Sneaking Your Tama Into School


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Have you ever sneaked your Tama into school before?

  • Yeah, loads!

    Votes: 35 61.4%
  • Yes, quite often.

    Votes: 6 10.5%
  • Yep.

    Votes: 5 8.8%
  • Not very much.

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Quite rarely.

    Votes: 2 3.5%
  • No.

    Votes: 8 14.0%

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Dolphin Girl

Well-known member
Nov 23, 2010
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I've sneaked my V4 in LOADS, and I never got caught because of a simple routine I worked out and memorized. Here it is:

When you get to school: Check it at the cloakroom/locker while hanging up/putting away your stuff.

Morning Break Time: Check it in the playground when no-one is looking.

Lunch Time: Check it in the playground when no-one is looking.

After Lunch: Check it at the cloakroom/locker while hanging up/putting away your coat.

Afternoon Check: Ask to go to the loo and check on it there.

Hope this routine helps!

You should only use the loo excuse at max twice per week or your teacher may think something's up. > w o

And the teachers at my school don't know what they're looking for, so I just turn the sound off, put it in my pocket and rustle it and secretly look when the teacher isn't looking. I also have 2 really, really, laid back teachers that don't pay attention because they have so many kids in their class, so I can just leave it on my desk openly. X]

Good luck, though!

P.S. Tamago's are a big harder to hide. o w o

I have different teachers so every time it changes to a new teacher, I ask to go to the loo. So I can ask about 3 times a day without anyone getting suspicious :D

You should only use the loo excuse at max twice per week or your teacher may think something's up. > w o

And the teachers at my school don't know what they're looking for, so I just turn the sound off, put it in my pocket and rustle it and secretly look when the teacher isn't looking. I also have 2 really, really, laid back teachers that don't pay attention because they have so many kids in their class, so I can just leave it on my desk openly. X]

Good luck, though!

P.S. Tamago's are a big harder to hide. o w o
Good tips for a more popluar person, but I'm the least popular in the school and the other kids sitting around me would definitely tell :( . And we don't have our very own desks, four people sit at each desk in my school. (You see, I'm still in 6th Grade!)

I sneak my tama into school almost EVERYday, here's how I do it...

1. get a jacket with deep zipper pockets.

2. slip the tama into your pocket.

3. zip the pocket.

4. when you get a bathroom break, check on it.

5. make sure you have the sound off.

6. your teacher wont know if you have it or not so you can check it in class if the teacher isn't looking.

6. your teacher wont know if you have it or not so you can check it in class if the teacher isn't looking.
The other kids are looking, and in junior school, 99% of them are complete TELL-TALES!

These are really great tips! My homeroom teacher is so mean though... if she found out I brought a tama to school she would probably smash it... Im not kidding!

Well, I'm in high school, and I just recently started playing with mine again. :p Since a lot of people in high school bring their cell phones and simply play with them during class, I have some better ideas. ^.^;

If you have a uniform (like I do), simply just put it between your knees! Do not do anything other than check it. If the teachers are very stringent about these things, simply pause it, put it in your pocket, and play with it at lunch time (NOT in the cafeteria! I got yelled at a few days ago because I was using a cell phone - trying to take a picture - and I didn't even know then! So I got off easy, but it might not be that simple next time. I'm sure gonna have to be careful! I suggest that you are, too), if you can. Or, of course, if you take a bus (I don't) check it two times during the day, maybe between classes, and then also on the bus!

Be careful, though, because high school kids are stupid and might think you're childish. I suggest you hide it, if you don't want to get teased!

I always bring my tamagotchi to school and it is not much of a problem since most of the kids in my class are really mellow about other kids sneaking gadgets to school because everyone brings thier games and phones to school. They might ask to see it though which could be a problem because the teacher might take the tamagotchi away from you so here are some tips that could prevent it

-Ask your teacher to go to the bathroom and check your tamagotchi in there but only do this about two times a week

-Do not bring your tamagotchi out during classes,The best times to bring your tama out is during lunch,recess,afterschool,and before school

-ALWAYS feed your tama before school so the chance of them dying throughout the day is less likely

-If you use a lunchbox to bring your lunch to school put your tamagotchi in the lunchbox and play with it in the lunchbox during lunch

-When you have to get something out your backpack check on your tamagotchi but be quick about it

-Remember how many times you have to press a button on your tama to get to a certain command so this way you can care for it without looking

Haha, I remember all this secret Tamagotchi business in high school xD

I used to pop them in my pencil case, so when I was fiddling with them, it looked like I was getting a pencil or something :p My peers had no beef with it, I just said it's something to fiddle with during boring lessons.

Now I'm in collage, I just keep it in my pocket, and take a quick look every now and again. If I need to sort it I can, collage is awesome :p

I'm in high school and yeah I bring my Music Star to school loads. I keep it in my pocket and check on it at interval and lunch time. I also check it under my desk every now and then in class. I try to keep it hidden from other students because like I said I'm in high school and I'd get teased. I'll probably leave my Tama-Go at home because it's big and it would be harder to hide. The Music Star is smaller and I can easily put it in my skirt pocket (which is what I do) and no-one will see it =) (The skirt is part of my uniform.)

Put the tama in your glove and put the glove in your pocket. That way, if it falls out it will be in a glove.

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why don't you just leave it on pause?
People don't like to put their Tamagotchi's on pause, and it makes their Tamagotchi's take longer to age and grow.

I don't bring my Tamagotchi's to school, and I don't pause them. I set the clock to midnight and let them sleep till when I get home. That way they still grow and they don't loose hungry and happy hearts.

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Well.. I was just gonna get a chibi to bring and leave my others with my bro. But since he broke his, and he got a Pipotchi, I do not trust him. So I am now trying to get my mum a tamagotchi (She had one when she as a teen) so she'll care for mine. ell, the ones I can't sneak.

*At Kitteh: that sound like A good idea, like I would get my mum one, but she doesnt even have a job yet so it would probably die...*

What I do is I Put it in my desk and just check on it during switching classes and when we are getting up to get something, also when we Finish our work we can sit around the room to read *im in 5th* And I get a BIG FAT book and sit in the corner of the room, then stand it up on my lap so it looks like im reading but im playing with my tama. :D

If anyone has a binder just prop the binder up on a really tall book in ur desk and play it in there. Or u could just slump down really low in your chair.( with a coat on) and play it in the little dark space you just made by slumping down. If the teacher tells you to sit up just put the tama deep in ur desk and pull yourself up. Note: This only works with cubby-hole desks.

Hmm... What I would do if I had a smaller tamagotchi (I have a tamago :( ):

I DO have a pencil pouch, and could probably use that. Nobody really cares if I have a tamagotchi: they'd all either squeal at how cute and tiny it is, or roll their eyes and look the other way. My second period teacher is really lax in a way, he doesn't take away your electronics if you have them out, he just tells you to put them away. I always pass notes with my friend and he doesn't even notice. And we sit right in front of him. So I would check it here.

Third period, my teacher is really... old and she always picks on the louder kids and doesn't mess with 'civilians' like me. I would put it between my legs and mess around with it.

I would check it again at lunch (fifth).

Then again in seventh, and on the bus home. :)

But I have a tama-go, so.. :C most won't work because it's larger than an egg.

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