Signature/Avatar -- What is it?


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Avatar; Italy from Hetalia 8D

Signature; Lyrics to Italy's character song, "Let's Boil Hot Water"

Avatar; Francis Bonnefoy / France from Hetalia

Signature; Lyrics to France's character song "Embrace the Très Bien Moi"


Gilbert Beilschmidt / Prusiaaa


Lyrics to Prussia's song "My song that is written by me, for me"

Avvie;; Seijuro Hikoooo. Hm. Let me say that again. SEIJURO HIKOOOO. <3

Signature;; Kendall's line from Count on You - Big Time Rush. :3

avvie: some pwetty rose. its all shineh and rainbow-ish

siggy: ahaha. if you wanna you can look here:

spach ampadamant

red the rest of them too, they have...some bad words but I think you can handle it. there are 6 of 'em

My signature is basically me in a nutshell XD.

My Avatar is of Tamama off Keroro Gunso, because I love him. ^^

[SIZE=8pt]avatar is a girl holding a camera... signature is lyrics to california by hollywood undead.[/SIZE]

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