Sick of this.


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I totally agree with that. woman have to go through harder time. also because if they have sex they will have to go throgh the consequence of having a baby and pushing on her stomach like crazy.
This is true. My mother always said if males had to go through childbirth, they wouldn't be able to handle it lol.

This is true. My mother always said if males had to go through childbirth, they wouldn't be able to handle it lol.
thats so true. Most guys cant handle their girl being prego, how would they do it themselves.

*SIghs* Here we go.

Girls are always supposed to have happy endings right? I think not! Life is harderthan it looks!

Besides. Girls need respect! *Slapps my friend in teh back of the head Hear that nick?*

Well who cares, girls had harder times then. There respecting better then men now. That was the past this is the future.


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Well who cares, girls had harder times then. There respecting better then men now. That was the past this is the future.
No actually this is the present. The future can not be foreseen yet ;)

Its because girls are supposed to be "princesses" nowadays. And guys are pretty simple and happy with what they have. That is one of the many diffrences between men and women.
I'm a guy, but I agree with that completely. ALL children

these days are spoiled rotten and get anything they want. My cousin

thinks she is a princess. If she don't have it her way, she cries a river. If shes sees

something on TV, they go to Wal-Mart and get it. >.>

I have a nephew, too. He kicks, bites, hits, and anything you can think of!

I'm completely terrified when he picks up anything because I'm always hit by him.

He is the most spoiled thing I've seen in my life. He never gets beaten whenever he

does this stuff, and it makes me sick. Just wanted to comment about children these

day being spoiled or the 'princesses'. Also, have you noticed how little kids brag

so much? Uggh...I'm sorry if this had nothing to do with the entire topic. ;)

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Well who cares, girls had harder times then. There respecting better then men now. That was the past this is the future.
Remeber the thing in china I told you, it's happening right now!

And woman do go through painful stuff, right now

It's equall

By the way, (if people respect girls more)....

It's not are fault, they just act that way.

Nothing is going to change if you blame the problem on girls. Which I really feel like you are.

"Well its the way of life. just cause you have to go through painful stuff it doesent give them the right to get away with stuff. Its tough to be a boy to, tougher when your a kid. " Um, so you're saying that girls shouldn't be able to do guy things because guys can't do "girly" things? That doesn't sound right. When it comes to "painful stuff" most guys say that they've never been happier to be male. I don't blame them.

Girls can be very, very cruel to one another. Most guys seem to be able to beat each other up without much consequence. Just a personal observation, actually, since one of my guy friends seems to be put under constant stress with his friend when it comes to me. They're still friends.

How come it's always the boys who are doing something wrong? Girls can be made fun of for having barbies too, you know. It's not like being a girl automatically free to do whatever you want. Girls can be made fun of for liking barbie and bratz. But you won't be made fun of for doing guyish things? Seems like it.

I'm actually made fun of BY boys. So maybe girls aren't always the problem, hmmmm?

When girls say "oh he's so shallow! He only likes me for my looks!" What if he does? It's not like people HAVE to be in a relationship with someone they actually like on the inside. Then that would be a correct on the girl's part and she could dump the slime. Especially when you get older. I actually don't know many girls who ONLY like guys for their outsides, although looks are a factor. But it's true, and there are girls who only like guys for their outsides. That doesn't mean that automatically a girl is being hippocritical when she says that.

"That was then, this is now?" But there is not only us. There is not only now. ;)

My post is only a flame if you take it to be one. Consider my points.

I would probably have a few more things to add but I'm kinda tired.

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Nothing is going to change if you blame the problem on girls. Which I really feel like you are.
"Well its the way of life. just cause you have to go through painful stuff it doesent give them the right to get away with stuff. Its tough to be a boy to, tougher when your a kid. " Um, so you're saying that girls shouldn't be able to do guy things because guys can't do "girly" things? That doesn't sound right. When it comes to "painful stuff" most guys say that they've never been happier to be male. I don't blame them.

Girls can be very, very cruel to one another. Most guys seem to be able to beat each other up without much consequence. Just a personal observation, actually, since one of my guy friends seems to be put under constant stress with his friend when it comes to me. They're still friends.

How come it's always the boys who are doing something wrong? Girls can be made fun of for having barbies too, you know. It's not like being a girl automatically free to do whatever you want. Girls can be made fun of for liking barbie and bratz. But you won't be made fun of for doing guyish things? Seems like it.

I'm actually made fun of BY boys. So maybe girls aren't always the problem, hmmmm?

