Snowing? No way!


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Jan 2, 2008
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Its snowing! I cant believe it though. It hasnt snowed like a week after christmas! Its amazing.... :D

Do you live in England aswell? =D I ust looked out the window and saw it! My cat has been chasing snowballs! Lol!

Happy snow day! <3 Even though it's the holidays! =3

Snow! You guys are lucky! It is 15 dergrees F where I am but amazingly dry.

Do you live in England aswell? =D I ust looked out the window and saw it! My cat has been chasing snowballs! Lol!Happy snow day! <3 Even though it's the holidays! =3
I know! I wish it was thick though. The snow is really light.

I hope it settles. My kitty would love it. =)

Where do you live Em.N.Em lover?

Yeah, it's all to do with Global Warming, 3 years ago I built an Igloo, my cat slep in it! LOL, my grandad helped me in the freezing cold which I thought as really nice, ever had a snowball fight? LOL, we have them at school when it snows! =D

Same. We had it against the boys and there was more boys and us girls won!

I can tell you don't live in Canada xD We've been getting loads and loads of snow since about November.

You guys are lucky, we get in huge trouble for throwing snowballs D: I hit someone in the head with one when I was like 10 meters away from him xD

I can tell you don't live in Canada xD We've been getting loads and loads of snow since about November.
You guys are lucky, we get in huge trouble for throwing snowballs D: I hit someone in the head with one when I was like 10 meters away from him xD
Ahaha, we aren't aloud to do it, but we do it anyway. :D

The teachers don't care, as long as sombody doesn't mae an ice-ball.

It gtes to rough for the teachers to interfere. xD;

TP: Wow, 55 degrees!? It'll be around like, -3 degrees when we go back on monday. D:

I can tell you don't live in Canada xD We've been getting loads and loads of snow since about November.
You guys are lucky, we get in huge trouble for throwing snowballs D: I hit someone in the head with one when I was like 10 meters away from him xD
Mmhmm! But were starting to get less. <.>

And contrary to popular belief, Canucks do NOT snowshoe to school, nor do we all know haw to play hockey! lol!

Our country isn't the arctic, we actually have 30 degree celious summers occasionally.

lol~~ K--Canuck

I live in England, and it snowed a little then stopped. :rolleyes:
Same here, you must live kinda near me. I live in the South-East, you?

But it was really light snow, then stopped in around 15 minutes. :)


Snow for New Years day, it's crazy. The cars are piled, but I havent been out of the house for a few days, as much as I like the cold, I am nt a snowball person. Although, I will occasionally throw one... xD The teachers yell at you if you THINK about throwing a snowball. :[ but I guess I will live, I hope. xD

Hi guys its me Rocken Sisters but at my friends house. It was snowing but not now.

We had snow at about 3:00 A.M. the other night and it stuck, but it melted by morning. Plus it wouldn't have been deep enough to do anything with, it was just a layer of snow.

There was about 25 cms of snow coming recently. I feel pretty sorry for those who didn't get snow. Some climates are not supposed to get that type of weather :(

But for those who have snow- in January, its coming, its really coming!

And contrary to popular belief, Canucks do NOT snowshoe to school, nor do we all know haw to play hockey! lol!Our country isn't the arctic, we actually have 30 degree celious summers occasionally.

lol~~ K--Canuck
I wear boots to school xD I know how to play hockey, but my friend can't skate worth a crap xD

Summers in Ontario can get pretty warm somedays. One year, we had a heatwave and I had to play baseball in 30 degree weather o.o'

I can tell you don't live in Canada xD We've been getting loads and loads of snow since about November.
You guys are lucky, we get in huge trouble for throwing snowballs D: I hit someone in the head with one when I was like 10 meters away from him xD
I know. 0.o

We had a snowstorm with 2 metres of it here in Ontario, we were snowed in. We have been twice since November!

We get a windchill of like, 30 degrees sometimes. At least once each winter.

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