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Well-known member
Dec 17, 2005
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Me and my best friend suddenly developed an obsession with smoothies. Everytime we go to one certain restaurant, we get smoothies instead of pop or juice and today we couldn't stop making smoothies and we only stopped because we were forced to. T.T

Here are the smoothies we made:

Banana Explosion:

*About half a tray of ice cubes

*Half a banana

*10 cherries

*1 apple

*6 chunks of watermelon

*About 2 tablespoons of lemon juice

*1 teaspoon of sugar

*A tiny squirt of chocolate syrup

It has many different ingredients but it still has that banana flavor. Although I am not so fond of the banana-ish aftertaste but I still love it.

Sour Surprise:

*5 ice cubes

*5 chunks of watermelon

*4 tablespoons of lemon juice

*1 apple

*1 teaspoon of sugar

*2 squirts of chocolate syrup

*6 cherries

*1 cup of 100% Pure Orange Juice

The double amount of lemon juice gives it a surprisingly sour flabor. Not too sour though.

The chocolate syrup is untasteable but we put it in just for fun.

We also have a special ingredient that we add just to make our recipe unreproductible. Gives it that special taste.

My mommy makes yummy smoothies. x3

The sour smoothie actualy sounds pretty good. I might try to make one tommaro.

D: I don't know a single person that walks the earth and hates smoothies. How can you hate their fruity goodness? Even my guy friend who hates fruit drinks them.

D: I don't know a single person that walks the earth and hates smoothies. How can you hate their fruity goodness? Even my guy friend who hates fruit drinks them.
OMG, then should I stop walking? I hate them so much. They make me throw up in my mouth. T_T

OMG, then should I stop walking? I hate them so much. They make me throw up in my mouth. T_T
But... Fruity goodness! It's calling you! D: Well, if you don't like smoothies, you at least like a slurpie or something like that, right?

I've never met anyone who dosen't like smoothies. My favourite flavour is banana-strawberry. You gotta love the pink and yellow mixed,Off Topic: My sister calls it ''Banana Rama'' and shes only four. She must have been looking at my moms' old cds. Lol

I've never met anyone who dosen't like smoothies. My favourite flavour is banana-strawberry. You gotta love the pink and yellow mixed,Off Topic: My sister calls it ''Banana Rama'' and shes only four. She must have been looking at my moms' old cds. Lol
I like the banana ones as well. I can't remember what the banana smoothie I had a while ago had mixed with it..hmm :gozarutchi:

I've never met anyone who dosen't like smoothies. My favourite flavour is banana-strawberry. You gotta love the pink and yellow mixed,Off Topic: My sister calls it ''Banana Rama'' and shes only four. She must have been looking at my moms' old cds. Lol
Oh I get it! Banana Rama!! Ha Ha!! I like banana - raspberry.

Mmm...I do love slurpees. And smoothies. But if I had to choose between one or the other, I be thinking until I die. XD Me and Melisa are planning to make a whole book (not a very long one) full of smoothie recipes. Oh, and the sour one is really good. Although I wouldn't suggest drowning most of the ingredients in lemon juice. That made it a teensy bit too sour.

I'll get back to you whenever I next go to Melly's and we get to use the blender. I have a blender too but it's sort of...not alive. I kind of killed it but I blame it on the crappyness of the blender and not on myself. XD

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