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Wrong forum.
And, I don't think Sims is the best game ever.
Why is it the wrong forum? We play the Sims, don't we? And in case you haven't noticed, this is the Stuff We PLAY forum? Blind, much!

Jeez, you're so negative. Real life of the party. I love the sims 3. I am on the second generation of my family. I started with Melissa Addams who married Cycl0n3 Sw0rd and had Sian, Kindi, Jess (triplets), Jaxyn, Rhian (twins(both female)) and Jayda-Lee. Jayda Lee is marrying Aaron Smith and will have Alanis, Kate, Paris, Jesse, Jake and Nathaniel. 3 boys and 3 girls. I love the sims 3. Who has World Adventures?

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Why is it the wrong forum? We play the Sims, don't we? And in case you haven't noticed, this is the Stuff We PLAY forum? Blind, much!

Jeez, you're so negative. Real life of the party. I love the sims 3. I am on the second generation of my family. I started with Melissa Addams who married Cycl0n3 Sw0rd and had Sian, Kindi, Jess (triplets), Jaxyn, Rhian (twins(both female)) and Jayda-Lee. Jayda Lee is marrying Aaron Smith and will have Alanis, Kate, Paris, Jesse, Jake and Nathaniel. 3 boys and 3 girls. I love the sims 3. Who has World Adventures?
Before you shoot people down and insult them, you might want to read through the entire topic.

This topic was originally in the wrong place. TamaMum moved it.

As for the topic: I like the Sims. I wouldn't say it's the best game, but it's good. I prefer Sims 2 and it's expansions the most. Sims 3 is awesome in it's own ways, but it just doesn't keep my attention as well.

Yeah, Sims 2 was awesome because of all the expansions you could get, and you could download a lot of custom stuff from online, which was cool.

I love this game.

I have almost every expansion for the Sims 1, Uni for Sims 2 (I can't play TS2 anymore due to our stupid Vista) and Sims 3.

Yeah the console ones suck.

Has anyone got MySims for the computer? I want it.

In my family (the funky family's house burned) The Will Family, my nanny started flinning poor baby toon link (yes i called my baby toon link) around like a nunchuck! it was a glitch! it was on my computer which is really slow with viruses!

its too bad that link and zelda were gone to work! :( i fired that nanny! :D one of the reasons NOT TO HIRE A NANNY ON SIMS!

Why is it the wrong forum? We play the Sims, don't we? And in case you haven't noticed, this is the Stuff We PLAY forum? Blind, much!

Jeez, you're so negative. Real life of the party. I love the sims 3. I am on the second generation of my family. I started with Melissa Addams who married Cycl0n3 Sw0rd and had Sian, Kindi, Jess (triplets), Jaxyn, Rhian (twins(both female)) and Jayda-Lee. Jayda Lee is marrying Aaron Smith and will have Alanis, Kate, Paris, Jesse, Jake and Nathaniel. 3 boys and 3 girls. I love the sims 3. Who has World Adventures?
I have changed the names of the children. Jayda-Lee has had Kate and Anna (twins) and she will have Alanis and Nathaniel (multi-gender twins) and Jake and Jesse. I have taken out the name Paris because it clashes with Alanis. The heir for Gen 3 will be Kate or Jesse

I have Sims 3 and my favourite family goes like this

Julie Rhuhan and Ky Rhuhan have Ophelia, Jayne-Marie and Eboni. Ophelia ages to Young Adult and gets married to Alex Rutham. Julie, Ky and Jayne then movie in with Kylie (Alex's mother) and Glennda. Then Julie has Bernice and Janice (I couldn't control their names, they're in a different household)

Then Ophelia has their first child, Ryan Rhuhan. Ryan is now a child, and he has 2 little sisters (twins) Sarah and Anna.

I love the Sims. I recently got a new laptop for my birthday last year just so I could run it. I also got the Sims 3 on the same day. ;D

I want to get the WA Expansion but I have to use my own money. DX Oh well, I'll find a way to get 40 bucks. XD

I know the whole family tree and info too:

They started out with Cassandra Black, who married Cycl0n3 and they had a girl named Annie who was dating a girl but she had relationship issues so I made a custom Sim named Daniel Bloom who married Annie in which they had two kids; Emilie and Erik Bloom. But then Daniel met Aisha and they got married and Daniel had Emilie and Annie move out, (he kept Erik) and him and Aisha had twins; Stella and Evangeline. Erik became a teen and fulfilled his LTW (I actually had him complete it yesterday. 8D). Daniel and Aisha then had another girl and named her Celia, I used boolprop and birthday cakes to get her to be a child, making her older then the twins, who were toddlers at the time. Celia wanted the same LTW as Erik so I let her have it, by the way it was Illustrious Author (which is extremely easy to fulfill). Then yesterday Stella and Evangeline became kids and they're quite the cuties. ^^ They are twin twins by the way so they look exactly like each other, they just wear different outfits. :) Daniel and Aisha are now Elders and Erik is turning into a Young Adult in about 11 or 10 Sim days. I'm trying to get him a girlfriend so he's working on that. ^^ I already have Celia's future bf, at the moment they're bff's. ^^ Only makes things easier for me. 8D Erik is going for this really pretty girls and they're friends so yay~~.

Oh my gosh, I love my Sims. As you can tell, I remembered everything about them. ^^

Sims 3 went all glitchy, so I went back to The Sims 2. I now have every Sims 2 and Sims 3 Expansion Pack made. I don't have any stuff packs though as they are kinda useless unless you want more furniture and stuff.

I've only played the original Sims (with expansion packs Livin' Large and Unleashed). Sims 2 is awesome, and I've played that with Night Life (cars! Whoo!) and Seasons. I haven't played Sims in a long time though. =/ And I mean LONG time. Like maybe last summer.

I have a few games like:

Sims Bustin' Out (It's not that great, it's for Xbox :\)

Sims 2 (Most expansion packs)

Sims 3 + World Adventures.

I love the sims 3. :DD Especially with the world adventures. :3 I am like, on my 100th gen. (I am exargerating, mind you. xD)

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