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Society? As in a whole or more specificly the media?

Ok, well I'll talk about media v.s. looks;

It's sad how you just 'have' to look a certain way or you're not 'cool' or 'hott'. It drives men and women alike to hurt themsleves- mentaly and physicaly. People just want to look like those on the magazines- which even the model doesn't look like!

Society? As in a whole or more specificly the media?
Ok, well I'll talk about media v.s. looks;

It's sad how you just 'have' to look a certain way or you're not 'cool' or 'hott'. It drives men and women alike to hurt themsleves- mentaly and physicaly. People just want to look like those on the magazines- which even the model doesn't look like!
I agree.

x.x Not much more I can add to my opinion then what she wrote........

Protip: no one wants to make out with someone who doesn't care about themselves.

Sure, being fat can be caused by genetics, but it can still be mostly avoided by exercise and good nutrition. Me, personally, am slightly overweight but I am working to get rid of that.

As for society? Society sucks, especially teenagers. ugh, thanks alot myspace and cell phones.

I hate how superficial society is... I don't need to look like a supermodel to be happy! Anyway, a lot of models are anorexic or bulimic. sp? Who wants to look up to that?! :| Another thing is that we are causing global warming. Any of you see the inconvienent truth? Woa! Scary man... B)


I hate how some childrens movies have to be "politacaly correct." Like, Shark Tale. For heaven sakes It is about a shark who wants to be a dolphin and his dad should just "accept him." What happend to bugs bunny and mickey mouse????!!!

Hm, one thing I'd like to add....

How come girls in todays society try and cover up who they really are with makeup and fake personality? Not all girls, but 7/10 times this is what happens to girls. To try and 'fit in' or 'impress boys/peers' they cover up who they are with fake personality and makeup. How come we can't be who we really are anymore?

yeah! I hate make-up. I don't know why.

~~~~~~~~~MY OPINION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~

I know I hate Makeup too! My friends yesterday were like hey why don't you wear makeup to me and I said "Well makeup is just a mask it covers your real beauty, and I would rather have people see my real beauty then a mask any day" I have know clue why girls think they need makeup it is just a stupid product that sucks up your pores and to me makes you look even worse. I have never wore makeup and plan never too

There are so many good and bad things in society.


Everyones said what I was going to say though x.x

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~~~~~~~~~MY OPINION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~
I know I hate Makeup too! My friends yesterday were like hey why don't you wear makeup to me and I said "Well makeup is just a mask it covers your real beauty, and I would rather have people see my real beauty then a mask any day" I have know clue why girls think they need makeup it is just a stupid product that sucks up your pores and to me makes you look even worse. I have never wore makeup and plan never too
I know it's you opinion and I totaly respect that but I would like to add something. ;]

Make-up isn't ALL bad. It's only as bad as you make it. If you add a little to make your features more noticible or enhance those features, what's wrong with that? Now, if you just sop your face in it just 'because everyone else is' or other reasons like that, then there's a problem. ;]

Yeah, todays Society actually sickens me.

Both the media and the public.


Media- So many shows now a days are so sick and cruel. (Like Saw 1, 2 and 3)

Not to mention in some shows like "Friends", don't get me wrong its

a good, funny show. But the main characters in the show just have

sexual intercourse like its nothing, then just dump the person they

had sex with the next day...-__- Things like that doesn't help teens

know whats wrong and right.


Public- Where did all the smart people go? You don't find to many bright

people these days. Lol Common sense is as common as much

people think it is. So many perverts, drop outs, drugged up people...

Think a little WILL YEAH! -__-""


Darn emo's! Get a life and stop being depressed and cutting your self!



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Gug, thanks to drugs- the internet- and new Technology the society has plumented to the ground! People care about how they look, but others don't. Boys want girls who care about their looks, while others just want girls for who they are not what they have. Thanks Modern Day Techonology :)

Gug, thanks to drugs- the internet- and new Technology the society has plumented to the ground! People care about how they look, but others don't. Boys want girls who care about their looks, while others just want girls for who they are not what they have. Thanks Modern Day Techonology :(
: D Dont we live in a box of lies that we've filled for ourself?

You're enclosed minded. Not everyone asts that way and technology is not to blame for how peoples personalities turn out.


People have always been bad- murder, rape, stealing, abusing- there's nothing new under the sun.

Nothing has changed from the last hundreds of years- people have just gotten better technology to help them with which doubles with people who try to cetch those people having the same technology. ;]

Society has gotten worse and worse.

I hate today's world. <.<

: D Dont we live in a box of lies that we've filled for ourself? You're enclosed minded. Not everyone asts that way and technology is not to blame for how peoples personalities turn out.

Hey I am just telling my opinion! Drugs like Crack and Pot have made the city were I live bad -.- Cell Phones arent that bad. But just dont tell me I lie when you dont even know what the City is like Downtown

: D Dont we live in a box of lies that we've filled for ourself? You're enclosed minded. Not everyone asts that way and technology is not to blame for how peoples personalities turn out.

Please be respectful of others opinions.

Society as a whole is good. People are still just as willing to help someone out now as they were 100 years ago.

I agree with Anime Girl's take on the media. Shows like friends show very bad values with the characters bouncing around from mate to mate and jumping in to bed way too fast.

The intelligent people are out there, you just have to find them. :rolleyes: I have lived in so many places. I am out in the country now. People out here have loser morals in general than what I have seen in the cities. Not getting married and having a bunch of kids with different people. Gross. I guess you see that in the cities too..

You have to decide for yourself what the right thing is for your life and do the best with that as you can.

I ditched people who drank alcohol or did drugs of any kind. Who needs that around? Real friends would never expose you to that.

When you get out of school, you will find things are better. The cliques are gone and things aren't so uppity and tight. You will have a good laugh about it at the first reunion.

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