sob.. I miss my dad!


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Tama paridise

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2005
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I miss my dad so much!!! My dad works with the marines in Iraq like the people on the news say a lot about it! I am not going to see him for half a year!!!! If there is anything you would like to say to me to make me feel better please go ahead! :lol: :huh: :( :mimitchi: :mimitchi: Just please domt say anything that will make me feel worse! :huh: :) :)

i'm sorry i hope he comes back safe and sound it is so rude how no 1 replies! but i am here 4 u pm me if you need ne thing :lol:

Oh, I'm sorry. But just remember, he's fighting for the good of your country. :lol: I hope your dad is ok, and I'll be praying for him. :huh:

Aw, I'm sprry to hear that. I hope your dad is allright.

i hope time passes faster so your dad can come home. sorry to hear that he's not with you.

My Dad goes to alberta to work and he doesn't come home for 4-7 months

i hope he gets home soon. i know how it dad has his own bisnes and has to stay realy late. sometimes i feel like hes not ther.your dad is in my prayers(sory for the speling erors.i shye my finger in the door.) :hitodetchi: :angry: :mametchi: :pochitchi: :gozarutchi:

My dad works in China. He comes back every three monthes for two weeks. Unfortunatly he won't be here for Christmas :mametchi: :kuribotchi: ....

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