Signature Item?


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I don't leave with out my money, or jacket...


I wouldn't forget my tamagotchi, but it's batteries ran out :(


I usally don't bring anything, but that's only if I go shopping! :kusatchi:



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Yeah. Clothes? DEFINETELY. XD

But besides that, I bring my iPod.

My little baby. :(

Mints or Gum after I eat.

In case I get bored, that is.

Or concealer and a lip gloss. (Touch ups.)

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My super-awesome beanie baby that I've had most of my life, and at least one Tama.

I usually never leave home without my


-CD Player


-A pack of gum

-Usually my laptop xD

This sounds weird, but I never leave without something to do with red dwarf..I am a freak

I usually never leave home without my

-CD Player


-A pack of gum

-Usually my laptop xD
Ahh- GUM! That's another thing. I love my gum. xD

I never leave home without:

~ Lip Gloss, that minty one from Bath and Body Works! xP

~ My celly!

~ My smile :(

~ My pink bracelet one of my friends gave me

~ Something PINK! :lol:

EDIT: God, forgot my iPod!

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You guys make sure you have clothes before you leave?? That's an idea. xD xD

Actually, yesterday I left the house to go dancing, and just before I got the the location where I had to meet with my dance partner, I realized I was still wearing my junky old around-the-house flip flops with a really great outfit. I felt like an absolute dork! :wacko: I stopped at a store to try and find some decent looking shoes before I met him...but no luck! Good thing I had my dance shoes with me(a really cool pair of black suede heels that you lace up around your ankle). They worked w ith my outfit, and nobody knows they're made just for ballroom dancing. :lol:

Generally speaking, my signature items are:

*My purse, filled to bursting point with Victoria's Secret Lipgloss, some makeup, receipts, car keys, raspberry gum, and a whole bunch of things I don't really even need to have in there. Also has a Mantyke and a Manaphy charm on it.

*Cell phone, complete with pink and blue crystal-covered seahorse charm :wacko:

***A real barbed stinger that fell off of the tail of a stingray I used to handle and feed daily at my diving job. It's about 3 inches long and I keep it in a special lipstick case in my purse. It's neat, and I really liked that ray.

*Tamagotchi, kept in or on my purse

*A drink of some sort, usually Coca-Cola, Dr. Pepper, Root Beer, or Water

*A small snack, because I'm almost constantly hungry

*My make-up bag with so much stuff in it, because I almost never finish my makeup before I eave the house. Don't know how, but it always seems to happen like that. :D

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Wow. You have a lot of stuff in your purse!

I also am always wearing a ring. No matter what. XD

I Always Bring my Brown Sweater Jacket (I love my Sweater-Jacket. Its Brown, With Gold Sparkles on it. ^-^). And i never leave home without my Tamagotchi,Littlest Pet Shop Digital Pet,a book,and mp3 player. And a Purse (With no money in it, maybe 5 dollars, but thats it).

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