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YEAH! Like oh my gosh!
The parents always say: "Use them in case of an Emergency"

But the kids never do...>.o Like you said, they just play

games on them and text each other in class! =o lol
I think if a kid is responsible enough and appriciates what is given to him or her, I think then he/she is alright for a cell phone.

Sometimes things like that can happen, or if your stuck somewhere and need a drive or something like that, it's good to have them.

I agree that kids shouldn't be forced to go to pre-school, because I didn't go and I was fine in kindergarden.

I went to Kindergarden, never to Pre-school. My mom didn't want me to send me to pre-school.

I never was babysat, however.. I was watched by my dad... *shudders*

I was always happy with what I got in life.

I went to Kindergarden, never to Pre-school. My mom didn't want me to send me to pre-school.
I never was babysat, however.. I was watched by my dad... *shudders*

I was always happy with what I got in life.
Don't mind me being nosy but why didn't you like being watched by your dad?

And I was happy with what I got too, I appriciatte everything I have and even the extra stuff too.

Also I find when people don't say please and thank you is very rude, or calling someone fat when there walking down the sidewalk or something like that.

Anyways, now society is pretty bad.

Yes, they won't say anythig 'naughty' because they know they will get punished if they do. And they don't like the punishment, so therefore, they don't do anything. Beating your children senseless for nothing is wrong. Disciplining them isn't. Why do you think so many kids at your school always say "I'm grounded." If they get 'grounded' so often, then they can't be learning anything from it.
The generation before us was disciplined by our parents, and they have invented many new things and have done great things to help the world. If you smack your child, you won't turn them into a social reject who is afraid to say one word. If you abuse your child, then yes, that might happen.

Being physically disciplined and being abused are completely different things. The government just makes it sound like they're the same thing. It's not that bad to get hit when you do something wrong.

I never learn anything from getting 'grounded' or something of the sort. Most children learn from physical things. They won't learn not to touch the fire unless they get burned.
Yeah, I agree...a few smacks on the rump would set 'em right. But, let's say, twisting their arms till they beg for mercy is different.

But I think that kids don't really think about what's gonna happen to them if they're naughty...

^___^ Because swearing is prohibited on tamatalk. mimitchis_rock13579 probably meant to use stronger swear words then "hell."
Yeah, much stronger, like the f-word, both the p-words, both the d-words, you get the idea.

Well I'll say what I think but a little more appropriate words for TamaTalk -

Society is crap. The bigoted media makes girls as young as 6 or 7 be pretentous, spoiled mini Paris Hiltons from the Bratz dolls they play with, and make them think that looks are everything. Appearance is everything they think. That's while intellectualism, courage, and kindness are looked down upon.

Also, society consists of constantly making minorities feel bad. White, straight Christians have commonly made rude comments about Blacks, Jews, and Gays/Lesbians just because they're different.

So is society good for that? Cliques in school, hatred just for mere differences, and shallow-ness? HECK NO!

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Also, society consists of constantly making minorities feel bad. White, straight Christians have commonly made rude comments about Blacks, Jews, and Gays/Lesbians just because they're different.
Actually, it annoys me much more when Minorities use the fact that they're a minority to take advantage of others. What you are mentioning RARELY happens these days.

Actually, it annoys me much more when Minorities use the fact that they're a minority to take advantage of others. What you are mentioning RARELY happens these days.
That reminds me. Some kids at my science table were talking a few days ago about how they wished they were black. They said it was so they could use the excuse that they were being 'discriminated' against if the police ever tryed to pick them up. It's actually true. If a white person trys to kill a random white person on the streets, they'll get punished for assault. If a white person trys to kill a gay or black on the streets, they'll get punished for a hate-crime.

Society? As in a whole or more specificly the media?
Ok, well I'll talk about media v.s. looks;

It's sad how you just 'have' to look a certain way or you're not 'cool' or 'hott'. It drives men and women alike to hurt themsleves- mentaly and physicaly. People just want to look like those on the magazines- which even the model doesn't look like!
Although some people are prepared to go over the top; obsessed with their image, I think the media is alright. :) It's best to be happy with what you have and wear clothes that you think look nice & feel comfortable in, even if magazines say it's uncool.

I think the modern generation is getting too... sensitive. You can't say a word of constructive critism or comment on anything without someone taking it the wrong way. Smoking, drugs, drinking and general law-breaking is getting more common by the second, and that can't be good. Every other kid has a mobile phone and seventy-two different ways to play their favourite music while watching TV at the same time, I think it is getting too out of control. Crime is not unusual and many people are frightened, even more so by the abduction of Madeline McCann. The modern age is just getting too out of control.

