So Lucky


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Dolphin Girl

Well-known member
Nov 23, 2010
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I just AM NOT ALLOWED TO BE A TAMA-COLLECTOR!! My parents won't let me have more than 5 Tamas at a time, or let me play them much! I just wanted to say:


I have about 10 or so.. maybe more or less, I haven't actually messed with them in a while.. so I guess you could say I'm lucky. haha

Just curious, but why aren't you allowed to collect them (More than 5) or play with them very often? Just one of those rules that you don't know the reason for?

Thats a shame. Make a list for ones to buy in the future. Then when its your money, people can't tell you no. I've got a good chunk of mine because I bought them myself.

You can always try to get people into them. Then atleast they will understand why you like them so much.

If it makes you feel better, many people only have one and that will be the only one they will have. So be greatful you have what you have.

My parents are cool with it. Tamagotchi is my hobby, my break from school. Otherwise I wouldn't have anything, just study :( . I have a couple of friends too, but I don't see them much.

I have about 10 or so.. maybe more or less, I haven't actually messed with them in a while.. so I guess you could say I'm lucky. haha

Just curious, but why aren't you allowed to collect them (More than 5) or play with them very often? Just one of those rules that you don't know the reason for?
My mom says Tamagotchis are addictive not educational small screens you should read instead...etc. She'd never buy many for me, and I spend all my money on monthly Moshi Monsters Membership. So I really can't get any more. I'm dreading the day when my mom will throw them all away because I like them so much, and ban TamaTalk, TamaTown and my Tamagotchi Log.

^ That sucks! Poor Dolphin Girl. I think that you should be free to like what you like, and collect what you collect!! Tamagotchis are worthwhile, fun, and they teach you responsibility. (Although mind you, my parents are cool with them, cos I'm a complete Daddy's girl and he lets me have whatever, same with my Mum. :) It's cool.) But I think that that's completely unfair- poor Dolphin Girl.

I'd say that having 5 Tamagotchis is already something! A collection is a group of similar objects kept together, right? You're already there. :) When you make your own money, you will have the choice to spend it (hopefully responsibly ;) ) as you wish.

I'm dreading the day when my mom will throw them all away because I like them so much, and ban TamaTalk, TamaTown and my Tamagotchi Log.

Do you believe she will really do that? Throwing away your kids toys is just evil. I remember my mom doing a bit of that with me. That is just unforgivable.

How about relatives? Grandparents? Hitting them up for gifts?

I'd think that if you proudly displayed a collection, your parents might understand that they mean something to you.

Yeah, like Mothra said, why don't you ask relatives for a tamagotchi or more as a christmas gift?

If you really want one, why don't you save, like go without a month of membership on Moshi Monsters, try getting an older model which would be pretty cheap.

I certainly hope your mother doesn't ever try to throw your Tamagotchis away. I agree with Mothra--that's just plain mean. Parents mean well, but throwing something of their child's away that could mean more to them than they could ever know... that's something I would never do, and I hope your mother doesn't do it, either.

Five is a start. I mean, yes, indeed, the more the merrier, but that you have any at all is great, right? I remember when I only had that many and was thrilled with just that small number--proud of it, even. Just my old P2, Tamagotchi Ocean, and Tamagotchi Angel, and my new V4 and V4.5. It's quality over quantity, remember. You can have a lot of fun with just a few. I know I did.


I'm proud of my collection of 9...soon to be 10 :)

5's a collection, just small and select, buy more on the sly when your older!

I'd say that having 5 Tamagotchis is already something! A collection is a group of similar objects kept together, right? You're already there. :) When you make your own money, you will have the choice to spend it (hopefully responsibly ;) ) as you wish.
I unfortunately am not yet old enough to make my own money, unless wherever you live 10-year-olds work!

Yeah, like Mothra said, why don't you ask relatives for a tamagotchi or more as a christmas gift?
I did say that I love electronic gadgets, especially Tamas, but my parents do not appreciate it and just bought me books and craft stuff for Christmas. It's Christmas day here!

But I did manage to persuade them to let me spend my pocket money on a Tama-Go, and I really want a new V3 to replace my old one.

I have found that MY MOM IS NOT GUILTY! It's actually my BROTHER who's causing all the trouble. HE'S the one who broke my Music Star. HE'S the one who stole my V4. HE'S the one who lost my V3! I'm gonna take the V4 back, but the Music Star and V3 truly are gone, because my mom threw them out. But my brother is NOT the real culprit in the sudden Tama-hating going on in my family, because he has a small collection himself. But thanks everyone, I'll hope to get Tamas for my birthday, and maybe I'll give up Moshi Monsters.

Thats good! Hope you love your characters the tama's grow up to be and get a bigger collection soon! ;)

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