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I just sneezed. XP

Mine are kinda normal volume, and if I don't wanna make a lot of noise, I can sneeze to where you can barely hear it.

But when I sneeze, my head goes forward. I've rammed my head into something infront of me before... Not exactly fun. xD It's like, "Agh-- CHU. -head snaps forward-"


Mine are normal at first, but really highpitched at the end...


XD I just sneezed

Haha, my real sneezes are sometimes really weird like eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeCHEW!!! but mostly they're quiet.

What's funny is that I'm famous for my fake sneezing skills. And my fake sneezes sound more real than my real ones lol

You know what's hilarious? I sneezed. 4 seconds later...BAM! Sneezing topic. I was like XDDDD no way.

Loud when I let them out. Usually I just blow cheek bubbles and that helps prevent them.

But, they're kind of loud.

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