Six Degrees of Separation


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My dad met Prince, a bunch of famous mexican singers, a lot of football players and Eddie Guerrero ;)

1 degree from stinking Miley Cyrus. I had to be close to stinky. dang Uncle has to know her.

Well, My great great granddad was the mayor of my city and was tight with the royal family. My nana still has connections to the royals [of england] and we have hand written letters from a prince [Who knows what his name is? Hes not alive any more...] and they had several dinners and tea parties [As I put it] together. That must be like 3 or 4 degrees from royalty.

1 degree from stinking Miley Cyrus. I had to be close to stinky. dang Uncle has to know her.
Well, My great great granddad was the mayor of my city and was tight with the royal family. My nana still has connections to the royals [of england] and we have hand written letters from a prince [Who knows what his name is? Hes not alive any more...] and they had several dinners and tea parties [As I put it] together. That must be like 3 or 4 degrees from royalty.
Rofl, how does he know her? :furawatchi:

Some girls would kill for your uncle. ;D

That's really neat about the royal family ties, though!

Not sure how many degrees, but I've met all of the judges on the next star like suzie mcneil..

My friends grandfather is Robert Bateman, a very famous canadian artist.

My old piano teachers secretary met Kanye West..

Hmm, I've met more famous people!

My dad's really close freind, who we've known for a long time...Well hes a family freind actually, he has like five kids and 2 of his daughters are my babysitters sometimes when i was little and their dad is the SPOKESPERSON for David Archuletta. They were freinds before Archie got famous and they are neighbors too. They come over to each others hosues a lot my dad told me. So my dad told me that, the guy is gonna give us tickets to Archies concert somtime this year AND hes going to give us backstage passes to meet him! All of his kids even the brothers have met Archie!!!! AHHH!! And my original babysitter used to go to this highschool where Read it & Weep (disney movie w/ Daniel and Kay Panabaker) was shot. She met and got the autographs of Daniel and Kay Panabaker!!! So I'm a like 2 degrees from Archie! But not that close to Kay and Daniel. Also my mom got the Autograph of the guy who plays Mr. Bean in the Mr. Bean movies. She got his autograph in France for me. Archie also goes to my old babysitter's old highschool. He's a year younger than her.

My family comes from English Royalty so probably not too many degrees, but to be honest I have no idea how many.

I got Justin Bieber to write me an autograph for my friends birthday and he did! =DMy friend cried. o_O

She loves him.

I lurv him.


I feel so......far away from the famous people. -.-'

It's weird though; lots of singers add me on Myspace. o.0

Alot of them I've never heard of, but they have CD's and thousands of fans.

And they add ME.

It's weird. How did they find me anyways?

aha. oh wellz.

My friend Myles has met all of Panic ! At The Disco.

. . . <3

So I'd say about one degree.

He didn't get me an autograph D:<

Geraldine has gone to loads of concerts and never gets me autographs. D;

Umm...Well my dad met Westlife on a plane and got their autographs. Joe Dolan sang to my mum on her birthday. My dad starred in 'How Long Will you Live?' (Not the actual programme but he gave the person a golf lesson and it was shown) He was also on Ireland AM. He also gave a golf lesson to someone who won a big golf tournament! My younger brother was on tv twice. I talked to Nick Jonas online XD and I met D'Side when they were starting out as a band (I dont think they lasted long because I havent heard about them in ages! I met Ann Carroll (an Irish author) and I talked to Claire Hennessy (author) I also met Jacqueline Willson. EDIT: My friend's mum also said that she saw Emma Watson on a plane!

Hmm...never realised how connected I was! lol! ;)


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Well, like I said, my brother is a band member and is famousish and his EP is available on iTunes.

Ive met Fitzy, and these 2 news readers. And my friends friend has an uncle who is a boxer. And my grandpa is also famousish in russia. Ive also met Hi-5 and seen the Rugue Traders live on stage.

Gah, my family ish not famous. I hope to change that one day xD.

Actually, there is a social "law" [i don't know if law is the technical scientific law, but a social statement, whatever] that in 6 people you know everyone in the world.
It's really quite interesting. Out of all the people you know, out of all the people they know, all the people they know and etc., you know anyone in the world. :p
That... doesn't make any sense.

In 6 people you know everyone in the world??? I don't get it.

My nana swims in the same pool every morning that Sophie Pascoe trains in. Sophie is a paraolympian who won lots of gold medals at the 08 para olympics. So 1 degree from my inspiration. [she lost her leg when she was 2 cos her dad accidentally ran her over on his ride on lawn mower]

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