When girls say "oh he's so shallow! He only likes me for my looks!" What if he does? It's not like people HAVE to be in a relationship with someone they actually like on the inside. Then that would be a correct on the girl's part and she could dump the slime. Especially when you get older. I actually don't know many girls who ONLY like guys for their outsides, although looks are a factor. But it's true, and there are girls who only like guys for their outsides. That doesn't mean that automatically a girl is being hippocritical when she says that.

"That was then, this is now?" But there is not only us. There is not only now. :)

My post is only a flame if you take it to be one. Consider my points.

I would probably have a few more things to add but I'm kinda tired.
Well said Pyon. Can't be put any other way.

Go Pyonchit! Its true!

Just because girls are well, girls!, doesnt mean everything we do is right! Or that we have it better and we never get made fun of or hurt or beat up, think again, hwo do you think it feels to have a kid? Eh? Not so fun. (Not that I know X.x) But geeze, I play tackle football with my guy friends, they seem to be gentler to me because I am a girl, but so what? I fight with all my strength! Besides we have worse hormones than guys! Example-

Me: I want chocolate!

Nicholas- Why do I care?

Me: *Grabs him by teh shirt*

Nick: Ok, ok!

Really! And girls DO get made fun of fo playing Barbies! Its not like we can be 20 and not get made fun of for playing barbies! And besides because guys cant do girl things girls cant d guy things? Nu-huh I think not! *Pokes comments about tackle football*

Girls dont always end up a princess, and those who do, dont have it easy getting there. Girls have teh same problems as guys. And more.

SO that just goes to show, Girls dont have it all silk and sweets. We have hard times too!

So think about that next time you see a girl playing a guys sport, and before you tell them that only GUYS can play. We have just as many rights as you guys do.


Go Pyonchit! Its true!
Just because girls are well, girls!, doesnt mean everything we do is right! Or that we have it better and we never get made fun of or hurt or beat up, think again, hwo do you think it feels to have a kid? Eh? Not so fun. (Not that I know X.x) But geeze, I play tackle football with my guy friends, they seem to be gentler to me because I am a girl, but so what? I fight with all my strength! Besides we have worse hormones than guys! Example-

Me: I want chocolate!

Nicholas- Why do I care?

Me: *Grabs him by teh shirt*

Nick: Ok, ok!

Really! And girls DO get made fun of fo playing Barbies! Its not like we can be 20 and not get made fun of for playing barbies! And besides because guys cant do girl things girls cant d guy things? Nu-huh I think not! *Pokes comments about tackle football*

Girls dont always end up a princess, and those who do, dont have it easy getting there. Girls have teh same problems as guys. And more.

SO that just goes to show, Girls dont have it all silk and sweets. We have hard times too!

So think about that next time you see a girl playing a guys sport, and before you tell them that only GUYS can play. We have just as many rights as you guys do.

thats not really what i was saying.

I wasnt saying boys cant do girl things i was saying girl can do boy things and girl things but boys have to stick to boy things or they will be considered homosexual

And girls cant hit boys but boys cant hit girls?? Whats that bout' not very fair is it? A girl can sack a boy but what can I boy do to defend himself. He cant do anything or else he will be known as "Boy who hits girls"

And the barbie thing. So what if they cant play when there 20 they have way other better things to do such as school boyfriends ect. Like I said boys have to stick to boy things for there life and girls can do it for bout' 14-16 years plus you girls have more things to do such as shopping, getting clothes that look SUPER nice and not be considered a nerd (Boys cant where a tux to school can they?) and all that.


Nothing is going to change if you blame the problem on girls. Which I really feel like you are.
"Well its the way of life. just cause you have to go through painful stuff it doesent give them the right to get away with stuff. Its tough to be a boy to, tougher when your a kid. " Um, so you're saying that girls shouldn't be able to do guy things because guys can't do "girly" things? That doesn't sound right. When it comes to "painful stuff" most guys say that they've never been happier to be male. I don't blame them.

Girls can be very, very cruel to one another. Most guys seem to be able to beat each other up without much consequence. Just a personal observation, actually, since one of my guy friends seems to be put under constant stress with his friend when it comes to me. They're still friends.

How come it's always the boys who are doing something wrong? Girls can be made fun of for having barbies too, you know. It's not like being a girl automatically free to do whatever you want. Girls can be made fun of for liking barbie and bratz. But you won't be made fun of for doing guyish things? Seems like it.

I'm actually made fun of BY boys. So maybe girls aren't always the problem, hmmmm?

