So Unaddicted to Tamagotchis


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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2007
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This is what is on My Mind: Addiction with Tamagotchis -

Ok, I know some of us aren't addicted to tamagotchis anymore. Nothing much in tamagotchi life interests you. If you have any ideas that could help other people stay addicted to tamagotchi, please post them.

You could post events of your own, Imagination of some sort or just make up something fabulous, what ever is on your mind.

I had an idea that actually kept be addicted for some time. I called it

''Tamagotchi Taxes''

I was starting to make Tamagotchis more realistic.

This is how mine worked:

Version: 4

How to Pay: Where you donated to the king you would donate $[?] of money for everytime you bought an item at the tamagotchi shop.

I had a list of prices. If the prices were higher ↑ you pay more taxes. If the prices were lower ↓ you would pay less taxes. [iF YOU WOULD LIKE THE CHART PM ME]

So if you have something to keep your tamagotchi fun and exiting POST IT Just give us the information!

~TP~ you want to know a tip or hint to get you addicted again?

There are lots of ways you could do this.Sometimes,I take a break from tamagotchis and then I play with them again and they are loads more fun! you could buy a new version...that could get you interested.Why not try some of the older versions?

You could also wait until a new tamagotchi comes out.Thats what I did with my V4 and when the V4.5 came out I loved it!

This is what is on My Mind: Addiction with Tamagotchis -
Ok, I know some of us aren't addicted to tamagotchis anymore. Nothing much in tamagotchi life interests you. If you have any ideas that could help other people stay addicted to tamagotchi, please post them.

You could post events of your own, Imagination of some sort or just make up something fabulous, what ever is on your mind.

I had an idea that actually kept be addicted for some time. I called it

''Tamagotchi Taxes''

I was starting to make Tamagotchis more realistic.

This is how mine worked:

Version: 4

How to Pay: Where you donated to the king you would donate $[?] of money for everytime you bought an item at the tamagotchi shop.

I had a list of prices. If the prices were higher ↑ you pay more taxes. If the prices were lower ↓ you would pay less taxes. [iF YOU WOULD LIKE THE CHART PM ME]

So if you have something to keep your tamagotchi fun and exiting POST IT Just give us the information!

Thats cool!

Unfortanatley i cant do that because i have the v5

I really want a v4.5 though!

For my v5 schedule i try to play one of the games one or two times a day.

And i try to keep the hearts all the way up(well duh)but i mean i try to keep them from

going allllll the way down

[SIZE=8pt]My addiction for Tamagotchis is like a light switch; sometimes it's on, and sometimes it's off, though most of the time I stay addicted. ^^[/SIZE]

I just recently bought the v5 and I'm completely in love with it. I love my family on there to bits, and I've started playing with my old v1 again. Plus, my friend is going to send me my v4 that I left up at her house a year or so ago. xD

I find that it helps to not just play with one single tamagotchi, and instead collect multiple of them like I do. Personally, I wouldn't have to many that my head was about ready to explode from constantly having to take care of them, but maybe three or four will keep you entertained if they're different versions. :]

Your like me like a light switch!

I am thinking of getting av.5, I wonder if it is good enough to get :/

:blink: When I was in sixth grade Virtual Pets were the thing to have... My mom would never buy batteries for them and I didn't get allowance so after a while I couldn't play with them anymore... Pokemon came around and I got really into that (gots me teh Blue, Ruby, and teh Pearl) ... I love taking care of cute little make-believe animals... I name all my electronics and pretend they have minds of their own.... :)

Now I'm 22 (I know most of you are all around 13) and I got back into them again because my co-worker's kid asked me to babysit his V4 for a couple days... I had so much fun that I did some research and bought a royal V5 off of ebay... (I haven't gotten it yet :angry: ) I think I am addicted again... and all it took was to play with one again! :furawatchi: :blink:

(that sounded sappy didn't it?) :p

Amazing story :furawatchi:

I hope to get into them again! I was going to get the V.5 and I might get it this weekend.

heehee Good point lol.

Well everyone gets bored of tamagotchis some point. I want to get back into them and so far I am up the meter into getting addicted again :(


6/10 I am getting there =D

lolz just listening to u guys saying ur addicted is making me addicted to my tamas, sadly im not cuz the batteries are dead ^^" i left them on pause becuz of this assignment i had to do then i was so busy i had to time for them....oook, all

i need r batteries...

so how can i get addicted again!????

but i have an idea for people who want to get addicted again,

make a little house out of carboard and make a little home, for example, if they go to the toilet,

put them in the toilt area, if they go to sleep put them in their bed (make a bed for them ^^) if they are

taking a bath...put them in a bath area. ect ect ect!!!!

all i did was a make a bed in a little carboard house hehe

it was SOOO CUTE

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