I hate how superficial society is... I don't need to look like a supermodel to be happy! Anyway, a lot of models are anorexic or bulimic. sp? Who wants to look up to that?! :| Another thing is that we are causing global warming. Any of you see the inconvienent truth? Woa! Scary man... :huh:
Very True

I know....all my friends have really expensive ones and we're all only ten or nine. Shame. WHY DO THEY NEED THEM? I mean, all they do is play games or send texts saying stuff like "hi"
My friend says she needs it in case she gets kidnapped. This is ridiculous because:

1. Its never gonna happen

2. Why would someone want to kidnap her?

3. She always drives everywhere, so no chance.

Not that ur friend needs a expensive cell, but kids do get stolen alot these days

Not that ur friend needs a expensive cell, but kids do get stolen alot these days
A cellphone is a useful item, but no who want cellphones in case they get kidnapped probably just want it for their own devices.

Yeah child abduction is a very serious problem in North America that I agree with. However there are ways to get out of a kidnap without a cellphone like kicking, screaming, running away, and in case of getting caught and put in the trunk, kick one of the back lights out and stick your leg out of it so someone sees it.

I honestly believe this person who NEEDS this cellphone for their own safety needs to either relax and learn the buddy system when in unfamiliar territory (don't walk alone anywhere!) or stop making exuses to get a cellphone. I would not be shocked if I used that ploy on my mom years ago when I wanted a phone like that. It didn't happen :eek:

I think that our society is a mess. At least in the U.S. I can go on and on about politics, but I'll try to moderate myself ;D

I hate the politics here. I've met a lot of VERY Conservative people, and I really don't like them that much. There are a few aspects of being Conservative or Liberal. You can talk about fiscal opinions, military opinions, etc. Usually Conservatives want a big military, which I think is great, but we shouldn't be spending all of our money on it because that basically means we're expecting wars or we're about to start one. Conservatives are usually a bit less open-minded and intolerant.

Liberals (I am a very big Liberal!!) usually want a smaller army, are more open about other races and religions, etc. That doesn't mean that ALL LIBERALS are like that and that ALL CONSERVATIVES are like that.

Democrats are Liberal and Republicans are Conservative.

If you want to talk about society like the PEOPLE, then I think it's a mess. I'm open to immigration, but I think that immigrants should at least learn to speak English if they're moving to America. I would also like it if they came in legally, but... :/

I also hate the media. Most of the models are skinny and tall. It leaves an image in peoples' minds that that's what people should look like. Though there are plus-size models, they're only used for plus-size clothing, not normal clothing. People come in all shapes and sizes, but the media twists that quite a bit.

I also HATE celebrities. I don't care about what Lindsay Lohan is doing at parties. I don't care about when Paris Hilton is getting out of jail, though I do think that it's ridiculous that she almost got preferential treatment for a RASH (or a "mystery illness"). I really don't like celebrities that have their own T.V. shows. They're not about anything! Sure, Hilary Duff is going on tour, great. We don't need her complaining about it. And I'm going to say it... I DON'T LIKE HANNAH MONTANA!! There, now you all know xP

A lot of people are still racist. It's hard to be a different race. It's hard to be a legal immigrant, too. A lot of people just assume that you jumped the border or something. When I was little I said I wanted to grow up and be African American. I wish everyone was like a little kid and didn't know the difference between a Caucasian and an African American because there is none.


It really needs some help. :\ People don't care about other people enough anymore. Look what happened to that pregnant woman and her poor baby girl. :( How do people do such sickening things like that. Have they no conscense?

I HATE how model industry believes that there are only skinny people in the world. Many models have eating disorders to keep the ugly skinny look. There's this store at my mall by the name of Forever 21 that sells nothing but skinny clothes, every time I walk past it I wish it would burn down or something. Magazines also don't help with the image of weight gain. Please, we aren't all meant to be the same. I myself am overweight at 230 lb. but I have the view I'm big and beautiful, don't like it then go shove it somewhere very uncomfortable (resisting urge to type something else. Fight the urge PockyGirl, fight it

o(><)o ). If I weighed 113 lb. I would look anoxic for my body type. My normal weight range would be 130 to 150 lb. Did you know overweight people suffer from discrimination just for how they look. People are more willing to help out skinny people then they are a fat person. Seen it on TV once, they had a person go out in a fat suit into a city, then as herself without the fat suit. Just because someone is fat doesn't mean they shove food down their throats 24 hours a day! (Please I would make myself sick if I did that!)

Overweight women get called fat chicks and treated like something to used as a doormat. Trust me I know from personal experiences, they realize soon enough that I don't myself be pushed around. Its like society has the idea, "Oh don't worry their just a fat person, they don't have feelings" You know WHAT society GET over your FAT phobia, its a part of life, deal with it!

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