Sister Tamas Diary ♥


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Well, let's check on Ally first.

She has one emtpy happy heart, OH, NO!

Her weight is still 99..... UGH, UGH, UGH, UGH, UGH!!

Three training as usual..

She's five years old!

Same point amout I think.

Now Bill.

He needs two happy hearts filled.


Two training as usual, too...

His skills:




Four years old.... (be five already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Fourty-nine is his weight.

22305 points. Yippee!

Now me and Ally are gonna have a shopping spree at tama town!!!!

C'mon, Ally!

Hold on, gotta get my coat!

Hi everyone!

I just played a game with Ally to help her weight go down. She's 97 lb now. Maybe I'll buy her something in the shop...


Okay, so I bought Ally fish and pop corn. Yummy!

Nothing much has really happened. Bill is same-old-same-old I guess... ;)



Ally and bill married!!!!!! The babies are both girls. Cutiepuppy named Bill's baby Betsy and I named Ally's baby Honey. That's all for now... Oh, but Bill had gotten two mails before! One was fourtane, he had two stars with everything and the other one was the king giving him 400 points! RAD!


Live update:

Bill pooed. Cutiepuppy can clean THAT up! Honey gets sick. She gets healed by Dr. Cutiepuppy. Ally and Honey get fed a scone. Bill gets normal mail. It's a snake!! Oh, no! Bill gets a fourtane. One money (c'mon, Bill, keep your job!), two hearts, and two strength.

Bill and Betsy get fed sushi and bread.

This has been a live update- thanks for reading!

Hi Tamatalkers!

When Betsy talks, she will talk in orange. And when Honey talks, she will talk in red. Okay?

Hiya! Hiya! I'm Honey!

Um, I'm Betsy.

Isn't Honey a darling little tama?

I think Betsy looks just like me!

Nice little chat they had, huh?

Oh, I spotted Bill taking a bath. It was sooooo cute!!!

I wish I had gotten a picture of it....


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Nothing new today. Ally, Bill, Honey, and Betsy are all still asleep. Ally and Honey pooed last night and fell asleep before I could clean it up... so I'll try and fix that later.
