Sleep Walk?


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Well-known member
Sep 30, 2008
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Somewhere over the rainbow....
Well, My friend told me that she can sleep walk. I know I can't, because it looks so impossible to be O_O But I think some Tamatalkers can sleep walk, right? Oh, and who can sleep talk? I can a little. But I don't know that. The next day my mother tells me I was babbling on about something. xD

So; Who can sleep walk/talk? ^^

[i saw a topic like this but it's in January.]

Well, I believe if the topic was made in late January, it can still be posted in. I think you get three months, and then after that, it's a bump. I could be wrong though. :|

Although I do not sleep walk, I don't sleep... still. I always wake up with the covers thrown off of my bed. Sometimes I even wake up with my head at the foot of my bed, or on the floor or something. :X

But what I DO do is sleep talk. It can almost be guaranteed, anytime I sleep over somewhere, when I wake up, I get told how I was talking in my sleep. (I'm not big on staying up late - I'm usually the first one out.) Most of what I say is incoherant, though.

I've screamed in my sleep and cried in my sleep quite a few times, too. When I was little, I was at the beach with my Aunt, and we shared a room. She woke me up in the middle of the night, and said I was screaming, and wanted to know if I was alright. O_O

^ Ooh. Nice story. xD When I wake up I'm still at the same place, but my sister rolls to my bed. O_O Sometimes I try to kick her off the bed. xD

Oops. Maybe the other topic could still be posted in O:

No but I fell out of bed once when I was little lol it was a bunk bed too ouch =(. XD I'm goofy. -_-

I've subconsciously got myself out of bed, walked towards the door and fallen a few times. I know this because there have been several occasions where I have woken up on the floor near my door. It seems that on quite a few nights I've been attempting to escape from my room and failed. I guess my klutziness is magnified when I'm asleep. xD Either that or I just got up, slept on the floor all night and can't remember. Idk.

I used to sleep walk. I woke up in random places around the house on most nights.

My brothers all sleep talk. I can't understand most of what they're saying though.

Mm... I sleep walk AND sleep talk. My mom tells me she sometimes finds me going to the door, opening it, walking out to the stairs, then going back to my room O.O. I sometimes talk in my sleep, yes.

I mostly sleep talk, just mumbling random stuff that no-one's ever been able to understand. I've been sleep walking a few times, I once found myself trying to get a can of coke, because my mum asked me what I was doing, then woke me up. I don't really remember it though.

I sleep talk ALOT.

Once, mum told me that I was screaming ''JAMIE! JAIMEEEE! HELP ME! JAMIEEEEEEE!'' all night. I didn't know anyone called Jamie back then.

As for sleep walking, hardly. I'm a very deep sleeper. So I guess that explains it. But, there have been a few occasions where I have sleep walked. I broke a vase once when I was sleep walking and when I woke up, I was laying on the floor bleeding a little. I screamed xP

I sleep talk ALOT.
Once, mum told me that I was screaming ''JAMIE! JAIMEEEE! HELP ME! JAMIEEEEEEE!'' all night. I didn't know anyone called Jamie back then.

As for sleep walking, hardly. I'm a very deep sleeper. So I guess that explains it. But, there have been a few occasions where I have sleep walked. I broke a vase once when I was sleep walking and when I woke up, I was laying on the floor bleeding a little. I screamed xP

Very interesting xD Oh wait! I think I sleep-walked only once when I was little. I walked to the kitchen I think. Weird story X.x

I sleep roll... Once in my grandparents' apartment, I woke up, on a different bed. My mom said i fell onto the hard tile floor, so she just moved me to the other bed...

My cousin sleep talks. One night, I couldn't sleep, so I was walking to my mom's room then suddenly I heard him say, "What are you doing?", I told him I couldn't sleep. Then I asked him about it in the morning, and he didn't remember.

I slept walked a few times a few years ago. I never made it back to my room and once woke up in our old walk in food cupboard.

Dad sleep talks a lot. Its like entertainment stting outside his door with coffee listening to him sleep rant about turkeys and such.

I don't sleep walk- it seems so strange to be able to maneuver around places and hardly be at all conscious.. Sleep walkers are.. amazing. =P

I don't really sleep talk, either. What I do is I grind my teeth so much at night, my molars got chipped and I have to wear a plastic slip at night on my teeth, lol. Plus I heavy breathe, I was at my friend's house and she ditched me for the other bedroom because I sounded like I had 7 pound weights on my chest. :angry:

.. I also have the werdest dreams. But no, I don't sleep walk or talk. =)

I don't sleep walk- it seems so strange to be able to maneuver around places and hardly be at all conscious.. Sleep walkers are.. amazing. =PI don't really sleep talk, either. What I do is I grind my teeth so much at night, my molars got chipped and I have to wear a plastic slip at night on my teeth, lol. Plus I heavy breathe, I was at my friend's house and she ditched me for the other bedroom because I sounded like I had 7 pound weights on my chest. :marumimitchi:

.. I also have the werdest dreams. But no, I don't sleep walk or talk. =)
Yeah...I don't really know how people sleep walk...

This will tell us a bit why we sleep walk. Not really a bit. A lot. xD

Yes I do. In the morning my parents will tell me what I did. I do every month or so.

I think the latest one was that my mom and me were asleep, and my dad was downstairs, on the couch. I slep walked to him and I started yelling at him. Or wait, maybe my mom WAS there... well I can't remember.

This one I will never forget: One night everyone was sleeping and I walked to EVERY single room in the house, even my parents room and turned on ALL of the lights. It was so funny.

Most of the time when I sleep walk, I cop an attitude with my parents or yell at them. Or I'll fall or something. xD

Edit: I do sleep talk. All the time. Even when I am sleeping, without sleep walking, I'll talk and mumble in my sleep.

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Sleepwalking is weird. My cousin sleeptalks all the time. Like once when I was round his house, I woke up at 6am( don't know why, I often wake up early) and my cousin suddenly shouted "WHITE POWER RANGER DON'T WIN, PINK POWER RANGER DON'T WIN.. Snrrrroooore" I got startled.

He has never sleep walked though.

But like a month ago, I woke up..Next to the airing cuboard where we suspect my lost lizards might be (don't worry, thy escape every year and we always get them back) and my mother told me I was shouting something about the lizards. My mother was saying "you were shouting ' DOTTER!!?? WHY ARE YOU GREEN??!!' and I heard someone running, and then a loud BUMP. "

Lol, it was probally me running down the stairs, into the dining room and fell over something. Not suprising. I'm a klutz day and night xD

Once, mum told me that I was screaming ''JAMIE! JAIMEEEE! HELP ME! JAMIEEEEEEE!'' all night. I didn't know anyone called Jamie back then.
My name is Jamie, and we have known each other for some time on here, so it was probably me. Yay!!! I feel special!!!!

Ilovekuchipa555, that article is wwaaay to long. I only read the "Activities" and "Hazards and Safety" bits. The Activities bit is.... Weird.

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