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x_Lynn Chan_x

Well-known member
Jul 21, 2007
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Where it's Nine in the Afternoon
Yes, I have made yet another topic.


I want to learn how to skateboard during summer.


I have two questions about skateboarding:


How long does it take to learn how to skateboard?

No, I'm not talking about being the next Tony Hawk. I'm just talking about being able to skateboard around your neighborhood and do maybe one or two (really simple) tricks.

Does the brand you buy from make a difference?


Thank you,




EDIT: Also, feel free to discuss anything to do with skateboarding.

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First of all, it depends on how much time and effort you go into practicing. In about two weeks or so, you can get the hang of it. The brand, may slightly make a difference. The more common, well known, names are suggested more than an unknown brand *in other words, the more common names have better quality.

When I was all active and stuff... I used to skateboard.. wasn't that good though. I want to start again. I just bought any skateboard. x.x I didn't really care. But now Archery is my prime sport. :D


Sorry I couldn't help. ^-^;;

well, it will take you really long if you want to be as good as i am now.

i don't mean to toot my own horn or anything, but really. i can ride [on flat surfaces] in a straight line [that maybe is'nt so straight].

it took me maybe a couple months to learn to do that.

Just make sure you start on a good board. I got mine custom built at some skate shop. Just learn how to balance then once you mastered that try riding down flat surfaces and steering by leaning side to side then start doing little tricks.

Everybody has their own pace. It kind of depends on how much time you put into it.

PM me for more 'boarding tips.

Brand definitely makes a different. Don't get a popwar if you don't want to do high ollies. Haha. There are boards made for specific things.

If you just want to skate around, Sector 9s are abosolute perfection! They're made for just cruzing. And they're about $50 cheaper than a regular board and come complete.

I'm not sure if you can manual on those though. Two really easy tricks are manual (pressing down on the back of the board so you're balancing only on the back trucks) or an ollie. Which is the most basic trick. Although I quit skating before I learned to do one.

But the thing about skating is just experimenting. That's how the skaters got the tricks they have today. Learn about your board and just gow ith itt.

Time depends on how much time you put into it, and help that you get from others. I learned very fast because I have a brother who skates and has been skating for about 5 years. He taught me everything I know now.

I think I'll start again over the summer just like you (just using my bro's Baker board). Haha, maybe we can update each other on our progression XD.

BTW, I'm glad you mentioned Tony Hawk and not Ryan Sheckler, like most girls would. I hate him and his "I want to be a normal teen, but I'm gonna have a tv show" mind set.

I use sector 9s! those are great!
Yeah! They're amazing.

Do you have a long board or a medium in the Sector 9? I like the medium cause i have more control over them

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