So embarrassed!


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[SIZE=13pt]@.@'...Umm, I don't really blame that teacher for saying that to you.[/SIZE]

You shouldn't be wearing a mini-skirt at school. :/ Regardless of how cute it is! x3


And how would anyone else know that you got sent home because of what you were wearing?

No one else knew anyway? So it'll be alright!


Besides, at my school there are always kids at my school getting sent home because of what they wear. They don't usually get embarrassed though...They always complain about it instead. @_@'




@.@' Besides, you can still look sexy without having to wear mini-skirts or anything to reveling! x3

Remember your still in elementary school.

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I don't understand why a 6th grade teacher would say your outfit it "sexy"

That just doesn't make sense to me. It sounded perfectly appropriate too.

But change your clothes and go back to school. It'll be fine. Trust me. ;)

I've been o ut of school for a good number of years, but I do remember what it felt like to be sent home for pushing the limits with clothes. I was sent home twice in 5th grade, once for wearing a mini skirt, once for wearing a shirt that showed a tiny sliver of midriff when I raised my arms. Hey, the Spice Girls were popular back then, and everyone called me Ginger Spice, so I tried my best to look the part. xD xD It was inappropriate for my age, and I can't blame the teachers for getting mad at me. But, I never got embarassed at the time. I knew that what I wore might cause an issue, so I just had to accept it.

Again I was sent home in 7th grade for wearing a low-cut v-neck shirt. Tyhe thing that really ticked me off about that was the fact that I was NOT showing any cleavage in that was nowhere near that low.....but when I leaned over to get a drink from the fountain my friend/neighbor(a boy) decided to try to sneak a peek down my neckline. He was like 5'10''...of course he can see down there when he standing next to me if he tries!! It wasn't my fault at all...but I got sent home and HE didn't get in trouble for it at all. He didn't live that down with me for awhile. ;)

DON'T get rid of your outfit! Here's what you should do:

*Wear the tank top with jeans, p ants, bermuda shorts, or a longer (knee length)skirt. That would look gorgeous. AND, to fix the low neckline, layer a different thin strappy/tank top under it. A blue, green, red, fuschia pink, or yellow shirt would look fabulous.

*Wear the skirt over some leggings or non see-through tights. Black would look great, or to make it look edgy/punky, pick a bold solid color. Express has awesome tights made just for this purpose.

*Don't worry about the shoes, they would look good with anything.

*Just try these ideas. I can picture how they would look and I think you will really love it and feel SO much more comfortable!!

School is almost over. Why care?? No one seemed to pay much attention anyway. That teacher was probably just a door.

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At Sweet Kandi: Our school wants us to do that fingertip thing too. :3 But we got to a public school, so no uniforms.

At Sweet Kandi: Our school wants us to do that fingertip thing too. :3 But we got to a public school, so no uniforms.
Same here. The cooler the girl thinks she is, the skimpier her clothes are.

Thats who it works at my school. @_@

That outfit sounds really cute!! That teacher overreacted. I can imagine her doing that because well, let's think, Black tank's not so bad, Skirt would be ok, shoes ok. You should have told her somethng like,"Everyone else said it's fine so I'm wearing it"(I know it sounds snappy but that's the way you gotta be sometimes.)
Some teachers just like to see kids get in trouble. Next time you see her say,"I would appreciate it if you woud let my mom make the decision as to what I wear to school." It takes a lot of courage to say that, but I did it one time.

Ignore what people say. They don't control your life. The only that makes them stop is to tell them that.

As for being embarrassed, it happens to everyone. Live your school life the way you want to. I'm sure it would have impressed your crush. Stand up for yourself.

Hope this helped, it took 45 minutes to think up!

The outfit sounds adorable! And the teacher said it was sexy? Sounds like a compliment to me ^-^ Maybe he/she is just jealouse beause he/she couldn't afford such a cute outfit, or let alone look good in it!

Like ML5 said, tell them that what you wear is up to your parents, and not up to the school. How you dress in nothing they should worry about. Unless.. you come in wearing nothing. But I really doubt you're stupid enough to do that.

You don't need to worry. Some teachers are just complete dimwits! :rolleyes:

Like my brother Thomas had his hair made into dreadlocks last summer. (You know, the kind of hair that are like ropes that some African-Americans wear) And Thomas has blonde hair. And on the first day back, the headmaster had him suspended from school until he got rid of them. He said it was to 'wild' for the school!


What an idiot my headmaster is! He tries to make the school so posh because it used to be a grammar school and it was opened by Queen Elizabeth I of England in 1585. He's made stupid rules and everything!


Anyway, you don't need to worry. That so-called 'teacher' was just being stupid. And if anyone bugs you because of that, remind them that the teacher thinks she's so posh and stylish when she's not!

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Same here. The cooler the girl thinks she is, the skimpier her clothes are.
Thats who it works at my school. @_@

I hate it when girls wear super short shorts, even if they are skinny(I'm not skinny, so no offence to anybody. ) and yes, i mean the short shorts, I wouldn't like them on myself or anybody.

The skirt IS really un modest! but I like the shoes and tank top

First of all, I love your username. It's adorable.

Secondly, why would you be trying to get his attention using clothes if he doesn't particularly care in the first place? To me, a guy will pay attention to you if you grab his heartstrings, laugh at his jokes and show interest in what he's all about. Try getting to know him more, then ask him out on a date. If he likes you the same way chances are he won't reject you.

The outfit is really cute, but that skirt is far too short for a girl as young as you to wear. Don't dress to impress. Like SK said, if you have to dress that way to impress a guy, he's not worth it.

Next time, to be sure if what you're wearing is appropriate, look at yourself in the mirror. Can you see cleavage and underwear? Hold your arms down your sides flat. If your skirt comes above your fingertips, it's too short.

And so what if the preps wear shorts so short they can be called denim underwear? It looks trashy to go to school practically wearing only your undergarments.

Wear something modest but cute. Buy a cute pair of jeans that makes your bottom look cute [my mom always tells me that XD] or makes your legs look pretty and shapely and a t-shirt with your favorite band on it or a cute pattern, like polkadots or stripes.

Always remember you don't have to dress trashy and 'maturely' to dress cutely and modestly. ;D

I don't think the outfit was that inappropriate.

Although a teacher saying its too "sexy"? Wow...

Our school doesnt really agree with the fingertip thing because some peoples fingertips go down to about their knees

while other people's go down to like halfway down their butt. xD Our teacher made us imagine him wearing short shorts. not pretty

I think whats really disturbing to see is like really short shorts or mini mini skirts or shirts with that much cleavage. Wow these are just the 7th graders... o_O

Over $250!??? ;)

Coming to school like that was a tiny bit over the top, but you could've reported and done something to the teacher for saying those things to you, that was just saying too much.

Don't be to down, no one's not going to think bad about you. But i'm stuck on the $250 you spent for a outfit. People usually dress like that at my school.. Except if you wore a sleeve shirt you wouldn't got in trouble.. At my school if you were real skinny or small they wouldn't even care..

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[SIZE=7pt]Everyone is giving great advice ^-^[/SIZE]

I think that the skirt, was adorable.

But for school? Hmm..

Maybe not modest enough.

When I have a skirt that's too short to wear, I put black leggings underneath.

And heels for school may be a little too uncomfortable.

Great for special events, but school's just a place to learn.

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