Should I stay...


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Well-known member
Sep 25, 2007
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About a week ago i got this letter in the mail inviting me to go over seas for an art schoolarship. I would be going over in January 2008 and i would be in San Fransisco for 6 months then i would once again travel over to Tokyo for a 3 week coarse. Then i would return back here to Australia. But I'm not sure if I should go.

Please i need advice

I think my sister got one of those on a modeling scholorship to go to like, England. My mom didn't let her go.

I dont think you should, because it could be a scam (trust me, i know a scam when i see one. And occassiionly sniff one)

It's not a scam i no dat 4 sure coz i had the interview and everything there are 4 other artist coming along as well, and my friend got somthing like dis not long ago as well, but she got hers for athletics and she goes to hollywood and las vegas and all dat :D

oooooh. Well then go! You'l have tons of fun!!

(I won an art scholorship too!)

really when do u go? I do really want to go but that is a whole year away from my family and im only 12 (well 13 coz it is next year)

well not that kind. I got a scholarship of $500.00 to take private clases in photography with a man...Chuck O' Rear. Heard of him?

Chuck O'rear, hmmmm, not sure i think i have but nothing major im going with 4 other kids with two mentors (you know like shaperones(sp)) and we are meeting um... some dude can't think of his name then we are taking these lessons in tokyo

EDIT: Andy Warhol is da guy we are meeting, sorry couldn't find da letter XD

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Andy Warhol? Seriously? And going to Tokyo? Duuuuude........ (Catchphrase ;) )

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You should definitely go! It's a once in a lifetime opportunity. Plus, San Francisco is awesome.

YOU SHOULD GO FO SHO! Just kidding! You should go FOR SURE!

Why would you turn down this, it could change your life 4ever

I say GO!

hey im from san francisco and i know the art place you r talking about you should totally go u could be an artist

go elmo have fun, im going to San Fran to soon, to see some realitives, then im going to greece for 2 weeks coz i might be going to school over der, so go and have fun

:furawatchi: KG

awsome i decided to go, can't wait, thanks for da advice every1, can some one tell me what San Fran is like?

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