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Lol, I remember once when my sister and I were on a walk with my mom and we found a little dead snake in the road, so we picked it up and brought it to the house and put it on my dad's face while he was sleeping. ^^

We get a lot of goose, turkey, other odd birds, deer, snakes, skunks and raccoons out here. Once at my grandparents', I was on their ghetto swing (a rope tied to the tree with a knot on the end and the lid of a huge ice cream tub as the seat.. so much fun, though ;3) there was a scorpion right under it and I had to jump off. e.e

I'm bad at dealing with wild animals. :I Once there was a lizard which I thought was a snake in my backyard. I started poking it with a long stick and it twitched. I ran into the house to tell my brother he then tried to touch it but then it ran away real fast and I freaked. xD

Also at school there was a bob cat loose. I didn't see it, but yeah it was on the news and I saw the lunch lady on T.V. x3

Hmm once my dad had to kill this poisonous snake in our backyard. I found a creepy snake once, it was black/red/white, and I started messing with it, and it tried to bite me, but luckily it missed.
OMG it could be the coral snake or the milk snake! The coral snake is very poisonous. And the milk snake looks almost like the coral snake, but it isn't poisonous. So be careful :]

^^You more than likely broke the poor chicken's bones just because it was doing it's natural thing. We all know it is cruel to kick a dog or cat, but birds are MUCH more fragile, so it hurts them even worse. Not a very decent thing to do.

I find snakes, turtles, toads, opossums, rabbits, giant spiders, bugs of all kinds, etc. around my house. I live in the country, so I have grown up expecting to find wild animals every time I go outside. In fact, I look for them because I love our local wildlife. ;)

I rescued a baby Black Rat Snake from a group of boys kicking at it in the road last fall. Something scared it out of it's winter den, and he was too cold to find a new place to live. I brought him inside for the winter...and now he is eating and growing and makes a great pet and educational animal! :p

We have quail, doves, ducks, squirrels, bunnies, mice, and an occasional stray cat in my back yard. Once in a while, we get about 13 ducks in our backyard at once because our pool isn't working anymore. :)

My next door neighbor found a squirrel with an injured tail last summer. She would bring it over to my house once in a while and I could pet it and hold it. She even put a little bandage on his leg to act as a sling, and we raised him until he could run again. :(

whenever any animal is up close to me, I get a little scared. I love to hear stories about saving wildlife and cute little animals but I get kind of creeped out when they are near me. but after a while I begin to get to know them and we have a great time xD :)

We New Zealanders are pathetic. We have no wild snakes and if you want to see on theres google or the Zoo.

The spiders can't do anything but bite you.

We have no scorpians.

No cute fluffy squirells.

A possum if i'm lucky or see one dead as road kill.


The most interesting encounter with an animal was when I have had was either when I met the llama at Orana Park or when the feral cat tried to eat me [Thats where I got my attractive eyelid scar from]

Yes. Darn NZ wildlife being so placid.

I was walking to the gas station to get some chips with my friends, and then out of no where this big bird just swooped out of the tree and flew over our heads. It was friggin scary.

Oh and there was this time there was a big pile of rats right outside of my door and I asked my mom if I could keep one. Haha you could probably guess what her answer was.

We have tons of wild animals here where I live O: I've seen scorpions and tarantulas here in my backyard. But in other places I've seen squirrels, roadrunners, snakes, deer, and I've seen a bear's footprint. o.o

EDIT: I forgot to say that I also saw a fox once when I went hiking. I love foxes. :]

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There are buzzards circling over my house right now. I tell you, those things are creepy. I'm afraid to go outside now XD The food chain has officially suffered a blow.
Once, when I was a kid, I saw some buzzards flying around my house(which is a daily occurrence), and I had a wise idea. I laid down on my back in my backyard for a VERY long time to try to fool the buzzards into thinking I was dead so they would come closer. I was fascinated with them. Still am.

After I laid there for some time peeking through nearly-closed eyes, 3 buzzards actually started circling really low right above me. I loved looking at them...until my Mom freaked out thinking they would "peck out my eyes" and made me get up. ;) Success!! :)

I see alot of deer, squirrels, turkey, birds and sometimes bear

One time I saw an possum.. I was like 8. I screamed and ran into the house. I though it was an armadillo from Mexico xD (I was watching Nickelodeon earlier and I saw an armadillo on TV) I saw another and threw an apple at it (Near it, no I didn't hit it or anything. I was trying to get it away from my house.)

Then my cat, Lucky, was looking out of the big glass door. A Hawk (I'm not 100% sure. All I know is that it was a BIG bird) tried to catch her. It hit the glass and got knocked out. I think it died.

I found a dead slow-worm on the sidewalk.. And where I live there are a lot of red squirrels, I see them often.

and I spotted a TV repairman with my binouculars.. does that count as a wild animal?

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Dude. Today, me and Bleekey were at the park, and a bee flew into his half-empty soda, so we covered the top with a napkin and shook it up. Then, I got in line to throw it away, and I peeked in, and it wasn't dead yet. So, I stood there for fifteen minutes, staring into the can, screaming, "OH MY GOD! IT'S ALIVE! IT'S ALIIIVE!" and getting many odd stares. Then Bleekey came and we threw the can over the chain mail fence into the lake. We learned how to properly dispose of a bee today.

I live in the UK, there's nothing freaky here.

But I do have a holiday home in the US. Every night bears, wild boar and alligators used to tip the bins in search of food. There were also way too many racoons and squirrels around. There's possums too. I did actually spot a young black bear one night, walking across a road...and I once saw an alligator in the lake in a park. I'm going again this winter, I hope to see some more of the bears....

One night I went in the backyard because I heard something. Now my neighborhood isn't snake infested, nor do we have possums, badgers, or none of that.

So I looked across the yard on the other side of the pool and see this FREAKING SCARY SNAKE LIKE FACE. It was most likely a cat, but it was SCARY, the shape of the head that was visible make it look like a snake or an owl! I ran back inside though.

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