Show Off Your Art/Photography/Digital etc


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The first one is with the Canon Rebel XS, and the other 3 were with my old digi. camera- Panasonic DMC-FX30, I think, lol.
Photography is so woorrth it, you basically can use any camera. Just look into all cameras before buying one so you can weigh out pros/cons about each one. Also try to decide what type of stuff you're interested in, and buy lenses based off that.
Oh my God, you are the greatest x3

-Writes down-

lol no, you deff. are.*pokes*

But that robot is pretty stellar.
Yeah, that's a cute pic. :D

I'm thinking about getting a 50mm.. Why? Because I saw a review for it in my photog mag and it was pretty friggin awesome. LOL!

Any suggestions?? I want to get a hard core camera but don't know where to start.

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You people are amazing <3 I need to steal my dad's camera and take pics. I wish I had one like his. I asked for one, and he's like: o_O No. I asked why, and he told me it's cause his camera cost fifteen hundred dollars. Bah. Well, my B-day is in March, I'll get it then.

Yeah, that's a cute pic. ^_^
I'm thinking about getting a 50mm.. Why? Because I saw a review for it in my photog mag and it was pretty friggin awesome. LOL!

Any suggestions?? I want to get a hard core camera but don't know where to start.
Thanks. :]

+ Firstly write down what you want in a camera and a price range, then research based off that. Also keep in mind that the quality of the photos is mainly with the lenses, not the camera itself.

I recommend buying a kit, which is a camera and one or two lenses sold with it. ;D Cause if you want to take a big variety of photos, you need a big variety of lenses.

@cluck_cluck_chicken - I like the first one. ;P

Ahaha, I have stolen my mom's camera. Not as good as my Dad's profesional camera, but still nicer than the camera on my cellphone xD

I'll post pics in a little while. And, I'm going to the mall later.... This should be interesting.

I'll upload when I find my camera =[

I have a beautiful picture of the Moon rising above the sea. OMG I can't find the camera!!!!

I'm crap at taking piccys. :3

So I draw 'em instead.


Aw I don't know why I drew that. All I remember that, I was upset that day. ;(

Bleh, the rest is poop so yeah.. xD

These were just taken with a Sony Cyber-Shot 12.1 Mega Pixel Digital Camera.

For the type of photography you guys are showing, I prefer my Nikon CoolPix 990. Mainly because of the quality of close ups, and more "artistic" images.

To get most of these I had to lean over a cliff (A good 200 ft, rocks all the way down.. O_O) but I'm glad I got these, this is in New York State Park, it is amazing <3

Kind of blurry D8

I'm upset this one is blurry, but it's still a good picture, either way.

The Birds View...

<3 Can you tell how far up I was?

Don't let go...

Far away....

These Next few were in Florida... ;D


There was a car show going on, and I got this rather interesting point of view.

Not yet clear enough.


All for now <3 Tell me what you think.

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