When girls say "oh he's so shallow! He only likes me for my looks!" What if he does? It's not like people HAVE to be in a relationship with someone they actually like on the inside. Then that would be a correct on the girl's part and she could dump the slime. Especially when you get older. I actually don't know many girls who ONLY like guys for their outsides, although looks are a factor. But it's true, and there are girls who only like guys for their outsides. That doesn't mean that automatically a girl is being hippocritical when she says that.

"That was then, this is now?" But there is not only us. There is not only now. :(

My post is only a flame if you take it to be one. Consider my points.

I would probably have a few more things to add but I'm kinda tired.
That so very well said, pyonchit.

Can't add any more to that.

thats not really what i was saying.
I wasnt saying boys cant do girl things i was saying girl can do boy things and girl things but boys have to stick to boy things or they will be considered homosexual

And girls cant hit boys but boys cant hit girls?? Whats that bout' not very fair is it? A girl can sack a boy but what can I boy do to defend himself. He cant do anything or else he will be known as "Boy who hits girls"

And the barbie thing. So what if they cant play when there 20 they have way other better things to do such as school boyfriends ect. Like I said boys have to stick to boy things for there life and girls can do it for bout' 14-16 years plus you girls have more things to do such as shopping, getting clothes that look SUPER nice and not be considered a nerd (Boys cant where a tux to school can they?) and all that.

I just feel like your putting ALL the blame on us girls, not on the boys. Girls aren't the total problem.

Couldn't of said it better Pyon.

thats not really what i was saying.
I wasnt saying boys cant do girl things i was saying girl can do boy things and girl things but boys have to stick to boy things or they will be considered homosexual

And girls cant hit boys but boys cant hit girls?? Whats that bout' not very fair is it? A girl can sack a boy but what can I boy do to defend himself. He cant do anything or else he will be known as "Boy who hits girls"

And the barbie thing. So what if they cant play when there 20 they have way other better things to do such as school boyfriends ect. Like I said boys have to stick to boy things for there life and girls can do it for bout' 14-16 years plus you girls have more things to do such as shopping, getting clothes that look SUPER nice and not be considered a nerd (Boys cant where a tux to school can they?) and all that.

It's okay to play with barbies when you're 5. But it's okay for guys to play with barbies when you're 5 too. Isn't that like during preschool? You can do whatever you want in preschool.

Girls can wear nice things- it's true. But they can be picked on for not wearing nice things. I really don't see guys hassling each other about what they wear, unless, it's, you know got "barbie" written on it or other. I'd tease anyone wearing something barbie realated (though, I wouldn't pick on them- my friends can take a joke.) so it's not sexist. Completely fair. Girls go out of their way to make guys happy- and FIRST. Thats why they buy such nice things. But they don't exactly go to school in nice 400$ dresses, ethier.

Girls can hit boys. Another true statement. But the thing is, girls don't really hit girls. (From personal experience, girls have crueler things to do then hit each other. I don't hit my friends who are girls, but I hit my guy friends. ) Guys hit guys. When you grow up, guys hit girls anyway. And that actually results in like.. actual pain. (Like when a guy beats his wife? Yes. Grounds for divorce.)

Whats so bad about doing boy things? Girls do them because they're cool.

I just feel like your putting ALL the blame on us girls, not on the boys. Girls aren't the total problem.
Couldn't of said it better Pyon.
I'm NOT putting the blame on anyone im trying to make a point.


I'm NOT putting the blame on anyone im trying to make a point.
Well everyone else thinks otherwise and I tend to agree with Pyonchit on this. I personally believe no one should hit anyone but it doesn't give a guy a right to hit a girl if they hit you. Remeber that girls aren't as strong as you are and you could really hurt them.

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Well everyone else thinks otherwise and I tend to agree with Pyonchit on this. I personally believe no one should hit anyone but it doesn't give a guy a right to hit a girl if they hit you. Remeber that girls aren't as strong as you are and you could really hurt them. You act like its ok to hit a woman and that disturbs me. I've lived around a abused woman once and it was just sad. DO you want to put your future wife's head through a wall, like that monster did to this woman I'm refering to?
I never said I want to put my wifes head through a wall. Im saying its unfair that I boy cant defend himself and girls can be stronger then boys you know.


I never said I want to put my wifes head through a wall. Im saying its unfair that I boy cant defend himself and girls can be stronger then boys you know.
They can defend themselves OBVIOUSLY. If a guy is hesistant to hit a girl you can at least hold'em down until they settle or if they have a knife or gun that's a completely different story. Doesn't matter what gender is what if the other person has a knife or gun, and you need to defend yourself the rest of that doesn't need to be said. I don't know where you came up with guys can't defend themselves ^_^ Technically that isn't the case. Every situation is different.

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