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Congrats! :]


I've never been in one myself, but I've been to them. I just can't get up and do things infront of other people. That's just not me. xD



You must be great at spelling. :furawatchi: !!! 8)

I've never been in any spelling bees or anything, but I have been in a few maths, science and computer state things. I didn't do well though. :furawatchi:

You should keep doing spelling bees and things like that if you came 2nd!


I'm going in a spelling test soon *_* Scary.

Anways, That's really great! You're probably a better speller than me!

Well, Congratulations again!!!

last year i won my school and got 8th ot of 120 (3rd of 50-sumthin in my age group) in the county bee darn one more spot up and i would have gone to state i lost on "catharsis" <--- i spelled it chartharsiss or sumthin

we have this weird thing where each class has a seperate bee and the winner of each clasgoes to school bee and the winner of that goes to county

last year we had a school spelling bee, they had a bunch of kids and picked two to be in each team in each class. I was in one of the teams, but our team lost. I spelled every word correctly that was asked of me though.

I was in a spelling bee tonight and i just got back and i came in 2nd
I was in a spelling be too! Actually I was in 2, school and regional. Were you in school or regional?

Anyway Congrats on the spelling!

T.J. ;)


Unfortunately, in fourth grade, (the last and first spelling bee I was able to participate in) I purposely got out in my class spelling bee. I started to realize that during the school spelling bee, I would be up on stage in front of people, and decided to lose. That was a very stupid thing of me to do. The two people from my class who went to the spelling bee got out on easy words, such as 'icing'.

In middle school, my core teachers have decided they don't feel like taking the time to do the spelling bee, so they are biased, and pick the 'perfect' student, who they think is a good speller. Once again, I am much better at spelling than the people they pick, and the people get out on easy words. All the other core classes this year and last year got to do a class spelling bee to see who would get to go the school one, but my teachers don't do that.


My brother was almost always in one, and he almost always came in second.

But he almost always got his picture in the paper for it.

So... yeah......

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