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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2009
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Haven't seen this topic, so yeah.

I don't smoke, ('cause I'm like 12...) but my dad used, but he quit. It's actually really good that he quit because me and my sis have asthma.

Soo... Do you smoke? Do your parents smoke?

*Edit: Theres a typo in the title =\

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I don't smoke, and I don't plan on it. Before the smoking ban, if I even sat in the smoking section of a restaurant, I would get really sick. So I can only imagine how my body would react if inhaled cigeratte smoke directly. :|

However, both my dad and my grandmother smoke. My dad won't smoke in the house, because he believes it sets and bad example and he knows that I get sick. My grandmother and I are very close, and she doesn't smoke inside, either. (My grandmother is also my neighbor.)

I don't smoke. i never will. My dad did, but I told him to stop. I snapped all his cigarettes. He did'nt realy care. So h stoped. I just can't belive Obama smokes. Thats not something a president should do.

I will never smoke. My nana was a nurse and even when she dies she would kill me if I ever smoked. Its the world most disgusting habit and a waste of a life. My mum had never smoked. My dad used to smoke 3 ciggies a day (Limitation!) and never inside but he gave up when me and Jordii were 1 week old.

It smells foul. I choke when ever I walk past smokers. Its sickening. And it just kills you. I caught the guy who has a creepy obsession with me smoking so I slapped him.

I would never date or marry a smoker. Its actually something I would get a divorce over thats how much i'm against it.

I myself do not smoke, and I don't plan on ever starting. I find it utterly repulsive and gross. I can't even stand being around people when they're doing it, let alone do it myself, lol.

My parents used to smoke, but, thank God, they just decided that enough was enough and quit cold turkey. I was so happy. I hated the smell, and couldn't stand the fact that I knew that they were practically killing themselves. It was probably very difficult for them because they had been doing it for years, but they haven't smoked once since they decided to quit. I'm so proud of them! ;)

Nah, I don't smoke and never will.

Neither do my parents. Mum hates smoking. She thinks it ruins you as a person, and I'm pretty sure it does. As for my dad, he never tried and doesn't plan to.

But my grandpa and uncle smoke. They smoke ALOT. Especially my grandpa. He would smoke before and after every meal. Luckily he lives in Russia, and I don't. Although my grandma has been a passive smoker for years, and I'm starting to get worried for her. I asked my grandpa to quit, for me. He said he'll try, but it's very hard.

My mum does. She said she would quit on New Years 2002, but she didn't. Then she kept putting it off and off and now she's just given up and won't make any attempt to stop.

And her buying a pack of smokes a day doesn't help us financially either.

^^ Financially smoking is horrible too!

A friend I had once actually lived in poverty because her mum didn't work and lived off the unemployment pay and smoked 3 packs a day. She was only 40 (The mother) and the smoking had made her look litterally 80. As my mum says "Her face looks like and old boot"

5 people in that house and only $100 a week for food. 5 in our house and its $300 week for food.

Smoking, in my opinion, is the dumbest idea ever invented. :angry: Whoever made it up must have flunked Kindergarten, or have nothing to do with their lives, in my opinion. :angry:

I won't ever smoke, my sis doesn't smoke(she's only in 2nd grade so DUH!), my dad doesn't smoke, but my mom smokes.

Smoking is really repulsive and it eventually kills you.Or at least usually.

Smoking, in my opinion, is the dumbest idea ever invented. :angry: Whoever made it up must have flunked Kindergarten, or have nothing to do with their lives, in my opinion. :angry:
That could be kind of offensive. Please watch what you say. People didn't know what it did to your body hundreds of years ago. Native Americans use it for religious ceremonies and such.

I do not smoke. However, it doesn't really bother me when other people do it. This may seem strange, but I almost like the smell of it. However, once, when I was four, I found my grandparent's cigarette, I took a puff, and threw up on the stairs.

I've been offered cigars and cigarettes many times before, but I always say no. the times I can remember, at the moment: My dad offered me a cigar on the forth of July. The neighborhood boys offered me a pack when it was New Years and we were hanging out in the middle of a deserted street. My grandpa offered me one on Thanksgiving.

Yeah, it's not a big deal here. Most of the adult figures in my life smoke one every holiday. I still won't do it, I don't want to risk getting addicted.

I don't, and neither do my parents. My mom quit smoking when she got pregnant with me. My uncle smokes, though

Carrying on from what FeeBee said before todays science they thought that the warm air it took to your lungs was good for you and doctors used to prescribe cigges. But now its just a yucky habit and we know better.

Second hand smoke is worse than actually smoking it yourself... It's amazing... My friend's mom smokes, so her car smells gross... I had to ride in it once to go to a volleyball game... She told me she used to like the taste of the smoke that comes out of the cigarettes...

I do not smoke. My dad said he quit, but he still smokes outside about a couple of times a week. We came from Europe, so most people there do smoke and most people do not have a problem with it. 0_0

No, I do not smoke.

I think it is a horrible, disgusting and smelly habit.

Neither of my parents smoke either.

I smoke, as do my mom and sister.

If memory serves(it usually doesn't), I think my dad quit smoking when he quit drinking. Not really sure.

As I live with my grandparents, my mom and I don't smoke inside, but we did at our old house in the winter, so long as there was a window open for the smoke to leave.

My sister used to smoke "wacky tobaccy" in our basement, and it didn't make the room smell or anything, but it turned the ceiling yellow.

My Mum smoked 25 cigarettes a day WHILE SHE WAS PREGNANT. She lost her baby, but that still didnt stop her from smoking while she was pregnant again with me. >_> She smoked until she got very sick and died of lung cancer.

My dad still smokes very heavily, His teeth are rotten and he looks older than he should. I hate it. I used to hide their cigarettes and cry whenever they smoked but it didnt stop them.

My mum's last request was for me to promise her that I would never smoke.

I know my dad doesnt want to do it anymore but he's just way too addicted.

My Mum smoked 25 cigarettes a day WHILE SHE WAS PREGNANT. She lost her baby, but that still didnt stop her from smoking while she was pregnant again with me. >_> She smoked until she got very sick and died of lung cancer.My dad still smokes very heavily, His teeth are rotten and he looks older than he should. I hate it. I used to hide their cigarettes and cry whenever they smoked but it didnt stop them.

My mum's last request was for me to promise her that I would never smoke.

I know my dad doesnt want to do it anymore but he's just way too addicted.
Aww, that's terrible D;

My grandparents smoke a good three packs a day, and yet, their still relatively healthy. Stupid rich people. xD

Lung cancer is what killed my dads parents. He was 7 when his mum left then 15 when his dad died (3 days after christmas so christmas isn't such a happy time for us because dad gets all emotional) And he has 2 brothers. If his mums smoking hadn't effected her foetuses he would have had 7 brothers and sisters. His mum was told that my Daddy wasn't even going to live 24 hours and now its his 50th this year! What a survivor. So yeah. Smoking has really screwed up my dads childhood and emotional balance.

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