Snow Storm! =D Snow Day!


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Active member
Mar 1, 2009
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Queens, New York, United States
The northern east part of the states got hit with a bit of a snow storm.

I live in New York. The City, Queens is my borough, so it's a pain when it snows.

8-9" of snow O.O *faints*

Snow Day =33

I'm currently sick with an illness anyway so I wasn't going to school today or tomorrow. I've been home for the past 2 weeks -.- I miss my friends O.O and i got a lot of makeup homework to do...which I probably won't do... :D

I snowed up to about 1' in other areas and I think 14" was the highest.

Anyone live over here? (not just in NYC but other states up in the northeast?) :)

I hated it. D:< It was on a MONDAY! [Also known as, Band Day.]

Too many days off of Thursday [band day.].... WHY MONDAY?!


I live in NJ, and we got snow. Like 5 inches? Srsly. -.-"

lol, where I live in Canada it snowed 31 cm on Friday. (whch is 12.2 inches) we got the day off, too. We've had about 4 snow days do far this year. :D

I got a whole foot of the white stuff. =D Snow day for me~~ (which was good cause I didn't do my homework, lol.)

I'm on the East Coast, but this has been my first snowday in 4 years. o_O


Feebee, A month ago I had 3 feet of it. =D
Dx Dammit. Here, it's eighty degrees. Actually, I think it's around sixty now, because it's night time. But yeah. The coldest weather I've ever been in was like, thirty degrees. When I spent Christmas in Wisconsin. And it didn't even snow. Once, here, there was some ice in the road, and I got to miss school. That's 'bout the best I got.

Dx Dammit. Here, it's eighty degrees. Actually, I think it's around sixty now, because it's night time. But yeah. The coldest weather I've ever been in was like, thirty degrees. When I spent Christmas in Wisconsin. And it didn't even snow. Once, here, there was some ice in the road, and I got to miss school. That's 'bout the best I got.
Hmm...on 2006 it snowed. [When I was at Texas.] I still remember that I built a tiny snowman. It was really small. That time it didn't snow that much. I was in Katy. [ :) Makes me miss the old times...]

Hmm...on 2006 it snowed. [When I was at Texas.] I still remember that I built a tiny snowman. It was really small. That time it didn't snow that much. I was in Katy. [ :) Makes me miss the old times...]
:0 I heard about that. It snowed in a few places. Like, Amarillo, I think. And apparently Katy. I wonder when I'll see snow.

I'd rather not say my state, but in my state, we get TONS of snow every year. It's normal actually, because everyone skiis a lot here. When it snows a few FEET we don't even get a Snow Day, because its so normal -.- I wish we did get Snow Days though...

This term our school has had, like, four snow days. Seriously. Snow is a gift from God to all us students who would otherwise be sitting in some pointless lesson bored out of our minds. Yesterday was a snow, day actually. I spent it with my best friend forever being spazzes at our local mall. She's so awesome, but only I had the guts to run screaming through an expensive jewelry store. All eyes were on me. xD


I never had snow in my place. [Not in America lol] Hmm...But I went to some places in America that had tons of snow. I ish getting mad. I want snow! I've seen snow when I was 3 years old x.x And that's all. I miss it....

Edit; OMG I just forgot that I've seen snow when I was in Texas! xDDD I was posting about it a second ago. That was when I was 9 xD

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