Soldier throwing puppy off a cliff.


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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2007
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I just saw it and I have to say, that's probably the most crueliest things I've ever seen in my life.


If you guys haven't seen it, it's US soldier with a puppy in his hands and he basically throws it off the cliff for fun. I don't think those videos are allowed on here so I won't put it up.


So I'm just asking, what are your opinions of that?


Sorry if this doesn't belong here, or if there's another topic like this.

I heard of that. It's awful. I haven't seen the video yet, but it's still very awful.

I've just seen the video.Seriously,man.What kind of Marine soldier is THAT?
I know!! He makes America look bad. He needs to get a life and think about if that happened to him! It's so sad to hear that poor thing cry. He CAN NOT just throw that puppy over the cliff like that! It's not a football or a pillow! It's very hurtful to see that jerk do that!

[[ I said that stuff in the comments. I really let my feelings out there. ]]

~ iSkye!

PS. I'm practiaclly crying!! ;__;

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I know! There's also videos of soldiers blowing up an innocent dog walking by and then laughing at it and other videos of soldiers teasing Iraqui kids. That's just horrible

I know! There's also videos of soldiers blowing up an innocent dog walking by and then laughing at it and other videos of soldiers teasing Iraqui kids. That's just horrible
That is rude and unkind. What is the video called?

I saw that video. There are like 3 videos just about blowing up those poor dogs. AND I think they actually KILLED a dog, like you can see them kill it, in a video. I saw a video picture that had a dead dog with blood surrounding it!! I couldn't bare to watch it. It's just cruel, and I hate it.

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That soldier is a disgrace to America, our troops, and Mankind. Who could do such a thing. It disgusts me...

That sounds horrible. It's a total violation of animal rights. Yes, animals have rights.

I'm not going to see that video. I would cry.

I never saw the video and I was actually unaware what he did with the puppy. All I saw on the news was that he was holding one.

That's ridiculous though x.x

I may not be a 'zomgsavetehaminals' person, but that's just disgusting.

THATS HORRIBLE!!! what do u type into utube to get the actual clip? I also found one where theyre scraing this tiny puppy by yelling in its face and i think it had a hurt leg coz it was stumbling away. So sad to think of the fact that these are the people that we look up to, the people that are protecting us. Instead of helping Iraq SOME soldiers are hurting them. This video will not make me lose respect for all our soldeirs but i sure did lose respect for some of them that I dont want representing our country

Aww poor puppy!!! T.T

It makes the world think America's a bad country when it's not...much. What ever happened to animal rights? Those soldiers who kill animals should be roasted on a spit.

That sounds really, really cruel of that soldier to do that.

People like that make me sick.

I feel bad for the poor dog. :[

How dreadful.

I saw the video.

He picks it up by the scruff of the neck and throws.

It turns upside down in the air.

And barks the whole time.

And they laugh.

I found the guys Bebo page. Yes, really.

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