakes and exercise off the extra weight later if you were say... in the middle of class and couldn't pretend to be looking for something in your bag for more than 15 seconds while you played guess-the-number. Is something like that still possible in these newer versions or will I have to put it on pause most of the day to keep it from getting angry at me?

- How interesting are the new functions, really? Do you play the games to get through them as fast as possible for the sake of your pet's happiness, or do you actually find some enjoyment in the little minigames? I guess I better way to word the question would be, "Do you ever play the games even when your pet doesn't need them?"

Feedback is very much appreciated :D Maybe I will rejoin the tamagotchi community soon enough~

Hiya - welcome to the forums :)

Hope you enjoy your visits - have a good look around the Help forums for info on tamagotchis - and if you have more questions then the best place to get the answer is in the Help for New Tamagotchi Owners forum :)

Have fun ;)

I have to admit that the latest version I have is the v4 so I really can't answer any questions but I assume that they're still simple enough to pick up easily.

Welcome back. :)

To be honest with you, the V5 isn't really that hard. I suggest getting a V4.5 just to be safe, though. The screens have been long since fixed and improved too so you won't find a problem with that. There are many similarities and differences between the games so you're on your own other than this info. Sorry :) .
